I enjoyed it when Mitt Romney asked the president if he was really totally seriously for-real trying to say that he called the Benghazi attacks “acts of terror” in the Rose Garden the day after they occurred. And Obama was like, “Proceed, Governor, proceed with your waddle into the threshing blades.” And then Candy Crowley was all like, “Nah-ah, Romney, he so did too call them terrorists.” And Romney was like “Wuh, wuh? Well, then, let me politicize those people’s deaths a little more just to make the president’s point that I’m offensive.” By which point, Romney had created another immortal moment in debate history.
Also fun was when Romney was asked about an assault weapons ban, and he was like “I am so not for that.” And then it was like, “but you did it in Massachusetts.” And Mitt was like, “Bipartisanship!” And Crowley was like, “Uh, so you’ll take a stand if you have the votes?” And Romney was like, “Erk-gulp…I think I just sharted.”
That was wicked cool.
I thought Crowley was actually pretty good. Not as good as Martha Raddatz, but not as bad as I thought she would be.
I call bullshit on Mitt’s assault weapons ban bipartisanship anyway. He might have had Republicans and Democrats (I don’t know, can someone check?), but I don’t need anyone to check to see if the NRA was at the signing statement as a sign of support. The NRA doesn’t compromise on jack shit, and there is no bipartisanship with them.
I take it Booman is transcribing the comments of the teenagers in the house.
Well said.
Yeah, Boo!
I’ve been making the rounds of my usual lefty blogs and you’re the first who is calling this a straight up win for O.
I don’t see how anyone could judge it any other way.
But .. but .. but .. Sean Insanity(aka Sean Hannity) said that this was Willard’s most awesomest, bestest debate ever!!
That tells you almost as much about Willard as it does about Hannity.
Obama, the devastating counter-puncher, strikes yet again. Whoo!! We are feeling some massive relief in this household right about now.
Methinks RMoney is crying into his post-debate peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich and juice box right about now…
Methinks he’s probably torturing a small animal or berating a staff member right about now. Maybe he’s firing someone just for kicks.
That’s just the kind of guy he is.
Well, he is DEFINITELY firing someone – his foreign policy debate prep person, for starters?
well, what’s interesting about the Libya exchange is that obviously Mitt didn’t watch Obama’s speech in the Rose Garden. But if you are running a campaign based on criticizing someone, seems to me step one is watch some video of the guy. Isn’t that how sports teams plan their strategy. Mitt obviously depended on his “foreign policy” ppl’s version.
Amateur if you ask me.
I missed the beginning of the debate unfortunately. I cannot believe Mitt talked about giving women cabinet members flexible hours so they can get home in time to cook dinner!!!?? must see the video of this!!! I guess Barack does that for Hillary. she gets home in time to cook dinner for Bill and Chelsea.
well, what’s interesting about the Libya exchange is that obviously Mitt didn’t watch Obama’s speech in the Rose Garden.
But Hannity promised Mitt that Obama had not called it an act of terror. That’s as good as scripture in the right wing world.
Did he really say that bit about the women staff getting home on time to cook dinner? Or are you joking? Gonna have to review for that exchange… Astoundingly out of touch with the way real families live.
Well I read it on some threads – I’ll look for the link. it’s in with Mitt’s response about “binders full of women” a phrase that is evidently trending. I missed the beginning of the debate because where I thought I could watch it near work, Obama workers where I’d watched other times, no one was home – I think they all went out of state to work for Obama, who knows. then tried to get home in time to see some of it.
The question was “In what new ways would you rectify income inequality for women?” Obama hit it out of the park with the Lilly Ledbetter stuff. Then Romney boasted about how proud he was to actually find women qualified to work in his administration. Had to call in womens groups and they gave him “bunders full of women.” He seemed shocked by that. Then he said how, FOR WOMEN, you need to be more flexible with their work schedules and whatnot so they could take care of the kids and make dinner too. They couldn’t work until 7 or 8 o’clock every night like everyone else. He thought he was being so innovative here.
Okay fine, Mitt. What a guy you are. Pat yourself on the back before I tell you what a fucking asshole you are. Umm, dads take care of their kids, too. They also need some flexibility to take care of the family and cook dinner. All employees need some flexibility with their work schedules even if they’re not raising a family. This has been true all of my lifetime at least. And they all deserve comparable pay for comparable work, which is STILL not happening and more needs to be done about this.
He never addressed the real question about pay inequity between men and women. He sounded like a guy who had never worked with anyone but white men in suits who all have wives (and paid domestic help) at home cooking their dinners and taking care of the kids. It’s as if he thinks dads should work long hours late into every night because they don’t have other responsibilities. Mitt Romney is a walking stereotype of a 1940’s era Father Knows Best character that few, if any, Americans have ever actually experienced. And this answer was evidence that he has no clue about how any of us live.
What do you know? Romney was being dishonest about the binders too.
MiloMitt Minderbinder then. Heller must have had powers of clairvoyance surpassing even Jeanne Dixon.Have you heard from your niece about the debate? How amazing she got to be there!
Not a word after she reached level 2 security before the debate. She’s probably really exhausted from it all. I’m sure if she needed bail money, her BF would have called.
mentioned on this thread
but I’m not sure precisely what he said
he said his female chief of staff couldn’t work past 5 o’clock because she had to make dinner for her kids.
Even more to the point, he said
“I recognized that if you’re going to have women in the workforce that sometimes you need to be more flexible. My chief of staff, for instance, had two kids that were still in school.”
The idea that any of the men on his staff might need to be home to cook dinner for the kids still hasn’t crossed Mitt’s mind. Not even in 2012.
I noted that in my liveblog. What a sexist sack of shit.
Steve Schmidt just said on MSNBC that tonight, to use a football metaphor, Mitt Romney had three turnovers.
Yeah, I would say at least three. And he never got into the red zone.
And one was a pick-six.
I’m going to go on record as saying that I never thought Candy Crowley had it in her. I fully expected her usual GOP water carrying reporting ways to bleed over into the debate.
I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised. I honestly can’t stand her, but even I was pissed at how Mittens attempted to treat her.
Good on you Candy, good on you.
I will not give her a day pass, that is until she goes back to her usual water carrying.
Also liked Obama’s line when Mitt tried to bring up Obama’s pension for whatever reason. “I haven’t looked at my pension, but it isn’t as big as yours”…(or something like that)
yes, and he said something along the lines of “I don’t check it that often”, when there’s not that much it’s faster to check or something
It’s so bizarre that he’s talking about Obama’s pension
Not really, it is one of their new memes.
Obama has earned pension rights as a state senator. That pension fund apparently has some investments in China. As if there is equivalency between Bain/Romney’s massive investments and outsourcing to China and Obama’s rights in a pension fund over which he has no control. Really weak tea there.
Much better format. Much better source of questions. Some ringers in the audience by virtue of the fact that journalists were involved in vetting the questions to be acceptable under the campaigns’ CPD summit agreement.
Obama played it well and Romney, like McCain, showed who he really was.
Next debate (foreign policy) is going to be when Obama has the chance to put it away.
BTW, my trip last week through Virginia (up through the rural Piedmont and back through the Great Valley) tells me that Virginia is likely to go Obama. Even split in signage in the Southside going toward Obama as one moves northward through Farmville, Orange, Culpepper, and Leesburg. More Romney in the northern Valley. But about equal signage around Lynchburg (big surprise in the heart of Falwell country).
IOW, the debate is a minor factor in the results on November 6. And NC starts banking votes on Oct 18. Debate is good for swinging some undecideds on that.
good news
Nice to hear. Good to see you posting again.
Romney: “I just want to be sure we have this on the record.”
OK, Mitt. “Proceed.”
What amazes me is that Mitt obviously thought he had caught Obama in a major blunder. As if anyone outside the Romney campaign team cared whether Barack Obama used a specific phrase on the morning after the attack.
But to be such an ass about it. To demand that the president’s words be “on the record” as though every cough and stammer wasn’t being transcribed by a dozen news agencies at that very moment.
And then to be wrong?
Well it’ll be fun to watch the Mitt handlers retract everything he said tomorrow.
Hopefully someone will come up with a new take on the Gish Gallop for Mitt’s performances. The GishMitt Gallop? I was thinking Mitt’s Dressage then I thought about how hard the horse works to get the dance right so in deference to hardworking horses…
So I asked my dad if he watched it last night. He did – the whole thing. He claims to hate politics but he can’t help but watch it all and complain about it… I asked if there was one question or scene that really stood out to him.
He spoke of the question from the Latina woman that was first directed to Romney asking how he would deal with immigrants who are working here and are productive members of society but have no Green Card. Romney’s answer didn’t shock dad at all but he was really bothered by the way Romney spoke down to her like she was in kindergarten or something. Real animated pronunciation of his words and using the simplest vocabulary, like he’s telling a story about Santa Claus or something. Dad thought that was really disrespectful because the woman, while nervous, is obviously an educated person and speaks English just fine. But maybe since she has an accent, Mitt thought it necessary to treat her like a child. And sure enough, he referred to the people in question as “undocumented illegals.” What an idiot.
very interesting his observations