I really appreciate all the thoughtful feedback you gave me on why you read this blog. Naturally, I enjoy all the compliments, but it’s more the tone of the comments that I find useful for understanding what it is that I do that has worth to people. It will help me stay grounded with what I do well and it created a voice I will be able to hear inside my head when I am not being faithful to what my readership values.

I’m kind of at a crossroad right now. I started this blog to protest the Bush administration and to help take power away from the Republicans in Washington. Then I became dedicated to helping Barack Obama win the primary against Hillary Clinton, and then the election against John McCain. After that, I wanted to help the president have a successful first term and make sure he was reelected.

Most of that has been accomplished. It’s not like the fight ever ends. But I need some assurance that there is a point in continuing this thing. And, frankly, I need like one-thousandth of Andrew Sullivan’s money or I can’t keep doing it.

In any case, your encouragement gave me a boost. Thanks for the input.