Read the stupid from Texas … they are not from an UN organization!! Members of this group monitor elections in Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union satellite states. This is a reciprocal visit in agreement with US treaty obligations.
- A little secret for AG Abbott, the socialists are coming to count your votes and release election results. As covert action, NATO will send its troops to occupy Lubbock Texas for earlier threats and place Judge Head in protective custody. Most likely, he will be eligible for rendition and some waterboarding by our allies in Libya. Socialists don’t thrust them FBI lie detector machines.
WARSAW, 24 October 2012 – Ambassador Janez Lenarčič, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), expressed his grave concern today over the threat of criminal prosecution of election observers.
This threat, contained in an open letter from the Attorney General of Texas, is at odds with the established good co-operation between OSCE/ODIHR observers and state authorities across the United States, including in Texas, Lenarčič said, adding that it is also contrary to the country’s obligations as an OSCE participating State.
The ODIHR Director shared his concerns in a letter to United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
“The threat of criminal sanctions against OSCE/ODIHR observers is unacceptable,” Lenarčič said. “The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.”
After 11 September 2001, enhanced co-operation with UN as partner in security
Texas AG Warns International Election Monitors Of Prosecution
AUSTIN, Texas (Keye TV) – Keep your distance from the polls or face criminal prosecution: that’s Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s message to a UN-affiliated organization [the stupid: must have listened to Judge Head from Lubbock Tx– Oui], which is planning to send 55 foreign observers to monitor elections in Texas and around 40 other U.S. states. The observers have been in the country since Oct. 4.
“Texas does not cede its sovereignty to any foreign groups,” Abbott says.
Strong words from Abbott following a strongly written letter to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
“Seems to be an international group cloaked in mystery, only to be unveiled once they get here,” said Abbott, who says he received no information on where the group planned to operate or what their specific activities would be.
Abbott says he also disagrees with the group’s opposition to Texas’ Voter ID laws and ended his letter by warning observers to stay at least 100 feet away from the polling place. When asked if Texas elections needed to be monitored by an outside group, he replied, “Texas will never be open to either monitoring, approval, or have judgment passed on it, or interference by any kind of international group.”
What is the OSCE?
With 56 participating States in North America, Europe and Asia, the OSCE is the world’s largest regional security organization,
working to ensure peace, democracy and stability for more than a billion people.
The stupidity is mind boggling. OSCE has been involved as an observer of US elections for a decade. Four times at the invitation of GWB’s administrations and, now, for the second time at the invitation of the Obama administration. It is an entirely routine involvement.
United States
All member states, the US among them, agree to this principle of observation:
Election Observation
I had the pleasure of working in conjunction with OSCE when institutions in Kosovo were rebuilt in 1999/2000 (my employer was a different international organisation).
oakyyyyyyy mr. abbott…here’s a thought, why don’t ya’ll secede and form your own republic? gov goodhair’d make a good sovereign, eh?
what a bunch a maroons.
I’m sure that since Perry seems to fancy himself as something of a Caudillo, his “Republic of Texas” would be even more hellish than it already is.
Methinks Texas has something to hide.