The petition to have Meet the Press host David Gregory arrested for illegal possession of a large capacity ammunition magazine within the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia is the first clever thing I’ve seen the right do in a very long time. It’s never easy to explain why rich fluffyheads are exempt from the laws that the rest of us must follow. Sometimes, as with NFL wide receiver Plaxico Burress (who famously shot himself in the leg at a NYC nightclub), it’s just not worth it to bend the law to account for fame and money. He went to jail for a while. This David Gregory gun brandishing thing could be the next Benghazi!! Except, this time, the Metro police are involved.
We should all go shoot watermelons in our backyards in solidarity and celebration.
Ironic that for the sin of daring to commit an act of half-assed journalism, DC’s biggest fluffer gets pantsed.
I guess when you’re a courtesan, it’s important to remember who the boss is, and it ain’t you.
In a somehow related matter, St. Pete can fluoridate their water again.
Let’s review. Clearly he didn’t sell or transfer the magazine, at least during the broadcast. And it’s not at all clear what constitutes possession. Did/does he actually possess the device or merely hold it up for the camera? Nice try though.
BTW dude, watermelons are out of season.
He had it in his hand, which would be the normal way someone would identify a gunman. I don’t know what transfer means in a legal sense, but I suppose it means to give it to someone else rather than merely to transport it. We must find the co-conpirators.
P.S. Perhaps pumpkins can suffice.
Given today’s Kaplan Test Prep Post, aka WaPo, story, why isn’t Dick Armey and his mini army being investigated/arrested?
With any luck David asked Wayne to bring it with him to the show.
It’ll be an interesting tangle when they find out who actually owned it and transported it to the show…or if an NBC producer went out and bought it to use as a prop.
it was an expression of free speech to make a political point.
Interesting how the Right wants him arrested: degrading the 1st amendment in order to protect the 2nd.
To hell with the magazine, I want Fluffy arrested for crimes against journalism.
I’ll give five 4’s for that one!
But then he goes and has one good interview – one, as far as I can tell, in his whole fluffy career – and that’s the one he gets in trouble for.
Really? Seriously? This is what the right has left to fight with?
This is in birther realm contorting themselves over what natural born means. Any DA would likely be fired is he/she pursued this. Any judge would likely throw the case out of his/her courtroom and threatened contempt charges for consuming even one minute of the courts time on this. I’m surprised the thing got more than one line of coverage from any credible news outlet.
Beyond stupid even if you don’t like fluffy.
Isn’t there something more important going on? Isn’t there a need for some actual governing?
CNN is Reporting that DC police told NBC, prior to taping, that it would be against the law to use the 30 round clip.
The department spokeswoman, Tisha Gant, said the police told NBC they could not use the magazine, since possessing a large capacity ammunition device is illegal in the District of Columbia. Gant said the matter is under investigation.
I can definitely see NBC having some legal liability if that’s the case. They might get fined.
Fined? NBC should be in jail for this! Corporations are people, after all.