I don’t care about Mitt Romney’s big house in La Jolla or his plans to make it much bigger and install a car elevator. He has 18 grandkids, so he needs a lot of space, including for cars. I get that. However, I can’t get with a man who does stuff like this:
Mr. Romney and his wife take regular walks around La Jolla, exchanging pleasantries with fellow strollers and occasionally enforcing the law. A young man in town recalled that Mr. Romney confronted him as he smoked marijuana and drank on the beach last summer, demanding that he stop.
The issue appears to be a recurring nuisance for the Romneys. Mr. Quint, who lives on the waterfront near Mr. Romney, said that a police officer had asked him, on a weekend when the candidate was in town, to report any pot smoking on the beach. The officer explained to him that “your neighbors have complained,” Mr. Quint recalled. “He was pretty clear that it was the Romneys.”
I used to live in Venice Beach, which is a grittier lower-class beach community. But you don’t go up to somebody smoking a joint at the beach and scold them. It’s part of the culture. If any ordinary citizen complained to the cops about someone smoking weed on the beach, they’d be laughed out of town. I mean, if it were on Romney’s property, that would be different.
I agree with his gay neighbor, Randy Clark, who said, “It’s odd that this is where Romney picked a place — it’s so progressive.” Go live somewhere where people aren’t living the beach life. This is Southern California, for chrissakes.
Not only that, but in California it’s now equivalent to a parking ticket, thanks to the former Republican governor / former Southern California beach body builder who definitely inhaled. I wonder if Romney also combs the neighborhood for cars that are parked at expired meters.
Apparently, he has a history of playing cop.
“Phillip Maxwell, a prep school buddy, told the New Republic in 2008 that Romney had pulled over students from a girls school next door to Cranbrook while wearing a police uniform as a prank. “
That’s pretty disturbing. Most guys you hear about doing that usually are looking for forced sex from the women they pull over… also known as rape.
You do realize that Mittens is a Mormon, and a Mormom bishop at that, right? Meaning, he’s the same religion as Big Red(aka Andy Reid .. the head coach of the Iggles)!! And you do know that drinking booze is against the law .. well Mormon law .. as is drinking anything with caffeine? There are plenty of other rules, though I don’t know them all. And as your brother(?) says below .. if he was willing to go up to strangers in Paris and try and convert them .. then pestering kids on the beach is nothing .. besides .. La Jolla is the SD area .. which as you know .. SD is relatively rare for a bigger city .. a lot more GOPer than one would normally think
Yes, Calvin, I am aware that Mitt Romney is a Mormon and has been a religious leader within his faith. That is no excuse for hassling strangers on the beach and siccing the cops on them.
So why are you surprised? I’m just pointing out that Romney is just like any other Con. He just has some extra rules he’s PO’ed about.
He’s willing to wear a white short sleeve shirt and black tie and walk up to countless French people he doesn’t know and tell them that God lives on a distant planet, the planet KOLOB. It’s located in the constellation Cancer, sector 2813.
If he’s willing to do that he is willing to be whatever ass he can think of.
I wonder if the neighbors will consider the constant traffic a president generates before they vote.
Thank goodness the Romneys only exchange pleasantries with the right people, and ask the police to deal with the riffraff.
After Bush/Cheney, I foolishly thought the republicans couldn’t find a more despicable character. Oh silly me!
I’ve lost track of how many wealthy republicans have moved here because they just loved the rural ambiance, then began showing up at county commissioner meetings to loudly and obnoxiously proclaim how we’re doing things all wrong. One of my stock rejoinders (<left unsaid> “well I’m just a poor old country boy, but) didn’t you notice the road was unpaved before you bought the property?”
“Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush’s record for medical-marijuana busts. “There’s no question that Obama’s the worst president on medical marijuana,” says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project.”
NORML says:
So, how can the “The feds [be] busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws”?
The Feds aren’t busting people who cultivate their own marijuana for personal use.
That’s NORML speaking, not me. They say that the Feds only bust large scale growers and distributors. Your source is a moron.
The dispensaries are being systematically shut down.
Here’s a letter the DOJ sent explaining why dispensaries are being closed in Colorado if they operate near schools.
And here’s an explanation of the California policy:
Or you can look at the Ogden and Cole memos for help understanding why Obama may seem like he’s going back on a promise. It was never envisioned that municipalities would encourage huge growing warehouses. Nor did they expect an explosion of dispensaries.
Personally, I think they should legalize pot for everybody and that people should generally avoid smoking it.
But your facts are all screwed up.
You just wouldn’t call the cops on them?
what would I do?
If I were president and I had a Congress unwilling to change the law, I’d ask the FDA and HHS to look at possibly rescheduling Marijuana as a Schedule 3 or possibly Schedule 4 drug.
That would change how the DEA and DOJ deal with it.
For example, Tylenol with Codeine is a Scehdule 3 and Xanax is a Schedule 4.
The president can’t make that medical determination himself or order others to do it for him, but he can start a process that has a high likelihood of being successful.
As it stands, the president tried taking a hands off approach to these dispensaries by basically letting it be known that the DOJ had bigger fish to fry. And then everyone just went nuts opening these things up everywhere and using them to sell drugs to anyone. It’s a classic case of giving an inch and people taking a mile.
The Ogden memo is mentioned in the Rolling Stone article–as is the Obama administration’s abandonment of it in favor of a standard similar to that of George W. Bush’s administration.
“It was never envisioned that municipalities would encourage huge growing warehouses.” So?
And a lot of those dispensaries are non-profits, yet the Obama justice department accuses them of running a drug ring. That’s preposterous.
How can the feds bust growers who operate in full compliance with state laws? Simple. From the Cole memo: “State laws or local ordinances are not a defense to civil enforcement of federal law with respect to such conduct, including enforcement of the CSA.”
“The Feds aren’t busting people who cultivate their own marijuana for personal use.” But they are closing down dispensaries that comply with local laws. Why should people have to grow their own medicine? That standard isn’t applied to any other prescribed treatment that I know of.
“Your source is a moron…your facts are all screwed up.” Wrong and wrong. Nothing you’ve said even disagrees with what I posted. You just think it’s no big deal.
Obama said he would leave this issue to the states, but is now trampling on people who do things according to their state’s law. Shameful
It’s illegal under California law. You seem to not understand that.
I wouldn’t confuse the typical beach culture of SoCal with progressive politics.
Also, La Jolla has a lot of big money conservatives. Although the university’s presence has altered the area’s demographics in the past 50 years, it was La Jolla that fought tooth and nail against the placement of UCSD in this part of San Diego because residents believed it would bring Jews to the neighborhood.
Knowing some of the faculty there, they were right – there are Jews at UCSD. Kvit kvetching, and gnash a kisch.
If he wanted a Mormon beach, he should have bought Great Salt Lake waterfront property. Probably really pisses him off that he and his rich buds can’t own their personal CA beach — might be one of those things on his “to do list” when his buds buy him a lease on the White House.
Michigan is big on private beachfront. Maybe he can get CA taken over by managers who will restrict beach access