Progress Pond

Ranking the Bastards

Sequence of Events

1. Gaddafi says he’ll hunt down the terrorists of Benghazi like rats.
2. The United Nations intervenes, led by NATO.
3. Benghazi is saved and Gaddafi is hunted down like a rat.
4. Some fruit-loop makes a stupid YouTube about Mohammed.
5. The Embassy in Cairo realizes trouble is brewing and condemns the fruit-loop’s stupid YouTube about Mohammed.
6. Angry Muslims storm our consulate in Benghazi and kill our Ambassador and three other government employees with a rocket-propelled grenade.
7. Ignoring that 5. came before 6., Mitt Romney issues press release blasting the administration for reacting to the death of our ambassador by sympathizing with the murderers.

So, who is the bigger asshole? Is it Mitt Romney, who actually issued this press release on 9/11, asked for it to be embargoed until midnight, and then flip-flopped on that and let it go out anyway? Or is it the stupid ungrateful bastards in Benghazi who were apparently operating under the logic that it doesn’t matter who pays for the posting of some stupid YouTube as long as someone pays?

I’m going to cut Romney some slack here because he didn’t kill anything but the time-space continuum with his moronic and insensitive press release.

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