Mitt Romney and his team just made a fine choice in Paul Ryan. Romney always has the best advisors around him, otherwise it would become too obvious he doesn’t like poor people nor Afro-Americans (a Mormon teaching moment). Now he has the chance to rally his racist, evangelical crazies to avoid policy on international affairs, intelligence and the military. His rally backdrop of the decommissioned USS Wisconsin is a great decor for the decline of an empire. Romney’s poll numbers have dropped because of low likability ratings and he is on par with Obama on how voters view economic policy going forward. Perhaps it’s back to basics for Willard: bullying and cheating to buy the presidency.

Who is Paul Ryan? Project Vote Smart

  • Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues – low
  • Arts and Humanities – 0%
  • Budget, Spending and Taxes – max
  • Business and Consumers – max
  • Civil Liberties and Civil Rights – very low
  • Conservatieves – max
  • Education – “F
  • etc.

Paul Ryan Exposes Himself

(TNR) – One little-noticed effect of the debt ceiling impasse is that Paul Ryan, that Paul Revere of fiscal calamity, darling of the anti-deficit lobby, has been exposed as a fraud. Technically, I guess he hasn’t been exposed if nobody pays attention to it, but if you care to pay close attention, Ryan’s fraudulence is perfectly clear.

Ryan has carefully nurtured his deficit hawk image by expressing his Randian ideology in the high-minded language of the establishment. His favorite attacks on President Obama have revolved around failure to lead and a refusal to openly embrace the fiscal commission report. Now, the work of that fiscal commission has passed into the hands of the Gang of Six, which has commanded strong Senate support and might have a chance in the House if its deficit-cutting recommendations were embraced by a figure with the right-wing fiscal credentials of Ryan. Instead Ryan “dropped what one Republican Senate adviser called a ‘bomb’ on the Gang of Six,” snuffing out any chance of success.

And it’s not just the mere fact of Ryan’s opposition that’s telling, it’s the basis of it. Ryan’s budget plan always relied upon a strategy of obscuring his priorities — Ryan wants to cut entitlement spending in order to preserve low tax rates on the rich, while the public overwhelmingly prefers the exact opposite. And so he has carefully obscured his choices. Does Ryan’s plan cut taxes for the rich? No, no, he says — he simply “reforms” the tax code.

Does Paul Ryan’s Record Match His Rhetoric? Voted 94% with George W. Bush of the time

Will Paul Ryan Condemn Racist GOP Colleague Who Invoked Him as Potential ‘Great White Hope’?

At a public event [in 2009], Republican Lynn Jenkins from Kansas said, “Republicans are struggling right now to find the ‘great white hope.’ …I suggest to any of you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington.” She then named a handful of her fellow Republicans by name, including Ryan.

    “Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope,” said Jenkins. “I suggest to any of you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington.” As examples, Jenkins mentioned Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).

 « click for story

The phrase used in reference to Ryan’s future leadership is a century-old slur meant to rally whites against Jack Johnson, the world’s first African American boxing champion. Johnson was later charged, found guilty and sentenced by a white prosecutor and white jury to prison for violation of the Mann Act in transporting a white woman across state lines “for immoral purposes.”

VP Watch Interviews Paul Ryan

Picking Paul Ryan from a partisan Wisconsin, more below the fold …
Picking Paul Ryan from Wisconsin is a clear signal how presidential nominee Mitt Romney wants to operate in a partisan Washington DC. Remember, U.S. Congress have gotten the lowest ratings by voters! BTW Bill Clinton at highest favoribility rating (66%) since start of 2008 primaries battle

Mitt Romney confuses ‘Sikh’ with ‘sheikh’ at $2m Iowa fundraiser

(Wisconsin Star) – “I was in Chicago earlier today. We had a moment of silence in honour of the people who lost their lives at that sheikh temple,” the daily quoted Romney as saying. “I noted that it was a tragedy for many, many reasons. Among them are the fact that people, the sheikh people are among the most peaceable and loving individuals you can imagine, as is their faith.”

More than 3,000 gathered to mourn Sikhs slain by neo-Nazi, racist killer in Oak Creek, WI

Romney Adviser Says Obama Doesn’t ‘Fully Appreciate’ Our ‘Anglo-Saxon Heritage’

(Think Progress) – Jon Swaine of the Daily Telegraph has the story:

In remarks that may prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.

    “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

    Read more …

Basically, if your family lived in England before 1066, you are of anglo-saxon descent. In historical terms it describes the Germanic invaders from Saxony, and lower Denmark who invaded England shortly after the retreat of Rome from Britannia. Though England is part of the United Kingdom, the other “home nations” of the U.K. are inhabited by the descendants of Celts. This is why only English people are referred to as Anglo-Saxon. Is the Republican party in a change-over from Bush/Blair strategy and the strong Atlantic Alliance? I see the danger of moving towards white supremacy talking points.

Anglo-Saxons friends exposed: Australian racists in 2012