In 2008, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain. This morning, he endorsed Obama again. Apparently, John McCain is still mad about 2008.
“General Powell, you disappoint us and you have harmed your legacy even further by defending what is clearly the most feckless foreign policy in my lifetime,” McCain said Thursday on the Kilmeade and Friends radio program.
Because feckless is what McCain calls anyone who doesn’t “Bomb-bomb-bomb Iran.”
I’m sorry, Senator McCain, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of Osama bin Laden’s bulllet-ridden corpse splashing into the Indian Ocean.
Feckless my ass. I hear they used sandbags full of Barack Obama’s feck to weight down the body.
Obama has more feck in his little finger than McCain, Palin, and Charles Keating have in the entire bodies combined.
Joe Biden leaves a trail of feck behind him when we works his way down a rope line.
McCain ==> LOL.
Powell is insightful and intelligent in his comments in support of Obama and is still atoning for some horrid mistakes he made a decade ago. (He still has a long climb ahead.)
McCain gets worse every year and is still bitter for losing to ‘that one’.
I suspect what really eats at McCain is that he sold his soul and let himself be humiliated by Bush only to lose to both Bush and ‘that one’.
Powell’s endorsement is appreciated, but everything he says will be forever tainted by what came before.
“McCain gets worse every year and is still bitter for losing to ‘that one’.”
Has there EVER been a defeated Presidential candidate that has CRIED as Much, for so LONG, as McCain?
He really does look more like Mr. Wilson every day that he opens his mouth and says such pathetic thoughts!
Well, the Republicans are a party of whiners. McCain is simply a bit more talented in that department than many of his colleagues.
Maybe poor Richard Nixon, whining from 1960-68. At least in private, from the accounts I’ve seen.
The most feckless foreign policy of all time was picking Sarah McCain as a VP.
What a fucking moron.
McCain’s anger issues were one of the best reasons to keep him out of the Oval office.
A friend once told me when you see a person with a clenched fist it is because they can’t let go. McCain’s fists are almost always clenched.
I for one am waiting on pins and needles to hear what Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman have to say about this.
Wha . . . huh . . .? What’s Scrooge McDuck yammering about? Isn’t he dead yet?
“Isn’t he dead yet?”
No, fortunately for him, he wasn’t elected. If he had been, I’m guessing he would have tripped over a strategically placed moose carcass very early on. And he calls the President feckless?
“Most feckless foreign policy in my lifetime…”
You mean the “feckless foreign policy” that Bishop Rmoney just affirmed hook, line and sinker at the last debate, senator? That foreign policy?
What was McFool’s reaction to Rmoney’s Obama-lovin’ debate statements? Did he find them “feckless” as well? Are there ANY actual “journalists” left in America? Should they be on the endangered species list?
And finally, do any of these bottom-of-the-class Repubs even know what “feckless” means?
And finally, do any of these bottom-of-the-class Repubs even know what “feckless” means?
They probably think it means Obama’s skin is free of blemishes and discolorations.
What a shame the Keating Five scandal didn’t end this man’s political career. And why should the public ever have to listen to what bitter, angry, white men over the age of seventy-five have to say?
What is nice to consider is that when he retires after this term and his seat is up for grabs, it will likely be taken by a Dem due to demographics in AZ.
McCain plans to retire? Expect him to lose a re-election bid or die before he gets around to voluntarily leaving the Senate.
Hopefully he and Dick Cheney will soon be sharing a room at Shady Pines.
Heh. An image comes to mind: The Scarecrow and Tin Man.
Dude on dkos actually did something like that a while back.
Heehee. McCain talking about legacy, heeheehee some more. He could have ridden his “war hero” mythology and his few “moderate” moves like campaign reform into a modest legacy of his own. Instead he decided to become the crazy old fart of the Senate and become America’s favorite embarrassment (Well, OK, in the Top Ten). It’s like some kind of psychotic circle of hell: he destroys his own legacy, then gets more and more bitter and crazy at the thought that somebody else might still have one, and then digs in deeper. If he were a decent human, it would be very sad.
And what “legacy” would THAT be, his “legacy” as a cowardly, sniveling liar who shamelessly powerpointed lie after lie in front of the whole world in order to promote a devastating act of aggression against Iraq when he might have had the power to stop it? His “legacy” of following up on that by playing the victim when his lies were exposed?
Give me a break with the “legacy” bullshit. He was a major contributor to the destruction of Iraq, and presumably he did what he did to preserve his own ass and promote his own career. That’s his “legacy”.
Yeah. He was the last and only member of the Bush Administration I had ANY respect for until he did that bullshit performance at the UN with George Tenet sitting behind him. Even though they would have gotten their war without him, he knew better and if he had any self-respect, he would have resigned rather than make the sale for Bush’s War. The damage done will forever be immeasurable.
At the time, I was pretty sure he cut a deal with Bush to do it in exchange for aid money ($8 Billion if memory serves) for his pet project – AIDS in Africa, which Bush and Cheney did not give a rat’s ass about, but was desperately needed. He got that money right about that same time and at least it did some good. So maybe that’s the price he put on his credibility. There’s nothing he could do to fully earn my respect back though.
I have very personal knowledge and experience of the irreparable damage done to Iraq. A society that lasted for over a millennium has been destroyed. Millions of lives, past, present, and future have been destroyed. The ancient Christian communities have been largely driven out, the small, but also ancient Mandaean community, driven out. The invasion and occupation of Iraq empowered the most extreme religious elements on all sides, and Iraqi women, for decades among the freest, most privileged and highly educated in the Middle East are now bound by medieval “values”.
Colin Powell is on my very short, but very important forever shit list, and nothing he could possibly do will change that.
I hear you. One of the worst things the propaganda machine did to the American people in this time was to conflate the social and religious-freedom situation in Afghanistan under the Taliban with Iraq.
Iraq had a secular society, for the most part and women were free to get an education, dress however they wanted, had a say in who they married, etc. Sunni and Shia Muslims lived together in peace and religious minorities were perfectly welcome. But no more. To this day, most Americans still believe we “liberated” this perfectly functional, highly evolved society from… what?
Sure, Saddam was a bad guy but what should we expect? He was essentially a dictator propped up by The US until he started pushing foreign oil companies around. Surely there would have been better ways to assist the Iraqi people in expelling him if that was the real motive behind the war, which we can be pretty sure it wasn’t.
BTW, I wasn’t making any excuses for Powell above. If he really wanted to build a meaningful legacy for himself, he would have pushed back against the war and educated the American people about the real Iraqi people that we were about to destroy the lives of, countering the propaganda that portrayed them as some backwards medieval society that hated us. He knew better and he did nothing.
I got nothing to add to that – thanks. 🙂
This crop of Fascists can’t die off soon enough.