It’s one thing to be stupid or paranoid, but it’s quite another to have no journalistic standards whatsoever. That’s what the National Review is demonstrating by publishing Victor Davis Hanson’s nonsense. Here he is, discussing Obama’s recent decision to not to deport kids who would be covered under the proposed DREAM Act if it were to pass into law.
Politically, Obama calculates that some polls showing the current likely Hispanic support for him in the high 50s or low 60s would not provide enough of a margin in critical states such as Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado, or perhaps also in Florida and Virginia, to counteract the growing slippage of the independent vote and the energy of the clinger/tea-party activists. Thus, what was not legal or advisable in 2009, 2010, or 2011, suddenly has become critical in mid-2012. No doubt free green cards will quickly lead to citizenship and a million new voters. Will it work politically?
How will the president’s announced policy lead to a million new voters? Let’s start with what the president said in the Rose Garden immediately before he was rudely interrupted by one of Tucker Carlson’s thugs:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Effective immediately, the Department of Homeland Security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people. Over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization.
Now, let’s be clear — this is not amnesty, this is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It’s not a permanent fix. This is a temporary stopgap measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people.
Then consider that the Department of Homeland Security said the following in their press release: “The use of prosecutorial discretion confers no substantive right, immigration status, or pathway to citizenship. Only the Congress, acting through its legislative authority, can confer these rights.”
If you are confused about what this policy change means, here’s a helpful FAQ. The bottom line is that the new policy does only two things. It creates a strictly-defined category of individuals who can go through a formal process that will allow most of them to gain peace of mind that they will not be deported for a two-year period, and that allows them to apply for work authorization (a green card, or the equivalent). There is nothing in the new policy that puts them on a path to citizenship or that would in any way allow them to vote. To suggest otherwise is pure dishonesty. It’s understandable that people might be suspicious or paranoid about the motives or likely outcome of this policy change, but it is up to the editors at the National Review to make sure that they don’t publish blatant falsehoods. They failed that test.
I don’t even have to open today’s local rag to find it there, prominently placed at the top of page O-3. Under the banner “Historian”, a bald faced liar. Newt, as a “Historian” is merely woefully uninformed… doesn’t know what it is talking about. Hanson is merely a bald face lair, and it knows it.
Yes, “it”. It is less than human.
This is the very first time that The National Review failed the journalistic standards test?
Which part of the Lewis Powell memo did you miss?
There is no journalism on the right. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. It is all roughly or finely honed propaganda. You are complaining about the propaganda standards, not the journalistic standards. They’ve gone from telling half truths (classical propaganda) to outright lies.
The information content has really deteriorated when we seem nostalgic for spin.
Yeah, Boo, you made me laugh:
“…it is up to the editors at the National Review to make sure that they don’t publish blatant falsehoods. They failed that test.”
The Review has published so many blatant falsehoods which support GOP talking points that it is clear to me that their editors consider it their job to publish these lies.
I’d agree that anyone who cares to hold their head high as upstanding members of the journalistic community should meet your test. NR simply doesn’t care about your stinking test and haven’t for years, perhaps decades.
This severly damages the public’s ability to conduct well-informed discussions and make well-informed votes. NR, Fox News, etc. could give a fuck about our wish to have a healthy democracy. Delegitimizing their many enemies, then defeating them by any means necessary, are their only meaningful priorities.
Good time to factor in the fact that the DreamAct passed the House and had 51 votes in the Senate.
Will it work politically? Obama must assume lots of things: that all Hispanics vote as a block in favoring exempting more illegal aliens from the law, and are without worry that the high unemployment rate hits their community among the hardest; that black voters, stung by his gay-marriage stance, will not resent what may be seen as de facto amnesty, possibly endangering his tiny (and slipping) lead in places like Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
No, Mr. David, what Obama has to assume is that paranoid xenophobes like yourself will crank up the crazy to 11, so that minorities and white people of good conscience will be repelled by the barely-concealed white nationalism of modern conservatism.
So far, things seem to be off to a good start.
All U.S. media is “pure dishonesty,” Booman. The National Review is just pure dishonesty that you do not swallow.
Remember Judith Miller, The New York Times and the runup to the Iraq War?
A revisionist translation:
Here’s what you have wrong here.
It is not up to the media to “make sure that they don’t publish blatant falsehoods.” It is the media’s job to publish blatant falsehoods that support whatever section of the Permanent Government that lies within their particular field of responsibility. When the entire PermaGov decides that something is supposed to happen, they all fall in line. When there is disagreement…whether of the scam variety (“Keep ’em guessing and confused.”) or realpolitik policy disagreements…each “side” publishes its own blatant falsehoods until whichever Big Lie becomes The Big Truth by dint of how much money is spent promulgating it.
Obama was elected…as have been almost all of the previous presidents since Eisenhower…by The Big Lie.
It rapidly became apparent that there was something else in the works.
And here we are today, “debating” over the lesser of two evils.
Check out my sig, please.
And wake the fuck up.
Headlines from the Leveson Inquiry. Can’t be more clear what Newsmax and Fox are all about: screw the people!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
There is a reason he’s called Victor Davis Handjob. And it has nothing to do, as far as I know, for any love he might have for Caligula.
Hanson is a racist.
And, the President just put the onus back into the court of the Latino community, forcing them answer a question:
what part of you thinks that a President Willard Romney would continue this policy?