Progress Pond

Jon Kyl is an Idiot

Given the recent flap over Rep. Todd Akin’s remarks, you’d think that Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona would know better than to talk about rape. The irony is that Senator Kyl has botched his analogy. He says that the Cairo Embassy’s statement deploring the anti-Islamic movie was akin to telling a woman she deserved to get raped because of the way she dressed.

First of all, the statement was made before the assault. It should be compared to what a woman might say in an effort to prevent a rape, not to what someone might say to her afterwards to justify it.

Secondly, by criticizing the Embassy for their statement, Jon Kyl is essentially saying that the were attacked because they showed weakness. And that is the equivalent of telling a woman that she deserved to be raped because she was alone at night without any pepper spray.

So, in trying to make a rape analogy, Kyl not only failed, but he committed the very sin he was trying to decry.

Good thing he is retiring because he is an idiot.

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