Politico is getting pretty desperate. They accuse the president of running a campaign that is lacking in audacity. I get that they are riffing on the title of the president’s book, but “audacity” is not normally seen as a good thing. That’s why the book title was clever. To see that this article is stupid, all you have to do is realize that they open with a bit of advice from Napoleon and then they never manage to refute it. What exactly Napoleon said may never be known, but the gist of it was that you should never interrupt your enemy when they are in the process of a making a mistake. The point being, for Politico, that the Obama campaign isn’t making bold and risky moves because Mitt Romney seems to wake up each morning and light himself on fire. Why change the subject?
Politico actually has no answer to that question, although they do get a quote from the nation’s favorite concern troll, Ed Rendell, and another from former McCain aide Steve Schmidt, the man who gave the nation Sarah Palin. Both of those geniuses argue that playing a prevent defense is needlessly risky, despite the fact that the president’s standing in the polls has been rising steadily. It seems to me that Romney and his troops are being routed on the field of battle, and one GOP pundit after another is throwing down their weapons and fleeing for safety.
So, obviously, now would be the time for the president to shift strategies and offer up some nice targets for Romney’s artillery. What’s missing here is the recognition that Obama has already had an audacious presidency. What do you call passing health care reform in the face of massive headwinds from a horrible economic meltdown, an aroused and unified Tea Party opposition, and all the usual corporate opponents? How easy is it to re-regulate Wall Street or set up a consumer protection bureau that goes after predatory lenders and dishonest contracts? How easy is it to take on Big Oil and Big Coal and make massive investments in clean and renewable energy? How easy is it to cut the private lenders out of the college loan economy? How easy is it to end wars that aren’t going well?
It is Mitt Romney who is offering the audacious program in this election. It takes quite a bit of audacity to tell the American poor and middle class that they will have to make do with less earned benefits from Social Security and Medicare, get less help when they lose their jobs, go without health insurance, pay more in taxes, all so Romney can blow another hole in the federal budget with tax cuts for rich people and corporations. That takes “brass,” as Bill Clinton put it in a slightly different context at the Democratic National Convention. Romney doesn’t really want to talk about his plans because they are unpopular, but that’s what’s he’s using to attack Obama’s Citadel. Other weapons include a promise to harass Latinos so badly that they self-deport, the intent to appoint judges who will ban abortion, an opposition to gay marriage, support for laws that disproportionately disenfranchise blacks, and a new foreign policy where Israel makes our decisions in Middle East for us and war with Iran becomes a certainty.
If the battle is for public opinion, Romney’s policies are blunt and broken tools which have no hope of breaching the president’s fortifications. The only thing he can catapult is the propaganda. All Politico is trying to do is to lull the president out of his impregnable castle so he can be attacked with sticks and stones.
They have no advice to offer the president, and he doesn’t need any.
And may I add that every time you provide the list of accomplishments, it gives me ammunition against the “Obama didn’t give me a pony” crowd? It’s incredibly helpful agains the concern-trolls on both left and right.
You mean, like this:
yes. I have used that before, and will do so again. Like right now I am going to share it on FB.
This post called up two images for me from the same movie: catapulted cows, and being routed by a killer bunny rabbit. “Run away! Run away!”
It’s just projection.
The latest thing on the Republican side has been for their pundits and spokespeople to urge Romney to “go bold” as well. That’s desperation, because his entire strategy was not to go bold, for the obvious reason that the Tea Party view of things doesn’t appeal to very many voters.
I wouldn’t get too concerned over it, it’s just a lot of nonsense.
More buncombe artistry (see comment #3).
Hey, there!
I see you lost no time in applying today’s Lesson from Master Phil. Well done, Grasshopper.
Grasshoppers are for eating. Not names.
So you weren’t a fan of David Carradine/Kung Fu back in the day?
“When you can take the pebbles from my hand…”
We who are geezers understand ~ dang young whippersnappers;-)
Last week I saw this:
That’s all he needs to do….
Harry Reid punches Romney in the solar plexus.
I don’t see where Obama has let audacity slide. He’s governing now and that requires a different attitude and set of pony shows.
In 2008, he had to show that he COULD inspire and translate that inspiration into specific actions. He did. DADT, ACA, Hands off Libya and Egypt, Out of Iraq, Dream Act administrative action, bailouts, Consumer Protection Agency, Elena Kagan, Hate Crime Prevention Act and many other things.
Any one of the things listed above, and a LOT of the others would have been enough to kill the re-election chances of ANY OTHER PRESIDENT. And yet Obama has run away from none of them, revised he stand on none of them and has not tried to diminish his handling of any of them in an attempt to distance himself, not even the slimy budget deal that threatned to cook away his support from progressives.
Indeed, he actively promotes one that is not on the list (DOMA) as being un-American. Remember, Clinton signed DOMA, and he did it because he had to … to get re-elected.
You don’t think that is audacious behavior? What is the color of the sky on the planet you’re from? Once again, pundits show how little they know. And how little they think.
Obama’s speech in front of UN this morning. He was Obamaesque; and thank gawd did not borrow a page from politico. A speech that Bill Clinton couldn’t have given better.
OT, but wow stay classy Scott Brown (well his staff)
“Scott Brown Staffers Mock Elizabeth Warren: Caught on Tape Chanting and Waving Tomahawks”
Watching a conservative trying to play a race card is like watching a monkey that’s gotten ahold of a field researcher’s cell phone.
Occasionally, it is like watching a monkey that’s gotten ahold of a field researcher’s cell phone, and is repeatedly striking itself in the head with it.
Wow, classier still:
I’ve heard this crap for a while now.
The fact is, EW’s family legend said she was 1/32 AmerIndian (Delaware and/or Cherokee). This is, or should be, a non-issue beyond snickers and giggles.
Lots of people claim the same damn thing. Including Bill John Baker -> 1/32 Cherokee. He’s the Elected Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation.
The wingnuts up here love to hammer away at this “scandal.” After all, Scott Brown’s only chance of winning is to get a lot of white working class voters, and what beside racial resentment about affirmative action does he possibly have to offer them? His tax plan?
But, because they’re wingnuts, they’ve decided that the best way to draw attention to this issue is to say things that sound exactly like racial/ethnic slurs against American Indians.
“Hey, Elizabeth, why don’t you go back to your wigwam, Pocahontas?! Har har…wait, what? No, you’re the racist!”