The President used his radio address to make clear that tax rates would be going up on the rich.
This is my favorite part of the post-election political landscape. The Republicans have lost, even if they continue to blow hot air and refuse to recognize reality. At this point, they remind me of Wile E. Coyote, having run off the edge of a cliff but not yet having looked down.
Idiots like Cantor make noises about having to put Obamacare on the table. The rationale is, “If we’re going to have to take a hit on our biggest legislative priority, you should too.” To which Obama’s reply has been to point at the scoreboard.
We’re now witnessing the first public fractures in a coalition that held together in solid opposition to Obama for four years.
They still don’t get how screwed they are, and continue to overreach in their demands. But the strategy of total obstruction, all the time, is dead. This is why Obama is making so many tough-sounding statements. The public is on our side, as evidenced by an election. Taxes on the rich are going up — full stop, exclamation point. Republican hostage taking on the debt ceiling? Bring it on because we all know your coalition, faced with polling numbers that show you’ll take the blame, is going to fracture.
When 20 Republicans break ranks to vote with Democrats, the fever will have broken.
This is my first diary on this site. Long time reader, recently began commenting. Love Booman’s insights as well as those of the community.
Thanks for this—a great start to your posting career!
Actually, we are now witnessing the public fractures of a coalition that has been in place for more like 50 years, Parallax. Heartening, to say the least.
Wile E. Coyote?
That about sums it up.
When Charlie Crist becomes a Dem in order to win the Florida governorship (not the he will win, necessarily) and the always-acting-in-pure-self-interest oe Lieberman publicly regrets his anti-Obama stance in 2008, the shit has already begun to hit the fan and the fan is aimed squarely at the tarpits of history.
I am not saying that we are necessarily going to enter some golden age of American History, however. It’s just a new same-old. Different cast, same games, same plot. Maybe a little better cast. Subtler, more intelligent. Thank God for small favors and do not look a gift horse in the mouth, I guess.
Nice cartoon, Arthur. Confirms for me that Obama is the Road Runner; I’d recognize that sly grin anywhere.
First of all, excellent diary.
Now to the assertion that 20 Republicans breaks the fever.
I’m not so sure. I can see a situation in which there is a Grand Bargain for the middle-class tax cut that has significant Medicare cuts but ends the debt ceiling threat. The play moves as follows. All Democrats vote for it out of loyalty to the President and enough Republicans to pass the House. And the Senate, at the urging of the Gang or Bipartisans also passes it with minimal Republican votes.
That would not necessarily break the fever.
That said, that is not a likely scenario at this point.