Palin accuses Obama of ‘shuck and jive shtick’
(The Ticket) – For those who aren’t familiar with the phrase, “shuck and jive” is a racially-tinged expression. According to the user-submitted Urban Dictionary, the term “originally referred to the intentionally misleading words and actions that African-Americans would employ in order to deceive racist Euro-Americans in power, both during the period of slavery and afterwards.”
As Politico points out, this isn’t the first time the phrase has come up and inspired controversy. Several years ago, Andrew Cuomo, then New York’s Attorney General, used the expression while campaigning for Hillary Rodham Clinton. “You can’t shuck and jive at a press conference. All those moves you can make with the press don’t work when you’re in someone’s living room.”
Cuomo was promptly blasted by CNN’s Roland Martin, who wrote, “‘Shucking and jiving’ have long been words used as a negative assessment of African Americans, along the lines of a ‘foot shufflin’ Negro.’ In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone white.”
And Ann Coulter calls PBO a “retard”, while Tagg Romney wants to take a swing at the President. They are testing the limits for blatant racism and/or disrespect.
Palin and her ilk sure know how to use them dog whistles. You betcha. I can guarantee that if anyone talked about taking a swing at W, the shitstorm would have been of epic proportions. Whatever my disagreements with Obama, I am absolutely appalled by the right’s efforts to portray him as Other.
I have no use whatsoever for Sarah Palin, but this tempest in a teapot is just another example of nanny-state politics.
Politics is shucking and jiving, and this foolishness is simply DemocRats shucking and jiving about RatPublican shucking and jiving. Anyone in the United States who speaks and understands the idioms and dialects that are spoken in black neighborhoods will undestand that rather than being a “negative assessment of African Americans” the phrase is instead simply a negative assessment of people who talking through their asses. People of any race. It could be a street hustler, a university president a national politician or the Prime Minister of Bulgaria at which this phrase is aimed; it is used by black people, not against them and it is part of a black linguistic culture that is as rich or richer than any other idiom that has ever arisen in the United States.
Just more bullshit.
Just another reason to ignore the media.
“CNN’s Roland Martin”…a phrase which when used in this context sounds suspiciously like “Colonel Beauregard’s slave Atticus” to me, by the way…oughta know better. In fact, I am quite sure that he does know better. He grew up black in Houston and attended Jack Yates High School, a primarily black high school in Houston named after Reverend John Henry ‘Jack’ Yates, a former slave and a minister. He knows damned well how the phrase is used.
Just more bullshit.
Just more shucking and jiving.
Ain’tcha tired of it yet?
I sure the fuck am.
After months of debate bullshit and its equally bullshit media coverage? Been shucked and jived quite enough, thank you.
Quite enough.
P.S. Roland Martin. A wonderful one to talk.
The proper response to Andrew Cuomo’s use of the term? (And I have no particular use for him, either.)
Bet on it.
And destruct of my diary headline! What to do. Wonder where Alaskan Wolf Shooter learned that black man’s idiom? [gossip alert]
Ah, well…
My own “experiments with truth” continue.
Friend, foe or somewhere in between, Gandhi had the right idea.
Bet on it.
the reichwingers are beginning resemble a bunch of 6 year olds in a school yard.
now their panties are in a twist over obamas’ forthcoming rollingstone interview:
oh dear, l do believe they have the vapors.
The term WATB becomes more appropriate every day.
Here’s the full interview:
Obama and the Road Ahead: The Rolling Stone Interview