I live in Western NY. Talk radio gives me two options: Rush Limbaugh and clones or Sports talk radio. So I listen to sports talk even though the only national teams in the region are the Bills (football) and the Sabres (hockey). Unfortunately, I’ve noticed a trend over the last several years – that the sports talk shows are becoming increasingly political. Especially the local shows. As you can imagine, the principle political opinions expressed are conservative, often extreme conservative.
For whatever reason, local sports talk radio hosts have allowed this co-mingling of sports talk and conservative talk to continue. Though the hosts themselves generally don’t push their own views, extreme or not, they simply allow callers to talk politics on a sports call-in show. It pisses me off because if I listen to the radio for sports, not tea party platitudes from Obama haters. I don’t have an iPod to listen to music, and I don’t always want to listen to NPR, which frankly is pretty bland and “balanced” these days.
Yesterday, the big topic on the local afternoon drive time sports show station was the NYC marathon. The New York City marathon is a world famous event every year in long distance running circles – you have to win a lottery to have a chance to run in it if you are not a world class athlete. Fifty thousand runners participate so it’s a big deal for the New York economy one weekend every November.
The marathon had been scheduled to be held this weekend. Now this issue was caused completely by Mayor Bloomberg. He insisted, for whatever reason, on proceeding with the running the NYC marathon despite the concerns (and outrage) that many people expressed that the event, with its fifty thousand runners, would detract from clean-up and power restoration efforts in the aftermath of Sandy. Understandably, many people in my area have friends, business contacts or relatives in New York, so passions ran high about Bloomberg’s decision to hold the race.
Well, Friday Bloomberg backed down and he and event organizers cancelled the race, obviously feeling the heat of the negative publicity they were receiving and the anger of local New Yorkers. Fine and dandy. It was a legitimate topic for a sports talk show. Unfortunately, some callers took the opportunity to blame President Obama for what was essentially a local decision by a Republican mayor. Even worse, they went all Kanye West on the President. That right, they went there:
“Maybe Obama hates white people”
That’s a direct quote from one caller who claimed that Obama was racist. Other callers also derided the President as if he, rather than the Republican Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, had any part in the initial decision to hold the NYC marathon after Sandy hit. Now I’ve heard a lot of negative stuff said about Obama and the Democrats over the last four years on my local sports talk radio, nasty, bigoted stuff, so I can’t say i was surprised, but considering the rapid and massive effort that the President, FEMA and the Federal government as a whole has made to the Sandy disaster, an effort praised by Republicans such as Chris Christie, Mayor Bloomberg and others, I was more than disappointed.
You see, there is nothing this President can do, from ordering a daring and risky raid to kill Osama bin Ladin, to ending the war on Iraq, to providing real saving for Medicare recipients by closing the donut hole created by Bush’s costly budget busting Medicare D Prescription plan, to actually employing FEMA the way it should have been employed during the Katrina disaster, to save lives and provide immediate help to the survivors of Sandy wrath, that will satisfy the racists in our society, most of whom now reside happily in the extreme wing of the Republican party.
And there are fewer and fewer places one can find on broadcast media where these radical, racist, extremist viewpoints will not be given a voice. On a day when Geraldo Rivera, of all people, does something commendable by denouncing the lies being propagated on Fox News by his fellow pundits about the Benghazi consulate attack, far too many people continue to believe the lies and continue to irrationally hate President Obama because they are racists, and their racist beliefs, attitudes and hatred is broadcast and rewarded by our media.
Did the Sports talk show host who listened to this man’s diatribe rebuke him? No. Did he cut him off? No. He let this racist jerk continue with his rant until it was finished. Did the host sound uncomfortable that his show was being used by a vile bigot to spout this nonsense. Well he sounded uncomfortable, but he didn’t do anything about it. Why? Because I suspect he has been told by his bosses to allow his callers to air their bullshit opinions on politics and race.
Now does this same host, and others like him, shut down callers if they don’t like their opinion about a sports topic? All the damn time. You disagree with the host about his take on a football team he cuts you off. You call out the President of the United States on the air — a man performing his job with incredible grace and dignity under enormous pressures from a Republican Congress dedicated to taking down our country’s economy if that’s what it takes to defeat him, and in the face of a concerted effort by the right to demean, defame, deride and incite people against him — and the host sits there and says next to nothing, much less cuts this caller off for such comments.
That’s the America we live in, today. Once upon a time, believe it or not, bigots and racists who acted in this manner were not given any airtime to express their ill-informed prejudices and hate. Now? Anyone can say anything vile and offensive and racist. Indeed, these racist and extremist opinions dominate the airwaves, even on media whose stated purpose is to cover sports.
Tell me again about the so-called liberal media, because I keep waiting to discover its hidey-hole.
I hope some of the white independents take this to heart and think about this long term. The conservatives have chosen their memes to rationalize it. Liberals know this all too well. (It’s one of the reasons I continue to contribute to the SPLC.)
As for talk radio. Why? Most of it is crap anyway. But if you really want talk radio at home and if you have the bandwidth, you can of course stream progressive talk radio and there are a number of stations in the NE. If you happen to have a smartphone you can stream it in your car as well.
I only listen to radio in my car. NPR or Sports. But these days I’m going silent more often.
Gotcha. In the car I listen mostly to my CDs when I listen to anything. I listen to some NPR and progressive talk sometimes though.
My introduction to the troglodytes of talk radio was 20 years ago after I had just moved to Chicago. I was listening to one popular show on a popular AM station and the host referred to Indian-Americans as “dotheads”. Boy was I shocked. Mostly because I didn’t think that would fly in Chicago.
It’s everywhere.
Sorry, I just don’t get it.
the bindi on the forehead of some South Asian women..
What? No XM?
Ha ha. I wish. We go on my wife’s COBRA benefits for health insurance for my kids and I in January. I just have to hope the insurance exchanges under the ACA appear in 2014. If Romney wins or Obama and the Dems do a grand bargain with Cantor or Boehner to eliminate them we are screwed At least my wife still gets Medicare – for now.
Good luck. My family was on CORBA for 9 months in 2003. Things may have changed but we had many problems:
Really? Like the time in the early ’80s when I taped directly off the air, on Houston’s leading talk station, a woman waxing nostalgic – literally, and at length – for the days when the Klan lynched black men? (That was while we still had the Fairness Doctrine, and well before Rush.) Or maybe you have to go way back, to, say, Father Coughlin?
It’s more pervasive these days, sure. And I get just as irritated as you do, Steven (and for the same reasons), when politics seeps into sports talk – though here it’s mostly just moaning about local politicians who won’t pay team owners whatever they want to build their playpens for them. But this stuff has been around forever. And in a format that was designed to appeal to white men, it’s surprising both political talk and sexist bullshit aren’t even more endemic than they are.
All our sports talk political talk is anti-Obama. Ever since he won in 2008.
Massachusetts has the honor of being represented by Sen. Scott (“I have a truck!”) Brown thanks in no small measure to hundreds of hours of free media provided by WEEI. The bastard lived on the Dennis and Callahan show, which respectable people, who wouldn’t be caught dead listening to Rush can hoover up and still be respectable.
If Barack Obama was WHITE..
the obviousness of Willard Romney as a clown candidate wouldn’t remotely be in question.
but, that’s the protection of complexion that Willard enjoys.
ALL he has ever had to offer was that he is a rich, WHITE man.
not an ounce beyond that.
Hey, be fair now: He looks like Central Casting’s idea of a President, right down to the carefully silvered temples. Granted, he utterly lacks the gravitas (let alone the empathy for normal human beings) to pull off the role, but he’s good enough visually for a slick marketing campaign, and what else do ya need?