The attention gained by the Romney-Ryan ticket in the media has resulted in leaders of many faiths speaking out against the Paul Ryan Budget. Paul Ryan is even denouncing it to be based on the teachings of ‘saint’ Rand Ayn but rather on the moral guide of St. Thomas Aquino. LOL He is digging his own economic grave deeper. Instead of an asset, Paul Ryan may soon become Mitt Romney’s liability.
The nuns representing the poor have just visited Janesville in Wisconsin on their very own bus tour. They left the small crowds chanting “You Go Girls!” See also my recent diary – Paul Ryan: Wealth, Men, Power and Church Hierarchy. I also did a recent write-up about Archbishop T. Dolan, Paul Ryan and Catholic Teachings. Now even from the Church hierarchy, views and statements are opposed to the Paul Ryan Budget.
Catholic sisters rally against Ryan budget
(JS Online) – A group of Catholic sisters broke bread with the poor and homeless at Milwaukee’s St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, part of a nine-state bus tour drawing attention to proposed Republican budget cuts and the Catholic charities they say would be harmed by them.
“The current House budget is going to devastate people at the margins,” said Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Washington-based Network, the Catholic social justice lobby singled out in a recent Vatican rebuke of U.S. Catholic sisters.
“We believe we need reasonable revenues for responsible programs,” she said.
The sisters are joining scores of faith leaders, includ ing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in criticizing the budget drafted by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) that would remake Medicare and Medicaid and slash domestic spending on programs that benefit the poor.
The “Nuns on the Bus” tour rolled into Wisconsin – a day after GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney appeared – stopping first at Ryan’s Janesville office to drop off an alternative “faithful budget” proposal they say better reflects their Catholic values.
While some Catholic bishops have called Ryan a good friend and conscientious Catholic – New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Madison’s Bishop Robert Morlino among them – the Bishops Conference has criticized the budget as immoral and unjust – a refrain repeated by the sisters.
A dozen leaders from the faith community were arrested on the Hill in protest for the poor
Paul Ryan’s Aquinian Epiphany h/t Super390
Author originally posted this piece back in May. With Paul Ryan being named to the GOP presidential ticket – and his “Catholic” credentials being touted, it’s worth revisiting.
(Talk To Action) – This past week we learned that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has had an Aquinian epiphany of sorts. The former Ayn Rand acolyte has essentially thrown the controversial author and her philosophy of Objectivism under the bus because of “her atheism.”
But Ryan seems to have changed little except the labels he uses to disguise his economic philosophy of miserliness.
With the possible exceptions of Ron and Rand Paul, no other elected official has more openly embraced the philosophy of Ayn Rand than Paul Ryan. There is the well-known YouTube video wherein he gushes over the “morality” of Rand’s laissez-faire capitalism. Ryan’s fandom for Rand was so hot that he would even give copies of her dreary tome, Atlas Shrugged as Christmas gifts.
But as voters have become increasingly aware of Rand’s toxic philosophy — one in which selfishness is elevated to a virtue; where state assistance to the disabled is equated with enslaving taxpayers; and self-sacrifice is derided – Ryan has had second thoughts. Indeed, in apparent anticipation of his recent Georgetown University appearance, the Chairman of the House Budget Committee has attempted to repackage his economic philosophy as if it were a product of Catholic Social Justice teaching.
Romney campaign cancels Monday visit to Orlando
Mike Maroone is well known as executive of AutoNation Inc. in Fort Lauderdale. Perhaps the Romney gang Googled his name in a late stage and found out he is also on the leadership board serving one of the best hospitals in the United States – a non-profit group the Cleveland Clinic. From an article…
Bringing physicians into the hospital fold from private practices has helped control costs, although the administration didn’t initiate the process that has integrated half of the 200 doctors with hospital privileges.
“They wanted to become part of the hospital. If you look at data, integrated health systems deliver lower cost, higher quality care.
You can look at the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, the Virginia Mason Clinic in Seattle.”
Stevens called that a societal issue that must be decided family by family. She said the hospital is seeing more people with advance directives who have talked to their family about end-of-life care.
“They already know that they don’t want to be supported in the ICU on the ventilator when there’s no way to have a quality life again.
I do see a lot more families having that talk and that will lower the cost of that part.”
Comparing ObamaCare with RyanCare and Medicare costs
I’m glad the Bishop did some study since this exchange of letters. Perhaps he became aware how the Jesuits rebuffed Paul Ryan’s theories how to deal with the rich and the poor. I don’t believe the Jesuits are inclined to appreciate a Bain Capital CEO who profited from funding by Salvadoran ARENA families.
between billionaires Soros and Adelson confronting the Presidential battle Obama vs. Romney. So the sisters are with Obama, that’s logical looking at the GOP War on Women. The Vatican and U.S. bishops vs. the nuns. Soros funds the sisters, does that imply Adelson is funding the Vatican? Was that the secret of the pope’s butler? LOL
More Vatican news: The sisters will remain under the bishops’ control for the next five years. After the talks and decision, the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 76 year old Cardinal William Levada has retired. His succesor will be Ludwig Mueller, Archbishop of Regensburg and a close friend of Peruvian Liberation Theologist (LT) Gustavo Gutierrez.