You poor, poor things. Life in The Village is so unfair. Go ahead and keep blaming those nasty pundits for their shallow and possibly traitorous screeds against your chosen ones. I’m certain a good scolding is just what they need to straighten out their recent misguided turn.
…but an overwhelming percentage of material I saw on my usual aggregators was a powerful wave of whining by conservatives about the vicious treatment of poor Mitt Romney by the vicious, hateful, Obama-loving media that’s clearly trying to steal the election once again despite the obvious desire of the American people for new leadership.
The Rapepublicans and their Teabagistan base simply can’t handle reality.
It’s like white guys whining about losing a fraction of the special privileges they have long felt entitled to.
When has a Republican politician been subjected to half the vitriol and fake attacks that Gore received in 2000? Probably never. If Republicans had to compete with a truly honest and impartial press, very few would ever win.
In other news, “Is Mitt Romney really a unicorn?” IIRC, only virgins can see the horn. Is that right?