Progress Pond

A Split on the Right

I don’t know about Sarah Palin running for president in 2016. I suppose she could. It’s a bit early to be making predictions about what will happen four years from now, particularly with so much upheaval around the globe and climate change, etc. Yet, right now, I’d feel pretty confident about predicting that there will be a strong third-party challenge from the right. I think someone with billions of dollars, or access to billions of dollars, will get fed up with the GOP and make a vanity run reminiscent in many ways of H. Ross Perot’s 1992 kamikaze campaign. It could be someone like Michael Bloomberg who wants to be a radical gun-control centrist pro-business pro-climate control pro-empire Republican. Or, it could be an empty vessel to carry the water of the lunatic right.

As things stand right now, I cannot see the right coalescing around one candidacy in 2016. Their party has become too regional, too religious, too white, and too FOXified. One person cannot contain all their crazy.

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