This is a really boring time of the presidential contest. Romney killed the suspense for his convention by naming his shitty running mate two weeks early. Congress is out on recess. People are wrapping up their summer vacations. But, I’ll tell you what. In years past, we typically got our butts kicked in August. Remember 2004, with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, or 2009, with the outbreak of Tea Party maniacs at all the town hall meetings? This year has been different. Team Romney has been on the defensive pretty much non-stop since the second he arrived in London for the Olympics in July.

Romney hasn’t exactly been helping himself. His gaffes on his foreign trip were self-inflicted. His decision not to disclose his tax returns is his own. And the selection of a no rape/incest/health exception Medicare butcher as his running mate was opposed by his own advisers, for obvious reasons.

Still, the Obama team deserves credit for keeping their boot on the neck of the Romney campaign for a half dozen weeks in a row. This time, we were not unprepared for August.