Progress Pond

Romney IS the Fix

Booman wrote a piece late Thursday called Romney Has Imploded.


Yes he has.

And here’s the really good part.

A search of Google News at around 10AM EDT Friday, 7/27/12 for <Romney + Olympics> over the previous 24 hours yielded “About 35,500 results.” All of them bad, and not all of them from the usual pro-DemRat suspects.

Fox News.


The Salt Lake Tribune (!!!Mormon country¡¡¡).

The Associated Press.

The Anchorage Daily News.

Even the National Review is on the story, forced to use the “But he was right!” talking point defense. And so much more. The Obama campaign could not have bought this kind of airtime for attack ads even if they used 5 times the amount of money that they currently have available.

Many people have asked me to explain exactly how I see that the is fix in. Romney and the current Ratpublican party are the fix. Incompetence on every level is a fix. The Palinization of the RatPubs is a fix. After the media made damned sure that Ron Paul would not get the nomination, they just let the Rats hang themselves by the own retards…errr, ahhh…petards.

How is the fix working?

Brilliantly, thank you very much.

The vast, clomp comp clomping middle of Zombie America…including many, many habitual voters who would have voted for Romney but now will either not vote or reluctantly pull the lever for O’Bomber…cannot avoid seeing, hearing and smelling this stink. This happened at just the right moment. It will be in the media all weekend, just as the Super Duper, Hottest Thing Ever Olympics hits the hypewaves. As Palin’s various stumbles helped to sink McCain, this sort of shit…this Olympic thing, the dog on the roof, the noxious history of Romney’s Bain corporation, what will inevitably come out about his taxes and hidden wealth at the opportune moment…is “the fix.”

Bet on it.





And bet on this as well.

You asked for it; you got it.

Four more years of a “kinder, gentler” economic imperialism.


More efficient.

And even more deadly.

You asked for it; you got it.

Next time…if there is a next time…be more careful what you wish for.

As Walt Disney so profitably explained…wishes do come true.

We in DizzyWorld now, Marfa!!! Ain’t it grand!!!???

FDR: “A chicken in every pot.”


Obama: “Pot in every chick and rooster!”


You think this “legalization of marijuana” thing that’s building is in any way altruistic? Hell no!!! For Every Dizzy Gillespie or George Carlin-level genius for whom marijuana is a mind-opener there are 20 million dumbass motherfuckers who will follow any order given to them if there’s a Twinkie or two hanging on the end of the string.

“Ain’t it grand!!!???”

Sho’ is.




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