I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that it doesn’t often happen that Pres. Barack Obama and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) share a microphone…and Warner delivers the best line of the day.

But that’s what happened Friday at a campaign stop in Hampton, VA.  Speaking before Obama, Warner said:

“Here we are again, Virginia. The eyes of the nation are going to be on us again. In 2008, we changed the guard. In 2012 we’re going to guard the change.”  (emphasis added…or maybe not)

That’s a great line.

One reason it’s a great line is that it speaks directly to Obama supporters who aren’t as enthusiastic as they were four years ago.

First, it reminds them of the historic change they helped create in 2008.  Second, it connects this election to that election.  And third, it subtly teaches the great political truth that “guarding the change” may be less glamorous and exciting, but it’s no less important than “changing the guard”.

As they say in some churches, “That’ll preach.”

Crossposted at: http://masscommons.wordpress.com/