I also get comments and letters nearly every time I take the wood saw to David Brooks, which falls into the annoying category of people telling me how I should invest my time. Helpfully, driftglass explains the purpose of our hobby. However, he neglects to mention an additional rationale…that it is just so damn fun to mock BoBo. Don’t let anyone try to convince you that David Brooks doesn’t matter because no one ever watches The Charlie Rose Show. He matters. He matters if for no other reason than he is about the best and most decent man we can possibly hope for to represent the “reasonable right” in this country, and that alone is cause for a revival of the art of bomb shelter design.
When this incredibly stupid man (who has many a time come right to the brink of understanding the conservative movement that provides him with his vast spaces for entertaining, only to shrink from the precipice) is the only adult in the Republican room, you know our country is screwed. Is there no blind soothsayer of Thebes who can scrape the scales from Mr. Brooks’ eyes? Or, as Upton Sinclair once noted, is this a case of ‘It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it’?
Yes, Mitt Romney is running a depressing campaign, but it is many unsavory and deplorable things besides. To wit:
Was Brooks alive in 1980? Did he hear the campaign that Reagan ran? Has he looked recently at Reagan’s first budget? Everything that Mitt Romney said at that fundraiser was the inevitable result of a process that began under Barry Goldwater, when extremist economics and the sad detritus of American apartheid both got mainstreamed into the Republican party, that reached its apogee under Reagan, and that has been the ideological identity of the Republican party ever since.
Maybe we can debate about the time and location of the ‘apogee,’ because I don’t think we’ve yet reached Peak Wingnut. Not when Patrick Buchanan begat Gary Bauer and Gary Bauer begat Alan Keyes and Alan Keyes begat Michele Bachmann. No, that is not a trajectory away from the apogee (unless, by ‘apogee,’ you mean this).
Bowles-Simpson has about as much to do with modern Republicanism as an Orange County convening of the John Birch Society has to do with the Civl Rights Movement. And never the twain shall meet.
Paul Ryan, ladies and gentleman, would sooner use David Brooks’ brain as a free weight as he would see things from his point of view. He will never come around to the kind of centrism Brooks seems to believe is possible but must know is not.
I admired Rodney King when, after discovering it was legal for him to be beaten half to death by publicly-funded police, he asked why we all couldn’t just get along. But I thought he was hopelessly naïve, too. How many more billy-club blows will Brooks have to receive from publicly-funded Republican politicos before he stops asking that question?
I recall many, many years ago, how many ? 12 maybe 15 or 20 years ago, Mr. Brooks used to appear on The McNeil-Leherer News Hour every Friday night for 10 – 12 minutes.
Mr. Shields was the lib/progressive commenter.
I wondered then, why do they have this dumb-ass Brooks on here. He wasn’t very bright then, still isn’t.
Apogee refers to that point in an Earth-centered orbit that is farthest from the Earth. I don’t think Reagan was there. Ryan may be there.
I don’t think so. I think the word ‘apogee’ is completely out of place here. It implies that at some future point the object will return closer to earth, which I just can’t see out of the GOP.
At this point, I think you have to say that Bobo serves the role as useful idiot to both sides, albeit for different reasons. The really interesting thing, I think, is that Bobo sort of gets this, but only sort of, and so he’s never quite certain of his role. So he always, always, always strikes me as trying to inhabit a role but left asking: is this who I am? Ultimately, I think his problem is that he’s smart enough to know that his income depends on him assuming this role of reasonable conservative but he’s stopped believing in the role. And he’s not creative enough to re-imagine the role in a way that might make it compelling. So, yes, he’s going to spend a lifetime grazing at the Applebee’s salad bar, I’m afraid.
It was truly painful to watch his comments (on PBS) during the Democratic convention. He couldn’t get past the fact that the economy wasn’t the be all/end all, and that, :::gasp:::, Democrats were highly concerned with social issues.
Will BoBo ever have a lightbulb moment when he leaves his easy chair, looks around and realizes that the room is empty?
Peggy Noonan, George Will et al keep talking as if the TParty generation will take a gulp and come to their senses. It’s not in their DNA. There is no such thing as a Ronald TPartyist Reagan to step up to the plate.
Yeah, it’s the only real weak spot of your blog; this inexplicable need to shoot the Bobo Fish in the Barrel. Oh, well, I suppose there are worse pastimes. I won’t lie either: I think that from time to time Bobo has a worthwhile and marginally original insight and that he is not nearly as lost or as pathetically stupid as you you seem determined to pretend he is. Still and all, you have a great blog. Will be better when you let go of your Bobo Fixation.
Far Reaching o/t but this is indeed a really great ad, the return of the West Wing
I really miss those guys!
Site went down hard at around 5:50 for no apparent reason. Stayed down for about 35 minutes.
I noticed that. It’s not like the server failed and was restarted either, as that usually makes me log in again. More like the place where it resides lost internet connectivity for a while.
Yeah, noticed that.
Was it actually down, or was it maybe a name server issue? I remember a couple of weeks ago GoDaddy was having major name server issues.
FYI, if the site appears down but you can still access it at then it’s a name server issue. Otherwise, it’s actually down.
Watch out…them Sucksnet viruses ain’t just fer Iranians. No sirree, Bob. Mess wif BoBo and you got to deal wif his handlers.
Bet on it.
Uh oh!!!
And nobody is a better practitioner of this art than Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce (whom you linked to). Pierce is to Brooks’ career what Taibbi is to Thomas Friedman. His frequent takedowns, often narrated by BoBo’s faithful but beleaguered dog Moral Hazard, are so delicious that they almost make it worthwhile that Brooks has a platform in the most prestigious opinion page in the country.
Pretty much says it all.