If Elizabeth Warren wins her campaign for Teddy Kennedy’s senate seat, I expect she will be the senior senator from Massachusetts within days. Why? Because John Kerry is going to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. He wants the job, but more importantly, Obama owes him the job. If Kerry had not tapped Obama to give the 2004 Keynote Address at the Democratic National Convention, Obama would not be president today. Kerry also endorsed Obama over Hillary.

Kerry was probably quite disappointed not to be offered a position in Obama’s cabinet, but he able to console himself with the gavel of the Foreign Relations Committee. Next term, he will not be denied.

I think he is capable of being a very competent Secretary of State, although I doubt he will be half as formidable and effective as Hillary Clinton has been.

Who do you think has the inside track to get Deval Patrick’s nod to replace Kerry?

How about Barney Frank?