Lindsey Graham is using the Benghazi attack and murder of four Americans for his re-election campaign. From America Blog and John Aravois:

Lindsey Graham is using our dead ambassador for his re-election campaign. […]

Lindsey Graham is running campaign ads about Benghazi. One such ad was found by Alvin McEwen of Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters on the Talk Points Memo site, and another on Daily Kos (Alvin forwarded them to me) …

Here’s one of them.

If you go to his website you won’t find them, so it’s possible he scrubbed them after Aravois’ blog post. Nonetheless, it’s a pretty sad statement about Graham and how low he will go. We got to the bottom of the matter yesterday when Petraeus testified. Even Senator McCain seemed to realize that. I guess Graham is so desperate to avoid a primary fight with a potential Tea Party candidate he will say anything. His seat is up for election in 2014.