We just went through the first Citizens United (CU) election. Hundreds of millions were contributed by 50-100 billionaires, mostly wasted, mostly ineffectually used. While it is not possible to say if the money was totally ineffectual, there is certainly some thought that corruption, greed, and incompetence by Turd Blossom wasted millions.

There may be a strong downside as well.

There have been reports that Romney was essentially out of money in the summer, and lost a period of time in that he did not have enough money. At the same time, Crossroads was rolling in bucks. How is this possible?

Well, it is possible if the superpac strategy has a dark underside for the repukeliscum. At this point, the repukeliscum supporters have been conditioned to believe that the billionaires will step up to fund campaigns. Every dollar from Foster Freiss, Sheldon Adelson, other billionaires, is a dollar that did not have to be contributed by the R&F. Thus, at this point, the R&F are sitting on their wallets.

For the Democrats, we have now been conditioned to dig deep. The average contribution for Obama was small, for Romney much higher. Millions of small donors for the Democrats, many smaller number of larger donors for the Repukes.

Will this turn out to bite them in the butt? If the billionaires stop contributing, who will step into that breech? Who contributes to the candidates, to pay out, vs the superpacs, who run their own show?

Will the Superpacs hurt the Republicans in the long run?