Paul Ryan is listed as Number 8 on Foreign Policy’s list of the top 100 Global Thinkers. Barack Obama is listed at Number 7. Both Clintons and the two Gates (Bill and Melinda) are listed ahead of them. For some other comparisons Netanyahu is listed at 13th, Ben Bernanke at 15th, Dick Cheney is 38th (tied with his daughter Liz), Charles Murray writer of “The Bell Curve is 43rd (though Salman Rushdie beats him out by ten spots), Bjorn Lomborg, a well known climate denialist (until he changed his mind – sort of – in 2010) is 58th, Rand Paul (yes, that Rand Paul) is listed at 71st, and (ahem) journalist and Iraq war supporter (until he wasn’t) Peter Beinert is at 99th.
Not sure what criteria Foreign Policy, a very “Inside the Beltway” publication, used to compile this list (e.g., the Opposition leader in Burma and Nobel Peace prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, are tied for the top spot) but please feel free to peruse it yourself and discuss the idiocy, laziness boot-licking tendencies, wisdom or lack thereof, of our so-called elite public policy intellectuals.
The Lion in Winter (1968) – Memorable quotes
Hey, friend, check out this reply I made to you here:
It’s the likely reason why you couldn’t embed that YouTube clip in that thread.
Must have been a typo.
Should have been “Stinker”.
I blame Microsoft’s auto-correct feature.
Self-absorbed, vain, fat-headed, and WAY seriously deluded dickheads, aren’t they?
looks like a list of global celebrities. how did that USAian black guy get on the list?
Is that Pussy Riot, representing the Russian Federation at 16, 16, and 16?
And Ai Wei Wei beats out Christine Lagarde.
Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney are tied for 38, coming ahead at 39 of Condoleeza Rice, 22 and 23 ranks below Pussy Riot.
Rand fracking Paul at 71?
Robert D. Kaplan, Chief Political Strategist, Stratfor at 82. Why have the Wikileaks disclosure of Stratfor emails discredited this “pay for what you want to hear” charlatan.
Jurgen Habermas and Chinua Achebe for the academics with warm feelings for these guys.
What a fanciful committee-created monstrosity of a list. Paul Ryan and Rand Paul are neither global nor thinkers.
The Onion could do better.
There’s always the possibility that they pirated The Onion’s story….
Even if, for the sake of argument, we accept that Ryan is a “thinker”, it boggles the mind to try and figure how he could possibly be lauded as a “global” one. His entire attention has been about establishing an Aynal oligarchy for the USA, with virtually no show of interest in global affairs.
Sad to think that a respected journal like Foreign Policy would be infested with wingnut extremists using their positions to market ideological trash that no one with the slightest claim to “intellectual” could even consider. I wonder if they’re too isolated in their phony elitism to realize how badly this will damage their credibility?
When you look out at the world through the walls of a counterfactual bubble, everything you perceive is warped.
If Paul Ryan is listed as Number 8 on Foreign Policy’s list of the top 100 Global Thinkers, I’m nominating my left nut for the Nobel Prize in Literature.