Harry Porter says pretty much what I have been saying. Which is, Romney has nothing to say. He doesn’t want to talk about his religion. He doesn’t want to be associated with the company that made him rich. He doesn’t want to talk about his record as governor of Massachusetts, which involved the third-worst job creation in the nation, an assault weapons ban, and the template for ObamaCare. He doesn’t want to talk about the Olympics. He doesn’t want to talk in any detail about the Paul Ryan budget he has endorsed. He doesn’t want to talk about his Ivy League education. He doesn’t want to be associated in any way with his wife’s horse. He doesn’t want to talk about his tax returns or his offshore bank accounts. He doesn’t want to talk about his time at prep school. He doesn’t want to talk about his plans to build a car elevator in his garage. He doesn’t want to talk about the time he strapped his dog to the top of his station wagon. He doesn’t want to talk about where he differs from George W. Bush. He doesn’t want to take a stand on anything. He doesn’t want to talk about why he’s changed his position on almost every issue under the sun, including abortion.
Mitt Romney is willing to criticize the president, including with fictitious allegations and grossly inaccurate mischaracterizations. But he has nothing to say for himself in his own defense or even in his own favor. He doesn’t even want to talk to the press.
Mitt Romney has nothing. He has absolutely nothing.
Maybe this is a good strategy for Sir Gaffesalot.
And yet the press seems to like being R-Money’s bitch. They are letting the R-Money Millionaires walk all over ’em, but still trying to sell the horserace.
I think it’s gonna have to wait for the debates when the candidates are one on one before any real difference will be able to be distinctive to possible low-info voters.
The media selling the horserace worries me. It will be easier to steal if it looks close.
Absolutey…and that is why the last 3 elections have been close- voter tabulation theft.
Obama would have had anquestionable mandate in 2008, if there had been a true count.
Before that, Kerry would have been president- if the Ohio final vote count had been made before the out-of- state side trip.
Really? A 53% – 46% popular vote with a 365 – 173 Electoral College vote in 2008 and you think “Obama would have had a questionable mandate…if there had been a true count”?
Would you explain your thinking please?
OMGs, that is the most serious typo I have ever made!!!! I meant to type unquestionabe. I am so glad I had time to return to this thread; I have besmirched my good name.
No, I mean President Obama has been thwarted by the false impression that the election was close- the result of both voter suppression (tangible and psychological) and voter tabulation from due to electronic tally manipulation. Once it was recognized (more than feared) the democratic slate would win, the objective was to reduce the numbers, diminish his mandate and block his programs, by any means necessary. There was a rovian studied effort to determine the safest precincts nationwide to program electronic voting to machines to alter ballots, skewing the numbers a little bit here a little bit there.
Thanks for clarifying. (Relax, we all make mistakes.)
not to worry. it looked like you meant unquestionable. also keep in mind, spell check is the enemy.
Please, do elaborate on your thinking. I find it fascinating for the reasons massappeal lists above.
Please read above…I disgraced myself
Thanks, that makes more sense!
Most of us around here hammer not, lest we be hammered.
IOW ~ not to worry;-)
It’s bizarre. I was wondering when we would finally start to discuss what kind of foreign policy Mitt possesses, and it’s clear that the only world leaders interested in Mitt are the leaders of corporations.
The debates between Obama and Romney are going to be revealing. Obama is smart and experienced and can think on his feet. Mitt is fake and awkward and usually his feet are in his mouth.
I have no idea why anyone would vote for Romney. He’s an empty suit.
His foreign policy is that of Dick Cheney – most of his foreign policy advisors are Bush II retreads.
This is why they invented the phrase “empty suit.”
Like Bush before him, he is a stand in for others, nothing more.
What have you got against the clothes in my closet?
And yet Bush got the presidency – twice – and Romney is even in the polls. Money buys a lot.
That’s my thought: Mitt Romney has nothing, nothing but a lot of cash. Which can be combined with an adverising-dependent meda desperate enough to get that csh that they create a horse race to do it…
Wolf Blitzer in Aspen interviewing the Commader in charge of the Bin Laden raid turned up some interesting comments about the excellence of Obama and his team in how they handled the planning and strategizing of the raid.
Tag that with Romney’s London gaffes, then his flight to Israel where he blacks out the press and it turned into a nice comparison. Romney now only speaks to money and he does that as he moves from one quiet room to the next.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This photo illustrates it all so well.
And yet he might win anyway.
All of Romney’s stumbles of late have made us complacent of late, relishing in it. I’ve been slipping into it as well. But it hasn’t made much of a dent on him, the media is willing to let it slide, and he has plenty of money to drown Dems in. And meanwhile, his allies are passing bills to make sure Dems can’t vote.
They’re playing for keeps, even with an incompetent candidate and campaign, because at the end of the day his backers will get what they want if he’s elected despite the fact that Romney has nothing.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but that means we need to be donating, making calls, knocking on doors, etc. There are no two ways about it.
We all need to stop describing Bain as the “company that made Romney rich”!
He was already rich!
If you are rich you can only get richer, apparently. Exhibit 1: that rich guy with the wig that keeps going bankrupt
Comin down the pike this week will be the breakout news of the Koch brothers funded Climate Change report that doesn’t pull any punches that Climate Change is very real and … wait for it … “man made” As leader of the Corporatist Party, Romney’s response will be interesting to compare to the position of the GOP.
Mid sweltering summer and a Climate Change Report funded by the Koch brothers that concludes Climate Change is man made. And how many days left before elections to hammer on this!
so bibi slaps Current CiC w/Romney next 2 him & no one bats eye. now what if candidate Obama had done same??? int’l incident?
BiBi- – Obama Sanctions Haven’t Stopped Iran..
complete with pic of BiBi next to Romney
The sanctions haven’t stopped Iran’s enrichment, or forced them to supplicate at the international negotiating table. Sure have fucked up their oil and financial industries, though.
If anything, the sanctions are as much about boxing in Israel’s forceful ambitions as they are about Iran’s. I’m not surprised Netanyahu uses the opportunity to rag on the effort whenever he can. He’s as much a worry for the President as the ayatollahs are.
Mitt Romney has one thing to say: “Take THAT, Mr President.” And he has 2 groups of people to say it to: GOP true believers, and the politically uninformed who nonetheless insist on inflicting their ignorance and diffidence on the rest of us every two years by voting on matters about which they have absolutely no clue.
To that end, he has unprecedented gobs of cash to make sure his juvenile, and thus easily absorbed and “punchy” message gets out. And then you have the dirty tricks campaigns to trim the voter rolls and keep Americans voting on machines that throw the entire system justifiably into doubt.
And I’m going to predict it here, Mittens is going to throw a fit about the debate format and at least try not to show up to more than one. He’ll blame the Liberal Meanie Media, and cite attempts to gain access to his tax records as proof of their hostility.
“Empty suit” doesn’t even begin to describe the candidate that Romney is. He’s like the Candidate Who Wasn’t There. There isn’t even a suit.
Posted: Sun, Jul. 29, 2012, 5:15 AM
Latest voter-ID data add confusion
Many more may have IDs as review questions Pa. numbers.
The Corbett administration, accused of underestimating the number of Pennsylvanians who lack proper identification to vote in November, has recently provided flawed figures that may wildly overstate the problem and further muddle the impact of the new voter-ID law.
The Department of State announced July 3 that as many as 758,000 voters did not have Pennsylvania Department of Transportation ID, the most common credential they will need to cast ballots in November under the state’s new voter-ID law. That’s 9.2 percent of the electorate.
The department cautioned at the time that some people on the list might actually have driver’s licenses or other PennDot ID. A person using different first names on voter registration and a driver’s license, for instance, would likely turn up as needing ID, said the department’s chief spokesman, Ron Ruman.
In fact, an Inquirer review of the state’s data suggests there are so many false hits – showing many people without PennDot ID even though they have had it for decades – that the list has little value informing the debate over voter ID, or even identifying who may need help getting credentials to vote.
Former Philadelphia Mayor W. Wilson Goode is on the list as not having PennDot ID. He has had a Pennsylvania driver’s license for 50 years.
In Philadelphia alone, more than 10,000 people whose names begin with “Mc” were listed as not having PennDot ID. They included state Supreme Court Justice Seamus P. McCaffery, a driver whose name is spelled Mc Caffery on the city’s voter rolls.
A team of Inquirer reporters placed calls to 325 of those older voters listed as lacking PennDot ID. Out of 101 people interviewed, 76 said they already had PennDot identification, despite being on the state’s list. That’s 75 percent.
All candidates in Romney’s position – running against an incumbent President – try to keep the focus on their opponent instead of themselves. They want to make the race a referendum on the other guy, not a choice between the two of them, and to present themselves as an acceptable alternative for those who are dissatisfied.
But with Romney’s striking series of never-to-be-mentioned weaknesses, this has gone to a whole other level. Even the central plank in his effort to make himself look like an acceptable alternative – his ability to engage in effective economic management while at Bain Capital – has now turned into yet another topic he can’t discuss.
It’s as if the GOP took all the worst bits of every GOP nominee from 1948 to 2008 and rolled them up into a single candidate: Mitt.
a sampling:
Dewey: stiff
Ike: left if up to the generals, lawyers, and Dulles bros.
Nixon: “I’m not a crook. Trust me.”
GHWB: out of touch
GWB: out to lunch