Mitt Romney wants us to believe something that, if true, would make him a felon. That’s just basic. You can’t make false sworn statements to the government of Massachusetts or the United States. And he either lied to Massachusetts when he testified that he attended board meetings at Bain Capital and its affiliates during the period in question or he lied in his federal disclosure forms when he said (effectively) that he did not. In any case, his campaign is furious with Stephanie Cutter for making a plain statement of tautological fact.
Obama official Stephanie Cutter made the claim following a Boston Globe article that said documents show Romney was in charge at Bain for three years longer than he had claimed. Cutter said Romney was either misrepresenting his position at Bain to the Securities and Exchange Commission, “which is a felony,” or misrepresenting to the American people.
Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades issued a blistering statement in response.
“President Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign,” Rhoades said. “President Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds. Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works.”
Ms. Cutter seems unfazed as she just sent out a blast email to everyone on Obama’s list reiterating that Romney is a big fat liar who has a shady business in Bermuda, offshore bank accounts in tax shelters, won’t disclose his billionaire bundlers, and won’t release his tax returns. I think she’s enjoying herself, actually.
The Romney campaign’s “OMG! They called me a felon” outrage is pretty comical considering that he’s the one who swore under penalty of perjury both that he was the CEO of Bain and attended board meetings and that he had “not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.” The only problem is figuring out which document is the false one.
And, of course, this is all largely irrelevant because even if everything Romney had ever said or sworn or testified to about his time at Bain were true, it wouldn’t exonerate from the charge that he personally enriched himself by destroying hard-working American people’s lives. His defense that a company that he owned and controlled and that made him hundreds of billions of dollars did nothing he can be held responsible for is so risible that he should be prosecuted for insulting our intelligence.
Is it too late to nominate Alan Keyes? Seems as they thought that would work before. Hell, this time he won’t even have to leave Maryland.
Obama already beat Keyes.
Nobody better accuse Team Obama of being soft.
It was a little joke. A very little joke.
Still, the GOP of today seems to be of the belief that learning from one’s mistakes is what liberals do, while Real Conservatives Stand Strong. And if Romney looks like he’s going to the joint. Alan Keyes is available.
Maybe they could get Jack! Ryan to complete unfinished business, but he’s not crazy enough for the 2012 GOP.
It is as it ever was, with the GOP or the Ancien Régime:
“they had learned nothing, and forgotten nothing”
If “corporations are people, my friend” it is because they are run by people who act through them. Thus, anything the corporation did is, by extension, something the people who ran it did.
Either that, or corporations are legal constructs designed to limit the liability of those who invest in and run them, and therefore are anything BUT people.
Mr. Romney can have it one way or the other, but not both.
Where’s Darrell Issa? Surely he’ll be opening an investigation any day now…
How dare the uppity Obama campaign question the legality of anything a member of the ruling class would do.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
What’s so great about this is that it makes RMoney, his track record and integrity, the issue, and not Obama’s record in office. Right now the GOB should be hammering Obama on the performance of the economy, but instead they are playing defence.
Incumbants lose office, insurgents rarely win. But if the supposed insurgent becomes the issue, he loses before the real battle is even fought. The more ways this issue can be dragged out all the way to November, the longer it will take for RMoney to be even seen as a realistic contender for the office.
This is better than the Birther controversy, because it is truthier!
Ms. Cutter is a rare jewel. A Dem who fights back very effectively.
And my inner pedant says thank you for spelling unfazed properly.
And while she is doing the fighting, the President can look Presidential and above the fray. Indeed he can look unfrayed by it…
this may be romney’s “jeremiah wright” moment — worse even, because in the case of bain, it appears that romney is jeremiah wright!
hard to see how romney divests himself of bain as successfully as obama divested himself of wright.
Ms. Cutter worked for a family court choose and she or he can use this expertise to raised assist you in your divorce proceedings.
jar7’s blog homepage
doesn’t this mean, then, that Romney was making quite a bit of scratch off of Stericycle, the aborted fetus disposal company?
Talk about teflon. Amazing how the media refuses to acknowledge the flagrant lies. Okay, so it’s not really amazing at all. Eric Alterman has been banging his head on the table over this for quite a while. I thought this was a good column:
I’ll repeat it again.
Stop repeating that Willard made 100k during those questionable years.
He made AT LEAST 100K.
the answer is in the TAX RETURNS.
and, I love the Obama Campaign going full throttle on this.
I love them whining that the Obama Campaign should ‘apologize’, and the Obama campaign tells them in response to go fuck themselves.
Stop repeating that Willard made 100k during those questionable years.
He made AT LEAST 100K.
But he made $100,000 in salary. It’s perfectly possible that someone who has no relationship other than as a stock holder could make a big pile of investment income from that company, but to be paid a salary of $100,000 a year for being the CEO and President of the Board goes a long way towards demonstrating that he was still involved in the company.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought that it was the salary portion of his income that was “at least” $100,000 (in other words, that is the lower bound on his salary).
no dude.
that’s what I learned last night.
it was not 100k in salary.
the REAL amount in salary – IS IN THE TAX RETURNS
Ah, interesting.
Romney Testified He Maintained Business Ties During Olympics
cs.php via @TPM
See my earlier diary – Romney Can’t Help It – His Faith and Social Darwinism.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I did watch a bit of CNN yesterday to see if they talked about this. They presented it as full metal he said/she said with the emphasis on Romney surrogates saying Obama is being so so mean. Mushroom head John King talked about how inside GOP sources say Romney needs to butch up or something. And then I remembered that CNN is garbage and irrelevant.
President Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign
This is the sound of panic.
Just remember if Romney wins but faces a Democratic House we can have a lot of fun his first term with an impeachment.
That will not only stop him from getting anything done for the entire term, it will so erode his standing with the public we will have a better shot in 2016.
What? You don’t like this idea?
Does it sound too Republican?
It sounds too impossible.
How does a party in a Presidential election year pick up 25 House seats while its incumbent President loses reelection?