Referring to the currently ongoing presnidential campaign farce, Booman posted a comment in his piece Of Course Romney is Behind in the Polls that included the words:
This is not a contest. It should, and still could be a total blowout.
He is absolutely correct. It is not a contest. It is a (s)election. It is and has been a finely tuned fix since Ron Paul was almost completely shut out of the opening Ratpublican debates.
And it won’t be a blowout. A good fix means carrying the tomato can opponent until the later rounds. I mean…where’s the money in this process? It’s in the story.
The story.
Billions of dollars of advertising money (and even more money made on the products advertised) are involved in the media campaign. And I don’t just mean the candidate vids. The so-called news is the real campaign fixer. The news and of course media that is not exactly “news.”
Case in point? Last night’s Olympic moneyfest. I watched some of it in real appreciation for the vast amount of money that had been spent on what is essentially a total advertisement for the kinder, gentler, more racially inclusive Permanent International Government (hereafter referenced as P.I.G.) for which Barack O’Bomber is a primary frontman.
The 2012 P.I.G.lympics.
Celebrating racial inclusion, sexual inclusion and neo-liberal corporate hustle in subliminal fashion throughout both the production numbers and in the ads. It was endless. My own two favorites? The way overblown paean to Britain’s National Health Service that served the American audience a full helping of sub rosa pro-ObamaCare hype. (No matter whether said plan is “good or “bad”…I am only dealing with politics on the subliminal media level here.) and the seemingly endless story of how two attractive young brownish people found true love in the New Britain.
Geez…they could be O’Bomber’s kids, right? Lookit how thriving and happy they are!! That mus’ be the way to go, Martha. Let’s vote Dumbrocrat!!!
This from a country that experienced massive minority rioting in the nasty slums of its major cities less than a year ago. Cheeky, these Brits!!! Luckily, they have 007, MI5 and MI6 to take care of the real miscreants. James Bond made an appearance right out of the box, pretending to jump out of a helicopter with Queen Elizabeth. The Queen’s a Bond girl now, don’tcha know. Prissy Galore. What rubbish!!!
And Americans are…of course…lapping it up. I mean…it’s on TV!!! What’s not to like!!!???
And the WakeTheFuckUp effort continues.
Wake the fuck up.
You been had once again.
Wake the fuck up.
I mean…I actually felt a little sorry for the old girl last night. She looked so…resigned to the hype.
Bet on it.
AG, you never really say what we’re supposed to do after we “wake the fuck up.”
Do you even know?
Change this system. One person at a time. You are familiar with the term “viral” as far as media are concerned, right? Viral videos, etc? Well, ideas and actions can become viral too. One person does something…like successfully stopping the habitual suspension of disbelief that is necessary in order to swallow the crap that we are fed as “news”…and finds it life-changing. (It is, y’know. Bet on it.) That person tells a couple of others, they tell others and eventually a geometric progression becomes a societal revolution.
That’s the theory, anyway. Could happen. But…sigh…the power of the trancemedia is so strong that I doubt that it ever will happen. Too bad, because the essential falseness of this system is going to bring the whole shebang down around our ears eventually. Bet on that as well. We cannot maintain a murderous economic imperialist foreign policy and a totally scam domestic system…scam finances, scam “human rights,” scam media, scam medicine, scam education, scam nourishment, scam culture, etc…forever. Eventually, the chickens always come home to roost and when they come home to this particular chicken coop it’s gonna be nasty. Very nasty. What goes around comes around? Yup. On a perfectly equal scale.
Uh oh!!!
It may be months; it may be years; it might even be decades, but it’s definitely gonna happen if we do not change our ways.
We have gone from a chicken in every pot to a chickenshit nation in about 80 years, and dem chickens ain’t even hardly begun to come back at us. You think 9/11 was bad? You think the recession/depression/financial meltdown/call it what you will was bad?
Your choice.
Our choice.
If indeed any of us really have a choice.
So it goes. Wake the fuck up.
And…have a nice day.
Your truly…
P.S. That really was a stupid question, y’know.
Or do you?
P.P.S. Sometimes I think that we would be better off simply telling it like it is…copping no pleas, just saying “Yeah. You right. Fuck those motherfuckers!!! We gonna get ours and anybody wants to stop us, get in line. We kickin’ ass and takin’ names!!!”
At least the lies would end.
I think the NHS bit at the opening was aimed at the British public who are living under the Cameron threat of seeing the finanical provisions for their health care dismantled, that is, paying more out of pocket. As far as I know insurance companies are not earning money on any kind of mandate or contribution. It is a taxpayers funded system—from birth to death coverage. Some aspects of life are better regulated outside the US. The US-ians have the irritating , delusional, habit of thinking the whole world revolves around them. In many respects it does (at least around their government and power structure),but not in this one. The skit was meant to mark the NHS as a milestone in British and society and a call to maintain it. US-ians need sometimes to get over themselves.
Well…yes and no, Quentin.
US-ians and Brit-ians…in fact, almost all citizen-ians of the Permanent International Government (P.I.G.. Also laughingly known as “The Developed Nations” in some quarters.) are subject to a totally rigged so-called “health system.” Rigged by Big Pharma, Big Medicine and Big Food, primarily. Feed ’em crap so’s they are not healthy, then feed ’em drugs that mask the symptoms of that disnutrition. (Like disinformation, only physical.) Drugs that cause other illnesses…but not so bad that they die early. Milk these cattle until they are bone dry and then put ’em under. Disinfo them so they think that Big Brother Doctor and his partners Mr. Insurance (and/or Mr. P.I.G. in more “socialist” systems) are their friends!!!
Unbelievable, actually.
At least…unbelievable once one ends the suspension of disbelief that is a necessity if one is to fall for shit like that.
So it goes.
Right down the old toilet.
You have a nice day too.