Mitt Romney will announce his running mate early tomorrow morning. Rumors are rampant that his choice will be Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. However, it would be a major show of lack of discipline if they spoiled the surprise, so don’t buy into it just yet. Picking Paul Ryan would appear to be an act of hara-kiri. The Ryan Budget plan polls so badly that the Democrats discovered they couldn’t effectively use it to campaign because people simply refused to believe that a major political party would suggest something so awful. But they will believe it if Paul Ryan is on the ticket. All we will talk about for the next 90 days is Ryan’s plan to voucherize Medicare and hand every senior a bill for $6,000. And older Americans are really Romney’s only area of strength. Picking Ryan runs the serious risk of losing his strongest base of support. It could cause a complete collapse in his polling numbers and move seemingly safe Republican states into the Democrats’ column. Forget winning Florida.
It’s not that Ryan is a terrible candidate in terms of his personality or his ability to communicate effectively. He brings some positive attributes to the table. But people don’t like his budget plan at all. His biggest upside is that he will excite a segment of the highly-engaged Republican base. But they are pretty amped already. If he picks Ryan, it will be very reminiscent of the Palin pick, in the sense that McCain ultimately decided it would be better to please the base than to move to the center.
Ryan could have some hiccups once he sees the spotlights, but he won’t implode like Palin. He’ll give Romney a jolt of energy that will carry through to the convention. But he will be blasted into oblivion by the Obama machine once it becomes time to hold the Democratic Convention.
I’m not convinced that Ryan will really be the pick. But, if he is, we really have an opportunity to turn this election into a total rout.
Ambinder on twitter is saying that Romney didn’t even have the balls to call the almost rans himself!! if true, he had. his son Tag do it. what courage !!
so if not Ryan, who?? Portman or McDonnell
Huffpo sez Ryan. Game on! Maybe we will get to
have a real debate over the RyanRandian dumbassery!
Somehow, after the ’04 election, it was Ryan who convinced the Shrub to run around the country promoting privatizing social security. Of course Shrub ran on keeping us safe from underwear bombers, and so it was a bit of surprise that now the most important thing to do was to starve granny- this finally put some spine in the Dems, leading to the wave election of ’06. I relish the thought that history will do some rhyming this timing.
Ryan seems to be one of these guys who can promote disaster, and personally escape the consequences of it, but when you are in the Palin spot on the ticket, I don’t think you can dodge the blowback quite so easily. I am hopeful that a real debate may happen wrt to the Ryan stuff.
Why is he announcing it on a SHIP in Norfolk (The USS Wisconsin)?
Get it?!? If it is the Zombie-eyed Granny-starver, that is.
Yeah, I get it–USS WIsconsin, But what’s Romney doing on a ship? Wonder what McDonnell thinks of him announcing Ryan in his backyard?
I cannot resist: TPM goes with “Mitt Romney will announce his running mate on Saturday morning in Norfolk, Va, the campaign disclosed late Friday. The announcement will come at the beginning of his bus tour aboard the USS Wisconsin.”
A horse, a bus and a boat. Hilarious if not so scary.
A ship so the backdrop is the ocean and not empty seats.
The Zombie-eyed thing is for real. The first time I saw this guy was his response to the SOTU speech. All I could think is this is the guy who is Mr. Personality for them?! Reminded me of an undertaker. Unbelievable….
Obviously one sociopath is going to choose another. Romney and Ryan are about the game not the country. They don’t mask their feelings they have none.
Well, I certainly hope this is true. It potentially sets up a LBJ/Goldwater level contrast. The thought of things going the other way is terrifying though.
All the major news nets seem to be reporting that it’s Ryan.
Personally, I would like to thank George Soros for orchestrating the Republican nominating process this year. He has done an incredible job.
George is such a busy, busy guy.
I’m not convinced that Ryan will really be the pick. But, if he is, we really have an opportunity to turn this election into a total rout.
I just hope Charles Pierce bought popcorn futures.
Lack of discipline? From the Romney campaign? INCONCEIVABLE!
Oh dear Lord, please, please, pretty please let it be Ryan!
So have we determined yet if Ryan can still run for his House seat while running for VP? It’d be a great twofer if he sank the Romney ticket and lost his seat too.
Ah. Never mind.
The story at the link mentioned a deadline after which the candidate’s name cannot be removed from the ballot. It would be interesting to know whether that deadline has JUST passed, to see if that deadline might have impacted the timing of this announcement.
I thought it said the deadline passed in April. At any rate, I remembered since then that Joe Liebermann also did the same thing in 2000, and a little subsequent research reminded me that he had company with John Edwards, Lloyd Bentsen and Joe Biden. The deadline in WI is just a local restriction about the last possible point after which a candidate cannot remove her/his name from the ballot.
If it is Ryan it might be an acknowledgement that Romney expects to lose the election because Ryan is a pick for setting up the future. In 2016 Obama will be out, and while we may have capable people at this point we can’t really see one of them stepping up and having the ability to win against the “8 years same party” headwind. Biden is too reckless and has a record of failure in presidential primaries, Clinton will simply be very old. There’s even a suggestion she won’t stick out a second term as SoS.
So in 2012 Ryan will put his budget out there and begin to get people used to the level of crazy. Even if Ryan doesn’t run in 2016 (and the GOP style indicates he has a chance to) whoever does will have more room to advocate for Ryan style oligarchy.
That’s not even getting into a Romney campaign that is likely to lose will see more focus put on the legislature where money matters more than the presidential race and where the GOP can stop the Democrats.
It’s the best of bad options for them, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good option for us… or the country.
Wow, I actually think this is a good thing for the Dems. Ryan is a lightweight and severely overrated. Also, they’re screwed demographically by 2016. This is just a sop to the extreme right.
He’s an intellectual like I’m an opera singer. I like to sing, I sing in a chorus, and I can carry a tune. But I am not going to make it to La Scala without 2-3 tickets.
Ryan’s “intellectualism” is just a severe case of over-reach.
I think there are two concessions in this decision by Romney. First, Romney will not win so Ryan is positioned for 2016. Second, Ryan won’t win his seat either so let’s kick him upstairs to bring his base to the Romney campaign and save the down-ticket races.
As for the 2016 Democrats, the headwind argument is only true if this is not a wave election and Congress does not dramatically change. Getting Democrats in a Congress that will actually govern as a result of a wave election will end the current “malaise” and propel a follow-on just as Poppy Bush followed Reagan. A true wave election for Democrats would require the Republicans to reorient their ideology. The Democratic bench starts with a new generation that include O’Malley, Schweitzer, Cuomo, possibly Sherrod Brown, Amy Klobuchar (if she gets re-elected), and Kirsten Gillibrand. And some of these are beginning to make their moves. Watch who acts helps out campaigns in the 2014 elections; that’s when folks get a good chance to introduce themselves to people in other states and guage their ability to move voters.
Paul Ryan is a man from Wisconsin. Fortunately, the USS Wisconsin has been decommissioned and is in use as part of the Naval Museum. It’s a pretty back-drop for his photo-op, though not quite the example of GWB fighhter jet landing on a carrier. Not quite the thrill to present himself as the next Commander-In-Chief of our nation. What are his credentials on international security, intelligence and the military. Oh, yes … he organized the 2002 Winter Olympics after 9/11 under direct threat by Al Qaeda supported groups.
Wisconsin leans Obama and Virginia/North Carolina are a toss-up. Virginia A Must Win.
Military experience! Good News for John McCain!
Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell came on at 5 AM ET (still 2AM for me) on a Saturday to breathlessly tell us it is Paul Ryan. Do these people ever sleep? Oh, David Gregory too. Whoa! They’ve also got Luke “The Sage of Capital Hill” Russert on the phone!
They’re all so excited about their dreamboat with the beautiful blue eyes and the great bod. I swear, they’re so in love with this guy.
Oh lord, I think I should go back to sleep. And no, I didn’t set my alarm. I just woke up to this crap. I could care less.
You oughta care. You just pinned his electability. He takes a good picture. And…unlike Palin…he has a fairly high IQ.
He is mediable.
Bet on it.
He is also dangerous.
Bet on that as well.
He also has a very sympathetic face, and those mesmeric blue eyes. But even so, the main point is, as Booman has pointed out, the Dems can now safely pull out the stops on campaigning against the Ryan Budget, about which the common run of US voters have yet to learn.
It’s literally so unpopular and stupid, the Dems couldn’t run on it before now because the average uninformed voter of nonetheless average intelligence wouldn’t have believed the depravity and inequality the Ryan budget advocates.
He may be a decent candidate in terms of delivering speeches and being telegenic and stuff, but he’s authored one of the most unpopular economic plans this country has ever seen–or is about to see, as it were. I’m fairly optimistic that this campaign will turn out to be the stake through the hearts of a number of GOP ideological monstrosities.
I don’t buy AG’s analysis. Looks? Yeah, so what? Like Romney, he comes off as a whiner, mostly because they both whine about how their opponents aren’t playing fair and are big meanies. And America doesn’t like whiners.
No. Ryan is tougher than Romney, and better looking, too. “Americ”a likes Justin Bieber, and that’s about all you really have to know.
Ryan good-looking? Arthur, what are you smoking? He’s creepy-looking. Romney at least looks like a Central Casting president; Ryan looks like the back-stabbing aide who sticks a shiv in anyone who gets in his way.
In a reality show culture, that is “good looking,” janicket. Have you not seen the truth of this in the reality show culture in which we live? Every so-called “reality show” is basically about who’s the best back-stabber. You haven’t noticed? ‘Hit’s the ‘Murican way, now.
I am sorry, but one result of the amazing downgrade of public education in his country over the past 60 years or so coupled with the even more amazing upgrading of he power and reach of the hypnomedia is that your “average uninformed voter” is quite simply dumb as a stick. The campaign for the hearts and minds of this now almost semi-human segment of the population of the U.S. will not be about the “depravity and inequality” of he Ryan budget, it will be about the production values of the campaign ads. These people pretty much are the swing vote about which we hear so much, and they are swung only by hypnomedia. May the best ad agency win. You’d better hope it’s the Dems or else things will get worse here a lot faster than they have over the past 4 years.
He is mediable. He does present nice profile. But, seriously, Mitt is more presentable, Kerry was more presidential looking (ya don’t have to like him or his policies that face LOOKS like it ought to on Mt Rushmore) and Palin was sexier.
The bottom line is the VP pick usually doesn’t change much of anything any more. I guess you can argue that this makes WI more up for grabs. We’ll see in week or so. But otherwise? I don’t know. Seems to me that worrying about 2016 and Paul Ryan … that’s like worrying about water damage from the fire trucks when your house is on fire.
No, it’s more like worrying about the water supply.
He is by far he best candidate that they could have chosen. “Presidential” looking? Shit, man, it ain’t about “presidential” looking, it’s about movie star-looking. They shot wide of the mark when they chose Palin for the same general reason because she was really, really dumb. Ryan is smart like a fox. Bet on it.
So RMoney has given up on Hispanics and Independents and gone for the money pick instead? This is a business decision, not a political one. Consolidate your market share with conservatives – don’t go after new markets when your home market is in danger of falling apart. Make sure your big money backers are on side.
But just how does the Ryan pick add new voters to the GOP ticket – or even the possibility of additional support? Irish Catholics? He will hardly swing Wisconsin?
Weren’t white male conservatives going to vote against Obama anyway? His selection makes his Budget plan the issue. RMoney won’t be able to rely on a vanila anti-Obama vote any more. He will have to be able to make the case that the Ryan plan will make things better.
I’m thinking it may have been a panic move to soothe the right wing in the wake of the Saul response to the “Joe the Steelworker ad.” It’s absurd on its face, but after the last couple months or so, it no longer seems like a bad bet that this campaign could be so incompetent. They’ve screwed so many pooches on this campaign, they can expect a lawsuit from the ASPCA any day now.
Ryan is star material. In a reality show universe, that’s sometimes all it takes. He has “charisma.” That’s not necessarily a good thing, of course…Hitler had charisma too. Booman and most everyone else here is wah-wahing about the issues. If it’s Ryan, the Rats have fairly well given up on an issue-based campaign. They are gambling on creating a star, either for the future and/or to take the heat offa poor, bumbling R. Money.
Watch him…Ryan is dangerous.
Bet on it.
If they can get the dummies out to vote for his looks, youth and good suits, they have done well. There are more dummies than smart people in the U.S., it’s just that they’re usually too lazy to vote. But for a star? Hell…they voted for Reagan and he was nowhere near as slick as is Mr. Ryan. Don’t dismiss or disregard him. He has…capabilities.
He takes as good a picture as does Barack Obama.
And…he’s white, too.
In MassMediaAmerica?
UH oh!!!
This time, Arthur, you and I are in complete agreement.
Dems and progressive bloggers are licking their chops because they know Ryan’s numbers don’t add up. But ya know what? The “sky-is-falling!” numbers on Medicare and Social Security have never added up, not in the decade Wall Street has been seriously gunning to get their fangs into the big pots of money they represent. And most Americans still don’t know that, in large part because Republicans – and more than a few Democrats, and most of the Village media – continue to pump out the bullshit. Why do we think everyone’s going to suddenly learn how to do math in the next three months?
And if you can’t attack Ryan (and Romney, whose proposals to date are similarly math-preposterous) over the numbers and make it stick, what are you left with? Those blue eyes and the national media’s man-crush.
Is the Ryan pick exploitable? Sure. But it’s by no means a slam dunk. Don’t get cocky – get patient, and start teaching remedial math to everyone you know.
This is a test of America. Paul Ryan has written proposed policies – these are easy to reference. The policies are extremely unpopular with people – vouchers instead of Medicare, drastic cuts in Social Security. If the election is about policies Romney/Ryan lose big time.
But if it is about something else, like the pundit summary of the Ryan proposals as “serious”, they might win. Then their policies will be enacted.
whelp it’s official, it’s Ryan
ok, so the combined FP experience between the 2 is zilch. So an “unscheduled” event means what for the Ryan/RMoney ticket. The RMoney camp is laying it all on the economic lines & ain’t gonna fight on any other turf. can’t wait to see Bidn & Ryan discuss FP
Great contrast more Voodoo bullshit vs. Obama and Biden. I like this matchup.
This puts the Ryan attempt to feed catfood to Grannie front and center. I believe that we can now destroy him in WI-1 as well as in the rest of the US.
Right on. I can’t wait until they tear into wonder boy’s stupid budget.
that this changes the “dialog of the campaign”.
You know, I think they are gonna get their wish.
“Why does Mitt Romney want to feed catfood to grannie?”
…and FP that is like Dr. Strangelove era.
This is amazing. Romney does not lack for balls. He has no brain, but a lot of balls.
We are gonna destroy the GOP.
people are saying this shows he are actually sans balls because the Ryan pick has been championed for some time by rabid base
Obama is gonna run the table of the old-people states. Can he even win AZ? Not out of the question. Any state with a large geezer population is now up in the air.
I want human beings in the Whitehouse. I’m voting Democrat.
conserv luv Ryan for his budget, so even if Ryan or mittens want to try to nuance & tweak it, RWNJ ain’t having it. so Mittens is gonna have to embrace the steaming pile of shit budget as is. wow.
Stop it with these Ryan photos. He’s just plain creepy. He’s like a loris, or at best some weird marsupial. I’m not going to say that it burns, but it lays an ague upon a body, and it needs to stop.
Now, that’s just hurtful.
Saturday morning daybreak news dump.
That’s worse than a Friday news dump.
The Romney crew sure chuck full of confidance…ha ha.
I wonder if every time Obama points out basic facts of Ryan’s budget and medicare proposals he will get a “Pants on Fire” rating from politifact, et al. We’ve already seen it once, when they said ending medicare isn’t actually ending medicare.
I do think a lot of people live in a dream world where republicans aren’t nuts, and these people will get sucked into this ticket; it’s why at least 40% of the country will choose to sacrifice their own economic future in November. They will do this because the potential of the GOP to stick it to demographic groups they don’t like is greater in their head than the potential for the GOP to utterly destroy them financially.
This election is about many things, but it is mostly about saving America from itself.
Zombie-eyed granny-starver it is.
The Obama campaign should send Romney a fruit basket. Now the Dems won’t have to work to hang the Ryan “budget” around Romney’s neck.
Although, when Romney loses, they’ll still try to say, “he wasn’t conservative enough!” we will get an actual debate about closing down Johnny and Susie’s public school, turning the US military over to private mercenaries, and putting Grandma on an Alpo diet.
BTW, do I get a cookie?
I’ll give you props. I didn’t think Romney would get this desperate, but more importantly, I didn’t think that Ryan lacked the sense requisite to sign onto such a loser ticket. It’s such a stupid combination that I’m actually a bit worried about it.
And true to form, Romney introduced Ryan as the next PRESIDENT of the US, then later said, “Once in a while I make a mistake,” and corrected himself. OMG
Naturally, the wingers are happy (with a not-too-subtle diminishing of Romney’s name).
So Romney (Mr. Truce) says Obama has cut Medicare by 700 billion, but they will preserve and protect Medicare and SS. What a pair of liars.
Oh boy, two smart-aleck pretty rich boys want to run my country but pretend I’m not here!