Progress Pond

The Lying Makes Me Tired

When I look at what Mitt Romney is saying about Medicare and Wall Street, the lies are so brazen and so unsupportable that I find it enervating. Who has the energy to debunk this crap every single day? When Mitt Romney says he is going to restore $716 billion in spending for Medicare (all of which is negotiated cost savings with insurers and hospitals) and that he has no intention of deregulating Wall Street (when he intends to repeal the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform bill), the bullshit has reached such a laughable level that the press shouldn’t even treat the man with any respect.

I actually think the press has been doing a pretty good job of reporting the truth about the Medicare issue. But they need to start talking about the meta issue of Romney’s serial dishonesty and untrustworthiness and contempt for people’s intelligence.

Screw this, I’m going to the beach.

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