The news cycle is so boring that it is probably a good time to engage in some gold old JFK assassination speculation. After all, it is the 50th anniversary this year. And now RFK Jr. is on the record that he’s convinced that there was more than one gunman. I’m convinced of that, as well. I also don’t think Oswald went to Mexico City.
I’m not sure what those two conclusions lead to, however.
Conspire away!
Reading this stuff makes me think of “I am the Owl”, by the Dead Kennedys, specifically the line that reads
I think one of the developments we can expect in the 50th anniversary year is another major “debunking” book like those of Bugliosi or Posner, complete with a big media push. Maybe another lone-nut TV special as well.
If you’ve got a few hundred bucks, pick up the book “Harvey and Lee” by John Armstrong.
Yeah, the CIA took pictures of a guy in Mexico City who pretended to be Oswald but didn’t look anything like him six weeks before the assassination. You’ve got to wonder why someone would be impersonating a nobody six weeks before the assassination.
Since we’re idly speculating in tinfoil hat territory, here’s a CT for you:
“John Brennan is President Barack Obama’s minder.”
if he was, he just got demoted.
Surely not his minder, Obama needs trusted lieutenants in John Kerry, Chuck Hagel and John Brennan to watch his back. [Obama recently implied a possible assassination during his 2nd term]
My recent comment – Obama’s 11th Dimensional Chess with Brennan.
[Obama recently implied a possible assassination during his 2nd term]
First I’ve heard of it. What’s that about?
Like McChrystal and Petraeus?
What do you mean by “minder”?
That Brennan is the powers-that-be bag man. I don’t think he is, since the President still meets with Bob Rubin. Despite Rubin’s complicity in crashing our economy.
What does it mean? Maybe that the Warren Commission Report was a whitewash job?
He also believed that thimerosol in vaccines was linked to autism.
Meh. A lot of people were concerned about that.
It was the Roswell aliens, laying low since their 1947 crash landing 1anding in the New Mexican desert. Bet on it, as one BTer says.
Be careful the man is going to take you away. You know too much.
It was Lee Harvey Oswald in the book depository with the Mannlicher.
What? I’ve got the cards right here in my hand.
Speaking of CTs, what’s up with the Bilderbergs? Word was last summer that Romney was their boy. Guess that didn’t work out so well.
My problem has always been the shot. Hitting a moving target, in that location, with that weapon, with little practice? Two out of three, in under seven seconds? With the first shot completely missing the vehicle?
Nobody has been able to duplicate the shot. Not expert marksmen, not the shot.
It’s not my favorite conspiracy though. The thing is, there are plenty of people who doubt the’ lone man theory’, and that is not a ‘successful conspiracy’. A successful one is when nobody even knows there was a conspiracy, nobody even talks about it.
That would be the railroads conspiring to elect Lincoln, to create a crisis, so they could build the ‘Northern Route’. THAT conspiracy led to 650,000 casualties. And the railroads ruled for 75 years.
I think Oswald is the least interesting avenue for investigation. If you’ve seen the Zapruder film, you’ve seen enough. The bullet that entered JFK’s head came from the front. The HSCA concluded that there was a crossfire. The article I linked to shows that Hoover told LBJ that the president would have been hit by the second shot if Connelly hadn’t learned forward.
There’s more that I won’t get into right now, but I am thoroughly convinced that there was more than one shooter. Was one of them Oswald? That’s tougher to determine.
And then Oswald gets shot! By a guy that then dies!
You really can’t make this shit up. No wonder people have been talking about it for 50 years. I’m not all that tied up about it, but it’s just unbelievable.
Was one of them Oswald? No. It’s not tough to determine.
Oswald is interesting for investigation in the sense that he was set up as a patsy by the same outfit that ran the assassination. Oswald was an American intelligence agent who in Russia acted as a kind of decoy and in the US was an agent provocateur (impersonating a leftist) — but more importantly he was being manipulated to create a “legend” for himself as the fall-guy.
I have actually studied this to an almost embarrassing degree, and I am not going to say that I disagree with you. I am only going to say that you haven’t earned the right to make such confident assertions. It is a hall of mirrors.
I think I’ve earned the right. And if I haven’t, who has? Nobody? As long as you class this in some deliberately ambiguous category of “conspiracy theory”, I suppose nobody can come out with anything but conspiracy theory, so if they say anything in a confident manner they must be a “conspiracy nut”.
However, it is actual history, and, deliberately constructed hall of mirrors though it certainly is, the problems of documentation and interpretation are the same as with any other historical question, though extremely complex. I am reasonably well read on the subject and I hold a doctorate in history. (I consider the first a requirement for anyone, not the second.)
I was a college student when Kennedy was killed, and I had the advantage of never needing to be convinced that Oswald did NOT shoot Kennedy, since I never believed it in the first place. That was based on evidence already known quite early on. Since then massive documentation has gradually become available (most of it from government sources).
None of this, in itself, means that I am correct. But I do have the RIGHT to historical judgment. I refuse to be trapped in some endless maze of “conspiracy theories”. Nor do you have to be.
The JFK assassination did not occur in a vacuum. It is a historical event in a historical context. (Cold war — military/industrial complex.) The assassination of Kennedy’s place in history continues.
It is much easier to say what is not true than what is true.
You really don’t have evidence that Oswald was sent to Russia rather than choosing to go their by himself. Even if he was, there is no reason to believe he was being set up to be a patsy at the time. More likely, he would have been sent to report back on what he could learn, it being a very closed society for Americans at the time. When he returned, it seems clear that he had connections to the CIA and also that he was being (he felt) harassed by the FBI. But it wasn’t known that JFK would ever be anywhere near the book depository when he got employed there, nor when he ordered his gun.
Even when he was being impersonated in Mexico City, this wasn’t known.
So, you are going very far out on a limb when he make the characterizations you made. It is easy to deconstruct what they say happened. It is impossible to construct what actually happened.
I’m sorry, Booman, but there is are tons of evidence about Oswald being sent to Russia. Read John Newman, Oswald and the CIA. The author is a former military intelligence officer and now a Professor of History at the University of Maryland. Read James di Eugenio, Destiny Betrayed, second edition, 2012. On Oswald’s intelligence background even before he went to Russia, read Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much, 2d ed., 2003. I mean, there are some obscure elements in the Oswald story, but this is not one of them.
I didn’t say he was set up to be patsy at the time. I said he was being used as some kind of a decoy for Soviet intelligence. This had to do with the U-2 flights. Oswald had been a top-security radar operator for U-2 operations at the base in Atsuga, Japan. His use as a patsy came later, but it came within the evolution of his role as an intelligent agent from decoy to provocateur to patsy. How could he be used as a patsy in Russia when Kennedy wasn’t even president yet, let alone scheduled to go to Dallas?
When Oswald was being impersonated in Mexico City, it was only about 7 weeks before the assassination. More important is why he was being impersonated there. Do you really think there was no plan for an assassination seven weeks before the assassination? Especially when there had been at least two earlier attempts, not involving Oswald, one in Chicago (aborted) and one in Tampa (planned.
Oswald supposedly left Mexico City October 3 and returned to Dallas. He was hired at the TSBD on October 16th. Do you know how he happened to get that job at the Book Depository? You can find out from Di Eugenio’s book.
I am not going far out on a limb at all. True, it is impossible to construct what happened in every detail, but a great deal more is known, and documented, than you realize.
Good for you.
Whether Oswald went to Mexico city or not is still one of the most obscure elements of the story. But whether he actually went there or not, there is no doubt that someone impersonated him there around the time Oswald would have left, and that is the more important point.