Progress Pond

Krugman Disappoints Me

I think today’s Krugman is Krugman at his very worst. A lot of progressives really do wait to see what he says before they make up their minds about whether something is good or bad, and he provides totally inadequate guidance based on idiotic principles. Krugman is good with numbers and terrible with politics, and that really shines through this morning. He explains that progressives have a bad taste in their mouths because they didn’t like the way the president negotiated, not because of the result he got. A hugely bipartisan deal in the Senate that actually raised taxes on the rich (on their income and their deductions, on their dividends, on their capital gains, and on their estates) while preserving tax cuts for students, the poor, and the middle class, without touching entitlements is not something we should feel badly about.

Disappointment that the president didn’t get everything he wanted should be tempered by the fact that he also gave up nothing near what he “offered” to give up. Arguing that he showed weakness by wanting a deal is foolish when what he really needs is a series of deals over the next two years with a very reluctant and frankly unhinged Republican Party. We need a lot more votes in the Senate where we get close to 90 votes, not less.

Krugman should stick to telling us how the economy works and leave the politics to the pros who keep winning battle after battle with the Republicans.

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