Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made an appearance yesterday on Fox New Sunday. The host, Chris Wallace, pressed him repeatedly to explain what the Republicans would do for the 30 million Americans who will lose their access to health care insurance if the Republicans repeal the American Care Act. McConnell hemmed and hawed, before flatly asserting that the 30 million uninsured “are not the issue.” Greg Sargent covers it here:
Pressed by Chris Wallace to say what he would do to insure the 30 million people who will get insurance under Obamacare, McConnell at first dodged the question, instead launching into a litany of complaints about the law. He repeated the debunked claim that it would cut $500 billion from Medicare. Asked the question again by Wallace, McConnell actually laughed, and said he’d “get to it in a minute,” before claiming the best thing we can do for the health system overall is to get rid of the law and all of its “cuts” to health providers. He labeled Obamacare a “monstrosity” and vowed that there would not be a “2,700 page” Republican reform bill.
Asked a third time how Republicans would insure those 30 million people, McConnell said: “That is not the issue. The question is how you can go step by step to improve the American health care system.”
It seems to me that this is a pretty good corollary of how the Republicans explain the salutary effects of massive tax cuts for the most affluent. Just replace every “uninsured American” with a hundred bucks of deficit. The argument goes something like this:
“How is Mitt Romney (or Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush) going to pay for these massive tax cuts that experts say will add $900 billion to the deficit in 2015 alone?
“Well, the Democrats spend too much money. And we’ll repeal ObamaCare, revamp Medicare, and close some tax loopholes.”
“But that won’t save you more than $500 billion. At current projections, Romney would still run a $1.5 trillion deficit in 2015, and as far as the eye can see.”
“(Laughs) Well, I’ll get that to in a minute. The most important thing is to free up the job creators by letting them keep more of their money and getting the government off their back with all these regulations.”
“Running $1.5 trillion in annual deficits isn’t exactly solving the debt problem. And doing it by slashing Medicare benefits while giving a $250,000 annual tax break to millionaires strikes most people as unfair.”
“Those projections don’t take into account the magic of increased economic growth. You can’t believe those projections. Once we free up the economy for growth, the deficits will come down.”
“That didn’t happen under Reagan and it didn’t happen under Bush. It’s not what the experts say will happen. They say these policies will hurt programs for the poor and elderly while massively increasing the debt.”
“The poor and the elderly are not the issue.”
Or, in Mitt Romney’s words, “I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it.”
But Romney will fix it by voucherizing Medicare which would create savings for the government by reducing benefits for the elderly.
What a tangled web you weave when first you practice to deceive.
In Romney’ case, it’s very easy to lie when you’ve been brought up a member of a cult that is based entirely on lies.
“golden platters”. What a crock of shit.
So, what’s McConnell’s excuse then?
isn’t he living in major denial about himself? makes it difficult to see reality in other areas.
it’s easy to lie when you’ve spent your entire adult life pretending you’re not a homosexual.
On the ACA, the 30 million are not the issue because Republican governors will do everything they can to see that nothing is implemented in their states.
On the poor and elderly, the Democratic leadership of the all-powerful Senate Finance Committee and Senate Budget Committee have not been to interested in the poor and the elderly. It is they who pushed for Bowles-Simpson and they who continue to push of Le Grand Bargain.
It will not be politically popular to forego Medicaid funding. After the initial burst of ideological furor wears off, even Republican governors will want the money so that they can balance their budgets.
As for the Simpson-Bowles, it would at least eat significantly into the deficit and debt. Romney’s plan would just make it worse.
Case in point:
Mr. Columbia Health Systems is going to go to the mat on this one. (His sorry ass should be sitting in a jail cell instead of in the Governor’s office.)
He’s a one-term governor if I’ve ever seen one.
Let us hope so.
The SC decision has really left the Republicans on the wrong side of the issue, just as I’ve been saying. They have nothing.
If anyone is at any time tempted to regard Roberts as some kind of liberal hero, just remember Citizens United.