Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Just love taps compared to the ’70s by UAW & Teamsters. USW had a rep too. God! That smarmy bastard deserved a poke in the nose. And to have his ribs stoved in while he was on the ground.
Suspicious that he was holding his nose and a few seconds later he isn’t and there’s no blood or redness.
If this were a Tea Party event and that was a lefty tent, you guys would be apoplectic. Heck — Tea Party protest on Obama Care got lead-off major network news coverage where they were effectively called out as unstable for their radical chants. Yet they were peaceful / non-violent.
Compare that to this event?!?! This violence and blatant thuggery — the threats of violence, blood, beatings, etc., got zero coverage by the majors other than the Fox News crew.
This kind of hypocrisy of coverage and double standards sends fence sitters who see it to Fox for their indoctrination.
Check emptywheel’s tweets about the false flag operation that the AFP folks did to draw this reaction, including loosening the ropes on the tent right before the crowd pressed in.
Apparently no one reported any problems here to the Michigan State Police. I wonder why.
If the Breitbart poseurs think that this will get people to rally to their side, they are dead wrong. Wolf has been cried one time too many. Also, it doesn’t help to have your provocateur look like a smarmy prick, on top of being one.
Who could have possibly predicted that folks would be less than receptive to an a-hole from Fox?
on December 11, 2012 at 9:50 pm
Why not? Because some like in WI oppose recalls.
WHat they should do is IMMEDIATELY begin building for 2014, and stoking the outrage of all working people and those who support normal Americans. We need to use this to build outrage.
Ensure that all working class people are registered.
Stoke up resentment against banks, repukeliscum, and plutocrats.
I think it went very well indeed!
They’re lucky it was just a tent, and that this is 2012 – back around 1979 or so we’d be talking about a body count…
I sense that there was great restraint on the part of the union folks.
Thank God that was post-election. Republican outrage in 3, 2, 1 . . .
Unions workers didn’t tear down that tent!! It was attempted rat-fucking by AFP(Koch suckers) and the Breitbart-ian asshats.
Even if it was, the guy still got told off and then had blows rain down upon him.
Just love taps compared to the ’70s by UAW & Teamsters. USW had a rep too. God! That smarmy bastard deserved a poke in the nose. And to have his ribs stoved in while he was on the ground.
Suspicious that he was holding his nose and a few seconds later he isn’t and there’s no blood or redness.
If this were a Tea Party event and that was a lefty tent, you guys would be apoplectic. Heck — Tea Party protest on Obama Care got lead-off major network news coverage where they were effectively called out as unstable for their radical chants. Yet they were peaceful / non-violent.
Compare that to this event?!?! This violence and blatant thuggery — the threats of violence, blood, beatings, etc., got zero coverage by the majors other than the Fox News crew.
This kind of hypocrisy of coverage and double standards sends fence sitters who see it to Fox for their indoctrination.
Check emptywheel’s tweets about the false flag operation that the AFP folks did to draw this reaction, including loosening the ropes on the tent right before the crowd pressed in.
Apparently no one reported any problems here to the Michigan State Police. I wonder why.
Tahrir Square East. It’s coming. Spy vs. spy, hustler vs. hustler.
Cain’t wait!!!
Heavily edited by provacateur.
And I don’t even care. It gets the point across.
The video lacked pitchforks. And torches. And broken, bloody noses. The Fox News producers really aren’t trying hard enough. A pop-up tent? Really?
Yeah, things are totally out of control. Call in the National Guard.
If the Breitbart poseurs think that this will get people to rally to their side, they are dead wrong. Wolf has been cried one time too many. Also, it doesn’t help to have your provocateur look like a smarmy prick, on top of being one.
Smarmy Prick needs a wedgie. I’d pay money to see that.
Seeing that fucking tent on the ground, ripped to pieces made my day as I left the capital, where I had been sitting on the floor for hours.
It wasn’t a little tent, it was one of those fancy ones used for expensive outdoor weddings. Last week, only three people stood in it.
I like this video! Reminds me of the days when my Uncles would say don’t be a Non-Union guy in a UNION Shop.
Who could have possibly predicted that folks would be less than receptive to an a-hole from Fox?
Why not? Because some like in WI oppose recalls.
WHat they should do is IMMEDIATELY begin building for 2014, and stoking the outrage of all working people and those who support normal Americans. We need to use this to build outrage.
We need to do this in WI as well.
the next election is 2014, not worth a recall