Booman recently asked…after the Bill Clinton 2nd night…How Was the Convention Tonight?

I started to write a reply and it grew. So…here’s my long-form answer.

How was the convention?

Very good.

Very professionally produced.

Very, very well received by the mainstream media, all of the members of which are also professional “producers” of media content. Of course…the fix is still in, but even if it wasn’t in they would have reacted positively to this kind of production.


In the speeches? The usual Dem line, mostly done with real flair. Unca Bill? The pro’s pro. What a salesman!!!

But the real content…the real message…was in the images.

Read on for more.

The RatPub convention’s images were almost all of older, white, middle class-and-above people looking kinda…tired. Like the dinosaurs must’ve looked as they dragged their weary, overweight carcasses to the tarpits. Every time they trotted out someone of color to prove that they are not racists the poor cameramen had to hunt down the approximately 1% of the audience that were not as pale as Romney and do a closeup so’s the media wouldn’t be accused of some sort of anti-RatPub “bias.” Nice.

The DemRats, however? The average age of the delegates looked to be one or two generations younger than that of the Rats, and if you mixed all of the shades of color and ages in the audience in the proportions that were present you’d get…

Well, you’d get almost precisely this:


Barack Obama when he’s not been able to get out in the sun much.

Maybe a tad lighter and a few years younger.

A fairly accurate picture of the America in which I live. Urban America. Traveling America. Multi-racial America. Young America. Working America.

I got yer “message.” Right here!!!


There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Dems think they can win with a multi-racial, trans-generational, multi-sexual, multi-class effort over the Republicans’ racist, sexist, anti-youth, anti-non-mainstream sexual persuasion, anti-worker campaign. And I think that they are right, provided another vote fraud or two or twenty doesn’t get in the way. The RatPub Super Pac millionaire/billionaire money and its airtime buying power? If the message in those ads is aimed the way their lame convention was aimed, they may as well just pack it in now and invest alla that cash in some offshore scams. Preaching to the choir…especially if the choir is overweight, tired and really can’t sing worth a lick…is a fairly useless and almost always totally unrewarding occupation.

A truly great NYC musician…Victor Paz, a Panamanian trumpet player who was one of the first people to break the color line in the NYC freelance studio world and was also an amazing latin and jazz musician, someone who taught all of us what it meant to burn with control…once leaned over to a young white player in his trumpet section at a square wedding full of the kinds of people who populated that Republican convention and said “Don’ watch the white people dance. It will ruin your time.” (“Time” meaning “rhythm.” Style. Idiom. Burn.) There was no racism implied in that statement, because in any real dance scene the great dancers are entirely multi-racial. Just a fact of American life. Squares can’t dance and the Republican Party is the party of squares.

So…in honor of Vitin:

“Don’ watch the Republicans do their campaign dance. It will ruin your day.”

That fact alone will produce a Dem win. Add to that the ass-whipping that Romney is going to receive in the debates?

Hoo boy!!!


It could even be a landslide.




P.S. Of course…all of the above is about politics, not morality. The Dems are simply running a better game. A much better game. After the victory parties the U.S. will still be a militarily-enforced, economic imperialist power even if some of the bosses know better. Why? They’re stuck with it. Back off the feed trough too quickly and the entire economic and social structure of the country would collapse. Bet on it. And then there would be hell to pay. For real. Bet on that as well. This whole surveillance state/police state thing? It’s not about “foreign terrorists,” it’s about what would happen if this system collapsed internally.

The real “fire next time.”

Let us pray.