Booman in his recent article How To Be Transformative wrote very approvingly of the following general idea as laid out by CBS News chief Washington correspondent John Dickerson :

The president who came into office speaking in lofty terms about bipartisanship and cooperation can only cement his legacy if he destroys the GOP. If he wants to transform American politics, he must go for the throat.

Booman is right. The time for peaceful domestic political “transformation” in an attempt to continue a two-party system appears to be just about over. When a major spokesperson for what Ron Paul calls “The Government Media Complex” starts advocating tactics aimed at creating what would essentially a one-party government, the deal has already been signed, sealed and delivered.

Bet on it.

I posted an article on Jan. 2nd that expressed my own take on the matter. It still holds.

Obama: In For The Kill. Watch.

Read on.
In it I said:

Obama and the Dems have either been:

1-Given permission by the corporate masters of both parties to essentially put the Ratpubs out of business…a two-party fix system that is so blatantly populated on one side by a group of people who are headed for the tarpits cannot by sustained past a certain point of tarpitting, and it appears to me that said point has just about been reached. In 4 more years the already scrofulous-looking population of the Republican national convention will appear on television to be the geriatric ward of a whites-only country hospital.


2-The Dems have been instructed to fade a little so that the Ratpubs can be re-populated over the next several years by a media-based equality game of some sort. The true centrist act. You know…”Both parties are at fault here!!!”

We’ll see. Very soon.

If the Dems get to the edge of the so-called fiscal cliff and cop out at the last minute “for the good of the country” then it’s #2 and the attempt to continue the present alternating fix scheme will continue.

If they don’t cop out then they are going for the Ratpub jugular and the PermaGov plan for 2014 (2016 at the latest) is to have Dem majorities in both houses and a Dem preznit as well. Would that mean one-party rule? So nu? If the American public is so media-hypnotized that they will swallow anything…chemical-laden Subway sandwiches as “healthy food,” stupid, violent movies as heroic fare or people like McCain and Romney as serious contenders, all the same kind of necromancing/mediatrancing…then they will swallow a de facto dictatorship as well.


I followed it up…the above part was written in late December…with:

Two points:

I offered two basic scenarios that would happen during the negotiations that just went down in DeeCeeLand. (Disneyland East) The Dems…w/permission from the same masters who own both parties…would either be given the green light to essentially end the Republican Party as it now stands or they would be told to compromise up the yin-yang so that the Republicans would not lose so much face that the party splintered and became fairly irrelevant over the next four years.

I believe the answer is in now.

Number one: The coming end of the Republican Party as a major force in this country. It stands to reason. Demographics rule. You can’t run a decent fix when one of the contestants looks like a zombie. The marks won’t buy it. The key line in Obama’s speech?

…I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they’ve already racked up through the laws that they passed.

“I will not?” When was the last time Backoff Obama used that phrase when speaking to RatPublican litigators…err, ahhh…legislators?

It’s on, folks. The right wing nutcases will have their own party, whether it is still called ‘Republican” or not. And the right-ish center will either have to move to the Dems…who are themselves always ready and willing to move in any direction whatsoever as long as it means more power/more votes/more pork…start another party or surrender to the plain fact that without the nutcases they are just another minority group trying to have its say and failing because of the numbers. Obama’s mama…or somebody…taught him basic political math.

“Divide and conquer.”

Number two: Before alla you “FOUR MORE YEARS” fools start rejoicing, please remember…one party rule doesn’t work so well, either. A defacto, rubber-stamp government that is totally owned by the corporate world and supported by the most massively effective propaganda machine that the world has ever seen?

UH oh!!!

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.-Historian John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton (aka Lord Acton)-1887

And now I hear you, Booman…the ever-listening “progessive” insider as has been evidenced by your increasingly approving tone over the last four years regarding Obama’s tactics…saying:

I don’t really think the inaugural speech is the proper time to engage in strong partisanship. An inaugural speech ought to be aimed in large part at uniting the country and pushing for some broad consensus on the proper direction for the country. But, as an overall second term strategy, I can find no fault in Dickerson’s [break the Republican Party down] analysis.

So he’s going to be conciliatory in his inaugural speech while simultaneously planning to drive a stake right through the heart of the Republican Party? Kinda like accepting a Nobel peace Prize while simultaneously raining death and destruction down upon innocent people in Islamist areas?


I can see that.

A great president.


I guess it depends upon who it is that you ask.

Once again…do not rejoice too soon, Booman.

Lord Acton once again:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Be careful what you wish for.

You might get it.

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I am sorry, Booman. I do not believe that a president should elected to be a hired killer. When a country is truly threatened by massive force? Yes. We all must protect ourselves in this world or die. But this bullshit “War On Terror?”


It’s just more of The Great Game.

Blood For Oil.


If the Republican Party…stupidly regressive as it most certainly is…disappears, look at what is left.

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You been warned…

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You been warned.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.-Martin Niemöller

You been warned lots of times.

Be careful who you root for.

It often comes back to bite you in the ass.

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Bet on it.