Progress Pond

Stupid Republicans

The Daily Caller doesn’t understand why a reporter would ask Sen. Marco Rubio if he knows the age of the Earth. They also don’t know why it could possibly matter what a politician, even a potential president, thinks about the age of the Earth. For the record, Sen. Rubio says that he isn’t a scientist and that theologians disagree about the matter so he has no opinion. Could be that the Earth was created last week, or perhaps several months ago.

The thing to do if you can’t remember the age of the planet is to use a search engine. You will immediately find your answer. This also works for discovering the atomic mass of Zinc, the diameter of Jupiter, or figuring out which day follows Tuesday. Perhaps you have forgotten the capital of Malawi or who played Chachi on Happy Days. Google or Bing can help you remember.

Marco Rubio just visited Iowa which is not something your average Cuban-American Floridian does unless he or she is planning on running for president. Why does it matter that Rubio doesn’t know or care how the old the Earth is?

Because it means he is either an idiot or a con man.

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