One of my coworkers recently had some surgery.  Things went well from what what I have been told.   Meanwhile, she has been out of the office and on the mend.  Then, suddenly and curiously, she had another unrelated surgery immediately thereafter.  Because the second procedure was so close to the first, she has been suffering with the results of not 1 but 2 procedures. And she has been in pain.  The story of how this second unrelated procedure came on the heels of the first was only revealed to me today.  Follow me below the fold, as they say.
I was speaking to another coworker who has been keeping in touch with the surgery recipient during her now extended absence from the office.    

They had a conversation about the timing of these two procedures.  The surgery recipient indicated that she needed to have both surgeries right now, not because of medical reasons, but because come January Your Obama will make these things unavailable and/or subject to delay.  Because of unspecified provisions of the ACA that will apparently come into operation in January, she advised the other coworker to get any necessary procedures done now while she still can.  (I doubt that she used ACA when speaking about this.)

And so, apparently blissful in her ignorance, she is willing to suffer the discomfort of not 1, but count ’em, 2 surgeries at the same time.  No doubt that she is a dedicated Fox News watcher.  My only somewhat snarky question to her would be this:  What if you needed 8 surgeries to be performed?

I don’t wish pain on anyone and certainly not on a coworker, but I’m having a little trouble feeling sorry for her.