In an apparent shift from his previously stated position, Mitt Romney said that he supports an abortion exception when the “health” of the mother is at risk. His spokeswoman took it back:
But there is no shift, Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul tells me. She emails:
“Gov. Romney’s position is clear: he opposes abortion except for cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is threatened.”
That means no health exception.
So, who is in change of Romney’s campaign? Is he allowed to hold his own positions, or not?
Willard has no position on abortion – he doesn’t give two shiznits about abortion – that’s why he doesn’t understand the significance of “life” vs. “health” in the abortion discussion. There is a clear definition of when the mother’s life is in jeopardy – she will die if the pregnancy is not terminated – however health could include almost anything. The point in contention is the breadth of the exception, and that is a nuance that Romney doesn’t get because he truly, utterly doesn’t care one way or the other.
He will, of course, do as he’s told…
A personal opinion would be so attractive to Mitt.
Would that he could form one.
What would it be?
AWW – my heart breaks for him. Empathy is so far out of reach for The Chosen One.
This whole public debate about abortion is driving me mad. All of us keep talking about what Ryan believes — no exceptions — and what Romney believes — some exceptions — when BOTH are against the law as it stands now. They both want to limit a woman’s right to choose what she can or cannot do with her body, both want to push countless women into back alleys, both want to turn the clock back nearly 50 years, both want to deny what is now a woman’s right.
I don’t really care what Romney deems to be an acceptable exception, I don’t really care if Ryan is going along because he deems it a “step in the right direction.” All I care about is these two men, along with a whole cadre of magical-thinking misogynists, want to overturn Roe and reduce every woman’s rights.
Mitt has two positions as he does on everything.
Two positions, both wrong.
Only two?
I was thinking “the current one” and “the one he said just before”, but you are right, sometimes he seems to have more than one simultaneous positions, so the total is unlimited.
So is Mitt trying to get this out of the way before he speaks at the Convention or is he warming up the crowd for a moment of flipleadershipflop? He’ll need music for that one.
For now looks like he’s going to sandwich privatizing Medicare between Obama pays his voters with welfare checks and mind meld with Trump’s request for 3rd birth certificate.
Ann’s going to talk about how much he likes his Costco shirts. They’ve discovered bulk buying shirts from Costco after his last round of doing laundry. I’m curious if anyone has thought to ask Ann if she actually was involved in training her horse or if she just enjoys the life of riding what we here in the hinterlands call a ‘push button’ horse trained by someone else? Never mind.
You know the answer!
Can you imagine Ann’s trainer, Jan Ebeling, ever putting his golden goose client up on anything other than a rock-solid schoolmaster?
Naah. Course I had heard yesterday that Ann trains horses how to dance and so I thought, nope not even that fella.
The topic bores him. Problems like unplanned pregnancies are so easily $moothed over.
All things are possible to he who has $$$. In the old days when abortions were illegal in Illinois, rich parents would send their daughters with a little problem to England for a vacation if the family doctor wouldn’t quietly take care of it.