I enjoyed it when Mitt Romney asked the president if he was really totally seriously for-real trying to say that he called the Benghazi attacks “acts of terror” in the Rose Garden the day after they occurred. And Obama was like, “Proceed, Governor, proceed with your waddle into the threshing blades.” And then Candy Crowley was all like, “Nah-ah, Romney, he so did too call them terrorists.” And Romney was like “Wuh, wuh? Well, then, let me politicize those people’s deaths a little more just to make the president’s point that I’m offensive.” By which point, Romney had created another immortal moment in debate history.

Also fun was when Romney was asked about an assault weapons ban, and he was like “I am so not for that.” And then it was like, “but you did it in Massachusetts.” And Mitt was like, “Bipartisanship!” And Crowley was like, “Uh, so you’ll take a stand if you have the votes?” And Romney was like, “Erk-gulp…I think I just sharted.”

That was wicked cool.