“Stupid or evil” is really the new “chicken or the egg.” It would be hard to put more Stupid and Wrong into a post of this length, but it’s hard to believe that the author actually believes anything he’s saying. He’s smart enough to string a series of lies together in an essay, so is he really dumb enough to not know that nothing that he’s saying makes sense or is accurate? You can use that essay in an introductory English class, asking the students to list everything that isn’t supported by reality.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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It’s probably going to be used for about 3 to 5 wingnut welfare books. I suspect they’re running out of shit to write about, so they need more topics. This is sure to bring in some money for the Dick Morris’ of the world.
Hm. A grad seminar in philosophy, maybe. But an English class? Nope.
OK, I read the post.
Near as I can tell, the only thing actually right with it is the sarcastic defense of free speech and the great big tu quoque.
The rest is the usual right wing bilge.
But even getting one thing right is amazing, for them.
And it’s one big thing.
Actually, there’s one other thing he’s right about: the Obama administration has, in fact, given a lot of access and support for the film, including access to classified materials (while prosecuting whistleblowers for espionage over leaking the same sort of stuff when it’s less flattering to the administration); and they’ve tried hard to get it released before the election (and when that couldn’t happen, to make sure the trailer was released before the election.)
Greenwald (among others) has been all over this, and they have a point: if the Bush cabal had been this involved in the production of a big-budget, flattering Hollywood movie on the eve of an election, we’d be calling it state propaganda and heaping all kind of scorn upon it. When it does come out, I imagine the wingnutosphere is going to go ballistic.
And they’ll be going ballistic with exactly the same sort of bullshit on display here, because they really can’t argue the central point, which is that their personal anti-Christ, Obama, did something good.
Could be the enduring damage of the events of 9/11/12 will turn out to be a cowardly restriction of free speech in favor of religion and the mainstreaming of a heretofore fringe right idea, if not that Obama is a secret Muslim or was one well into his youth then that he is in some nearly treasonable manner sympathetic to the Islamist cause.
For the more candid anti-Islamist right, the proper policy for the US in the entire region, if not for the whole Muslim world, is ever more clearly about the same as the current Israeli policy in Gaza: destruction and occupation for just as long as it takes for the Muslims to get sick of it and make peace on acceptable terms.
The martyr culture of Islam, the religion of war, pretty much ensures this could go on for centuries with the Muslims never actually giving up.
Anybody remember the Crusades? And how they ended?
Those memories do not deter, but instead actually seem to inspire, the apparently rising wave of neo-Crusaderism among Jewish and other neocons and among the Christian right, the latter being very mindful of the past, indeed, as well as of the terrible truth that the tide of Islamism around the world is also a tide of violent and brutal persecution of Christians.
Fortunately, there is not the least real need for the US to go down so dark and hopeless a path, though the Israelis are certainly stuck, despite the global alarmism of the Islamophobes and the endless “they are our most valuable ally” drivel of The Lobby.
And pretty much anything short of that is a better idea than that for US Middle Eastern policy.
So, again, Obama and the Democrats are clearly by far the less bad choice, no matter how unsatisfying their determined Three Monkeys approach to Islam: See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil.
And the more openly wed to its neo-Crusader outlook the Republican right gets, the more definite and clear is the Democrats’ lesser evil status.
I’ve spent better than a decade trying to decide which is the worst, or what they’re better at
1. as the party/ideology that’s been on the wrong side of history on so much, and recently, wrong about everything of significance both as factual matters and/or efficacy of policies, while still claiming to be the sharpest tools in the box
2. as the party of racism, homophobia, islamophobia, misogyny, torture, warmongering, “let them die/eat dirt!”, etc, etc, etc, they are the moral paragons who should be entrusted with defining and maintaining our collective identity.
Those are the two grossest cases of denial underwhich all the rest sit and flow from.
ummmmm….Did we read the same article?
I thought it was sarcastic. I don’t think the author is really advocating the US Gov’t prevent movies from being shown in the US.
It’s SATIRE, people. Consider it from the Onion.
Ok, having read it again (this makes 3 times), I stand corrected.
All y’all read the sarcasm. I just didn’t see the bullshit arguments in between the sarcasm.
Never Mind.
The snark is there, but it fails.
the Obama Doctrine of disengaging with the Middle East and embracing the Muslim Brotherhood
We’re disengaging from the Middle East, and also embracing a major trans-national Middle Eastern political movement?
Neat trick!