Progress Pond

No Deal is Better Than a Bad Deal

While I can envision a deal that I would find acceptable that might ding Medicare benefits modestly, that’s highly theoretical and certainly not desirable. We would have to get a LOT of goodies in exchange for that, and the damage to actual Medicare recipients would have to almost non-existent for it to work for me. Basically, I’m talking about window-dressing here, just so the Republicans can save enough face to vote for the damn thing. Overall, there is no question that no deal is better than a bad deal. You can sign this petition that says that you will not support any deal that doesn’t increase taxes on the wealthy or that makes cuts to vital programs like Medicare or Social Security. That’s the position that Democracy for America is taking, and it’s the correct position. No one wants to go over the fiscal cliff, but there is no reason to make cuts to entitlements just to avoid it. If you think no deal is better than a bad deal, sign the petition.

Personally, I still doubt that John Boehner can get the votes for a good deal.

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