What’s it like for Mitt Romney to have to deal with someone like Harry Reid claiming that he heard from a Bain Capital investor that Romney didn’t pay any income taxes for ten years in a row? Steve M. tries to explain what it’s kinda like.
Y’know, it’s a bit like saying that the current president is a secret Muslim socialist who lied about his U.S. birth and has a fake Social Security number and is secretly plotting to take away all privately owned guns if he’s reelected, either before or after he finishes the job of deliberately destroying American capitalism. It’s also a bit like saying that the previous Democratic president was a drug dealing serial murderer and rapist whose lesbian wife had her male lover killed when she wasn’t hanging sex toys on the White House Christmas tree.
Also, too, Paula Jones!!
But, of course, as even Steve M. acknowledges, Reid’s charges aren’t really anything like the kinds of crap the right slings at Democratic leaders every day of the week. Let me try to give an illustration of my point.
Mitt Romney isn’t really a Mormon. He’s an atheist who only went along with his father’s faith so he could duck the Vietnam draft. He didn’t actually try to convert anyone when he was in France either. In reality, he spent all his time in Monte Carlo gambling and buying high-end hookers. When his daddy found out what he was doing, he made him come home and marry his high school sweetheart. Actually, he only made him marry her after the second time she got pregnant. The first time, they got an abortion. Then Romney started using some of the mafia connections he had made in Marseilles to import heroin. By the time he became governor, they were flying it straight into a secret airport they set up in the Berkshires. When one of the pilots started to talk, Romney had him killed.
Now, if we started telling these stories to people, and a substantial percentage of the population started to actually believe these stories, and if congressmen humored and even encouraged the people who believed these stories, and if media figures talked about these stories, and if Congress actually had hearings about some of these stories, then Mitt Romney would know what it’s like to be treated like a Democrat.
Touche’-well said.
Richard Nixon would have known how he feels. Bill Clinton and John Edwards may know how he feels.
What I feel is similar to what I felt as Maximum John Sirica came down on the Watergate burglars and they began to squeal. Only Romney won’t last another year and a half as Nixon did. He doesn’t have enough power, public support or any heads he can chop off to deflect attention from himself.
Nixon also had a Swiss bank account. The Cosmos Bank, to be specific.
Ha, nicely said!
I’m trying to remember if anyone asserted Obama was the Antichrist or if they just said “I’m not saying he is the Antichrist, but it’s out there?”
Now, folks are just clowning Willard on the tax returns. Folks are going all in on the ‘ I don’t know if he beats his wife’ accusation.
Lawrence O just said in the first minute of his show:
bwa ha ha ha ha ha
there’s no way to answer these type of questions…UNLESS HE RELEASES THE TAX RETURNS.
hee hee hee
Man either Harry Reid really does know something, or he has balls the size of a planet!!!
Harry Reid Reiterates Demand For Romney To Release Tax Returns
Harry Reid was a boxer. He knows when he’s hit someone so hard that they can no longer defend themselves. And he is just unloading on Romney because he knows his guard is down and he has no hope of avoiding a standing eight count any moment now.
That’s all well and good, but he never showed this much fight with McConnell. Better late than never.
Or of course…both.
His magic underwear…he’s a Mprmon too, y’know…must be tingling like crazy right about now.
Probably in the laundry, being sanitized.
Also available in orange.
Wow great concept, was too curious to resist so I posted:
This is my opinion too: “Mitt Romney isn’t really a Mormon. He’s an atheist who only went along with his father’s faith so he could duck the Vietnam draft. He didn’t actually try to convert anyone when he was in France either. In reality, he spent all his time in Monte Carlo gambling and buying high-end hookers. When his daddy found out what he was doing, he made him come home and marry his high school sweetheart. Actually, he only made him marry her after the second time she got pregnant. The first time, they got an abortion. Then Romney started using some of the mafia connections he had made in Marseilles to import heroin. By the time he became governor, they were flying it straight into a secret airport they set up in the Berkshires. When one of the pilots started to talk, Romney had him killed. ”
On HuffPo just to see it they’d post it.
Boo hoo hoo.
truly bizarre.
Generally I avoid the comments section at The Hill, but today I have to admit it’s been fun watching the right-wing lurker crowd crank into overdrive trying to defend their boy. And I may be mistaken, but I think I see more commentors from the left on that thread. Delightful.
… they were flying it straight into a secret airport they set up in the Berkshires.
OK, we’re heading up there this weekend to investigate.
You forgot to make fun of his children.
yeah. Have you seen pictures of Chelsea lately? I know she’ll never make Miss Mississippi, but HOT!!!!
Damn. Why couldn’t I meet women like that when I was 20? or 40 or 60.
damn kids these days ….
Could be that Reid is telling the truth, too.
After all, if Mitt did indeed manage not to pay any taxes while running Bain, can’t you just see him boasting to investors about how shrewd he was? This is, after all, the guy who stood front and center in the group photo stuffed with (high denomination?) dollar bills.
And if it is true, and with even some Republicans calling for the returns to be released, well….
Grab me some more popcorn!
Can easily imagine Mitt making such a boast to investors. More of his awkward and odd sales strategy and would be the most likely reason why any such Bain investor would know of Mitt’s income tax history. But would Harry Reid run with what a Bain investor said that Mitt said? And isn’t Mitt’s response — demand to know the name of the investor — what one would expect from him if he thought Reid was running on that hearsay? If Mitt can get Reid to confirm that, he would expect to skate on this by claiming that the investor is a liar or twisted a Mitt comment.
Reid seems too careful and cautious to rely on “he said that he said he paid no taxes.” “Bain investor” will be true but not likely how this person came by the information.
I always wondered when the Democratic leadership would finally embrace the slogan that Rethugs have lived for decades: F* the F*ing F*ers. It’s the only way to go these days.. and like Al Davis said, Just win, baby.