I do think that differences in cultural values can help explain differences in the relative wealth of nations, but it’s not something to be discussed casually. And, as a political topic, it’s radioactive. If you’re running for office, you’re running to represent all your constituents, and if some of them are from Ecuador or Mexico or Palestine, they’re not going to like being told that their cultures are inferior. That’s what Mitt Ronmey did at a fundraiser in Israel. Of course, the Palestinians are outraged that Romney would overestimate their annual income by a factor of ten, blame their culture for their economic hardship, and assert that their misery is the result of providence. Even many Israelis were offended by Romney’s basic argument.
Talking Points Memo received a transcription of Romney’s remarks from his campaign. Reading it made me wonder if Romney is taking some kind of powerful medication because his words are almost nonsensical.
GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I was thinking this morning as I prepared to come into this room of a discussion I had across the country in the United States about my perceptions about differences between countries. And as you come here and you see the GDP per capita for instance in Israel which is about 21,000 dollars and you compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority which is more like 10,000 dollars per capita you notice a dramatic, stark difference in economic vitality.
And that is also between other countries that are near or next to each other. Chile and Ecuador, Mexico and the United States. I noted that part of my interest when I used to be in the world of business is I would travel to different countries was to understand why there were such enormous disparities in the economic success of various countries.
I read a number of books on the topic. One, that is widely acclaimed, is by someone named Jared Diamond called ‘Guns, Germs and Steel,’ which basically says the physical characteristics of the land account for the differences in the success of the people that live there. There is iron ore on the land and so forth. And you look at Israel and you say you have a hard time suggesting that all of the natural resources on the land could account for all the accomplishment of the people here. And likewise other nations that are next door to each other have very similar, in some cases, geographic elements.
But then there was a book written by a former Harvard professor named ‘The Wealth and Poverty of Nations.’ And in this book Dr. Landes describes differences that have existed—particularly among the great civilizations that grew and why they grew and why they became great and those that declined and why they declined. And after about 500 pages of this lifelong analysis—this had been his study for his entire life—and he’s in his early 70s at this point, he says this, he says, if you could learn anything from the economic history of the world it’s this: culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference.
And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things. One, I recognize the hand of providence in selecting this place.
I’m told in a Sunday school class I attended— I think my son Tagg was teaching the class. He’s not here. I look around to see. Of course he’s not here. He was in London. He taught a class in which he was describing the concern on the part of some of the Jews that left Egypt to come to the promised land, that in the promised land was down the River Nile, that would provide the essential water they had enjoyed in Egypt. They came here recognizing that they must be relied upon, themselves and the arm of God to provide rain from the sky. And this therefore represented a sign of faith and a show of faith to come here. That this is a people that has long recognized the purpose in this place and in their lives that is greater than themselves and their own particular interests, but a purpose of accomplishment and caring and building and serving.
There’s also something very unusual about the people of this place. And Dan Senor— And Dan, I saw him this morning, I don’t know where he is, he’s probably out twisting someone’s arm—There’s Dan Senor, co-author of ‘Start-up Nation,’ described— If you haven’t read the book, you really should— Described why it is Israel is the leading nation for start-ups in the world. And why businesses one after the other tend to start up in this place. And he goes through some of the cultural elements that have led Israel to become a nation that has begun so many businesses and so many enterprises and that is becomes so successful.”
I can kind of follow along with what he’s saying, but it’s a whole lot of bullshit. There’s nothing particularly important about what he had to say, except that it revealed a lot about how he thinks. And it is one more demonstration that Romney has a gift for insulting people unintentionally.
Reactionary Poetry MagnetsTM
Ha, totally. I had been thinking, like many others, that Romney was the next Dubya. I’ve now changed my mind – he’s the next Palin.
Everytime I read or hear one of his ramblings it makes me think of her. His voice is not as grating yet but I’m sure it will be by the fall. Weirdo Repugs have so many crazy people. It can be stressful.
See my new diary with further documentation:
Romney, Bain & Co. and Experience In the Israeli War Room
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
And it one more demonstration that Romney has a gift for insulting people unintentionally.
Unintentionally? Really? How many more times does he have to do it before you realize it’s intentional? He comes from a church that was even behind the South in officially recognizing the problems of racism. He can’t go outside the boardroom of a corporation with out pissing people off because of the stupid crap he says. Is he pandering to the Teahadists and chumps? Abso-f–cking-lutely!! At this point though he’s obviously doubling down on what’s the GOP’s Id at the present.
when one doesn’t want to take any real positions, one is left with word salad.
His retelling of Exodus could use some editing.
From an earlier diary – Romney Can’t Help It – His Faith and Social Darwinism
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Dipping into the Kool-Aid – the Ambien, Prozac, Viagra and crotch-shots on CNN/Fox Kool-Aid?
There is something weirdly and creepily odd about his syntax and sentence structure in this speech. All I can think of is an earnest nine year old expounding on an adult subject at the behest of his proud mom and dad.
And the Sunday school paragraph is just bizarre.
…the kid is at the dining table and desperately unwilling to lose the attention he is receiving
I hope that he takes the same meds prior to the debates.
And this guy claims to know how an economy operates? What a jackass!
Hsven’t read any of the other books, but his description of Jared Diamond’s work is so completely wrong it beggars belief. Hint: methinks the “guns” from Diamond’s title has something to do with his analysis of wealth disparities. But then, a guy who spent his entire business career finding unscrupulous ways to transfer wealth from the less powerful to himself and his cronies might not be eager to pick up on that part. That, and he seems to think the willingness to commit massive theft is a “cultural difference” and is all to the good.
As for the stuff on Israel and Palestine, like all his other “gaffes,” it was quite intentional and directed at an American audience. This country’s Likudite Israel-firsters are a small part of America’s Jews, a larger part of its evangelicals, and are overrepresented in AIPAC and the kind of boardrooms Romney hangs out in. Among many of them there is a deep strain of racism that justifies any mistreatment Israel hands out to both its own Palestinian citizens and the original residents of the land it is illegally occupying.
That’s who Romney is talking to. It’s the same Greater Israel audience he was courting with his pledge to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Of course, he’s both undermining decades of bipartisan US foreign policy and any remaining claim the US could possibly make, especially under a Romney administration, of being an impartial arbiter of any peace process. He could not care less. He will say literally anything if he thinks it will help him get elected.
Having read and enjoyed a number of Jared Diamond’s books myself, I would have to think that Diamond’s head would explode at such an ignorant characterization of his writing. It is obvious as hell that Romney has never read a word that Diamond has written.
Well, this is what happens when you don’t have a teleprompter like “you-know-who”.
Well Racist Romney is overseas again looking for converts. Having no success in France years ago hes back for more
Palestinians have endured the Nakba, a couple of wars, Cast Lead and a blockade. Gosh why is their yearly income per capita $1600 against Israeli income of $31,000??? Throw their occupation in their faces? Its a cultural thing alright. Your a racist Mr. Romney.
The word “constricted” always comes to mind when I listen to his voice.
“Mitt” and “Tagg”, is this family overly into clothing? Utah’s version of the Palins.
I will repeat the gist of a post that I made on Booman’s post Clowns to the Right of Me.
Booman’s post was about a rightiness blogger, one of a long line of dumb asses who “speak for the right.” He’s nobody much, of course, so I wrote “Why even notice this horse’s ass?” Everything else I say pertains quite well to Romney, whio is of course running to at least appear to be the man with his finger on a massive number of End-Of-The-World WMDs, so you have to “notice” him if only in sheer self-defense.
And there it is.
He’s just plain stupid.
He’s not on drugs…I mean, he probably is on drugs of some sort because that’s simply a fact of life for most of the people who live under the kind of pressure a big-time national pol experiences on a day-to-day basis…but it’s not the drugs that are making him stupid. More stupid, maybe, but his baseline intelligence is below average I am sure. Money hides all sorts of ills. He’s just a frontman for some part of the Permanent Government, kind of like a quiz show host. Not only do you not have to be very bright to be a quizshow host, I imagine that in many respects excess intelligence would be a drawback in the job. If you came off as too smart you would insult the millions of idiots who actually watch that shit.
Ditto national politics, and double ditto right wing national politics. If you come off as too smart you will insult the millions of idiots who actually believe that shit.
Obama? Clinton? (Both of the Clintons.) They are forever walking that “common man” line for all they’re worth because they are actually very intelligent. Maybe not so honorable in some respects, but hey…what the hell. Y’cain’t have everything, right?
But Romney?
He’s so dumb he probably doesn’t even know that he’s been set up to lose.
I suspect early dementia. I’ve seen that compulsion to insult people that need to be pleased in some folks that were eventually diagnosed with some form of dementia.
It would be nice if along with the physical, a psychiatric examination were a requirement for our candidates.
He may have always been this strange. However, agree with what you have noted. For those who unfortunately had been subjected to Reagan from the beginning of his political career in 1964, it was clear by 1980 that he wasn’t all there and by 1984 wasn’t cognitively fit to be POTUS.
And I don’t even care about the Olympics.
Idiot probably thought he’d catch the cooties.
Can’t tell if you object to what he did or not, but this is what happened with South Africa, and what should happen with Israel.
South Africa was kicked out of FIFA and the Olympics and other organizations, and pressure was brought on athletes who were willing to compete in South Africa. If people want to try to repeat that with Israel, they have a model they can use. In 1976, African nations boycotted the Olympics because New Zealand wasn’t banned for competing in South Africa.
But for an athlete to refuse to compete because he just happened to draw an Israeli in his meet? Why not go out and beat the Israeli if that’s how you feel about it?
If Tunisia convinced the whole Arab delegation to walk out, that might do something to change Israel’s behavior. But this one guy is just giving up all his training and dreams to make an impotent political statement.
I think he was afraid of getting germs. That kind of anti-Semitism is more widespread than we’d like to believe.
I think he simply sounds like an entitled jerk who has no self awareness. He’s never been in a position in which he had to consider the feelings of others, and this manifests itself constantly.
Medicated – or maybe hypnotized
Mitt inhales.
I really shouldn’t be surprised but I’m a little shocked at what a titanic phony and fraud Mr. 1% is. G.W. was a huge fraud as president but at least he seemed like a genuine yokel in person. McCain was 99% full of shit but at least he seemed to have a genuine grumpy old man personality. Romney comes off as 100% tool, personally and politically.
rMoney is part of GWB’s rehabilitating his legacy program