Here it is.


Not much more need be said about Obama’s bad intentions regarding Romney on Tuesday night, and Romney’s fear is palpable. Obama is leaning into him…stepping to him, in street language…head and jaw thrust forward, ready to bite Romney’s head off. Romney is already backing away, holding Obama’s arm in self-defense while Obama’s left hand (his dominant hand) is poised to attack whatever part of Romney presents itself as a useful target. Obama has a fighter’s haircut; Romney’s looks like it would get messed up by a missed punch. Obama is lean and mean-looking while Romney looks soft around the neck and middle. Obama’s chest protrudes; Romney’s looks concave. Romney’s ass looks like it’s looking for a way to leave the building; Obama’s is tucked and ready for battle.

The tomato can and the champ.

And that is without a doubt the way the debate went as well. Obama’s horses, bayonets and submarines line was absolutely devastating. In a real debate setting…a fair setting, where the judges are scoring on points instead of political desires…Romney would have lost so badly that he would be kicked off of whatever debate team he represented. But here? In media-controlled PermaGov America? The “judges” are almost all bought off by one aspiring fixmaster or another. And the right-wing fixers have pretty much gotten their wish. It’s now a “close race.” Shoulda been a blowout. If I was Obama I would have taken a serious blood test minutes after the first debate to see if someone had slipped me a mickey.

For real.

Read on.
Here’s all I have to say about this thing.

If Obama loses I want the entire Dem establishment…Obama first, while he is still in office…to call for inquiries into every unexpected vote tally in the country. I don’t care how impolitic or how “dangerous to the security of the country and economy” such an uproar would prove to be. The Rats won in 2000 and 2004 due to vote fraud and a fixed Supreme Court, and if it happens again I want to see the Arab Spring erupt in every Tahrir Square in the United States. Otherwise it’s back to the disastrous Bush II years and beyond…way back into Reagan territory. Nixon territory, even.

If that result happens…Romney by a squeaker…and the country folds like a wet rag the way it did in 2000, I’m outta here. My people have been on this continent since the 1600s on my father’s side of the family and my mother’s family came here after their father was shot and killed off of a provisioner’s wagon in the 1850s by the Brits during the Irish troubles. I’ve been loath to give up despite the shameful history of the U.S. in the post-WW II years, but this is looking like the end of the dream to me. I’m not exactly an Obama fan, but at least he appears to be a human being. Romney? Not. Human beings have unexpected depths and capabilities for change, but Rombots just clomp, clomp, clomp along, chewing up the scenery as they go.

I refuse to remain part of that scenery. Been chewed on just about enough since the JFK coup. Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes? Just about enough.

And there it is.

Does the country have enough spirit left after the last 50 years of media-induced stupor to stand up and say “No!!!”?

I dunno.

We shall see soon enough.

Let us pray.