It’s interesting that Fox News is having the worst month they’ve experienced since August 2001. Perhaps something has finally broken the 9/11 fever. I wonder how many people there are in this country who looked at the results of the presidential election and compared it to what dimwits like Dick Morris and Doug Schoen and Pat Cadell and Karl Rove had been telling them and just had a sudden epiphany that they had been getting bullshitted into a state of totally misinformed denial.
I’d like to think there are a lot of those kind of people. But maybe it is more a matter of people being demoralized and not wanting to watch the news since it is mostly about President Obama. Maybe the reelection of the Kenyan usurper has caused a significant percentage of Wingnut Nation to go dormant awaiting some Rick Santelli moment to rouse them from their political hibernation.
After all, how long can a rageaholic go without their Two Minutes Hate? Eventually, they’ll be back, right?
Not necessarily. FOX-style culture warfare has lost. Without hopes for victory sometime soon, some will drift away. Americans hate losers.
I wonder if it’s just Fox, or if it’s all divisive politics-based television programming. I know that lately I’m not watching much TV News of any sort. And I’m not feeling a whole lot of outrage about much in the world. Things seem to be in good hands and the right things seem to be occurring as well as they can, in spite of the Republicans’ attempts to fuck everything up.
I don’t know how the outrage-junkies are coping right now though. Must be rough for them.
But same report says MSNBC is up 11% among the 25 to 54s, for what it’s worth. Of course their outrage has pretty good manners. But looks like it really is just Fox.
That’s good to know. Thanks.
It doesn’t mean a lot. Lets wait until the 2014 mid-terms before we divine any meaning. If Faux’s ratings continue to tank, that just means the wingnuts will have given up on BillO the Clown and Sean Insanity. Maybe that means they’ll, meaning viewers, go back to political non-participation. We’ll see.
It’s just despondency. They tried to “take their country back” and they failed.
And now the browns and the gays and the takers are running wild. The ground has shifted.
It is that. But it’s also the realization that the county’s not on their side. These people actually thought everything they believe was completely self evident and only a few fringe “libtards” would oppose them (or support Obama). They believed their poll skewing bullshit because it made no sense to them that they were losing.
Now that they get the country’s not on their side, they’re beyond demoralized. Many are turning away from politics. Sure, something could happen to rally them back around the stupid (and, in their hearts, they’ve never left), but I’m not surprised to see the energy behind their movement ebbing away.
Remember, Obama predicted this. Many of us said he was lying or nuts, but once again he demonstrated what a political genius he is.
Rick Santelli is one of the biggest assholes that ever walked the face of the earth. Big mouth pompous jerk. A dimwit narrcisist who would rather do his commentary in front of the mirror. God I hate that network. They are all prostitutes. Mark Haines is dead and he was the only one with any sense.
Agree, Mark Haines was the ONE person there with a conscience. R.I.P.
Perhaps their angry old white men viewers are taking cover in their bunkers, too busy gathering weapons in the face of the coming great Obama gun confiscation.
I don’t think there is any correlation between the tanking of Fox News ratings and a diminishing of the rage. In fact, as far as I can tell, the rage is as high now as it has ever been. They might be resigned to the fact the Obama won the election, but it certainly hasn’t put a dent in the level of vitriol I am seeing. They’re even getting worked up about Obama’s comments about football. Football, for gawd’s sake!!!
Obama could start shitting gold bricks and handing them out on the street corner, and they would still bitch that he’s just trying to buy voters for Hillary in 2016.
The hatred is to the point that it is self perpetuating. It no longer even needs a nugget of a fact to grow into a something. They are seething right now. They might not be watching television, but I can tell you, from my perspective here in the wing-nut corner of Ohio, they are still going strong. And they are as wound up and determined as ever to see Obama go down.
Mike, you are my reality check. I didn’t realize it’s so bad, I guess, because I surround myself with liberal-minded queerfolk every day. But yeah, when I really stop and think about it, I can see what you’re saying.
Randy, there is seldom a day goes by that I don’t hear some rant, or blame laid at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama for any range of purportedly heretical acts. It is quite wearisome at times. And it is pointless to even try to respond.
But our local Dems are gearing up for some work, so I will get to spend a bit of time in a more sensible environment, even if it is only occasionally. A lot of local politicians are up for re-election this fall, so there is work to be done.
Last fall some office supply delivery guy asked Mrs. ID if we were communists after he spotted a photo of the Obama family she had stuck to one of the file cabinets.
My wife works for a VERY REPUBLICAN company. All of the executive staff are ardent Republicans. Much money flows into GOP coffers from these executives. I am sure it is expected. There is one executive there, however, who has made it perfectly clear to all the other executive staff that she does not support the GOP and will not be pressured to do so. No one dares show any outward support for Democrats. She and my wife could only exchange knowing smiles and a little “terrorist fist bump” the day after the election. She leaned into my wife during lunch and whispered, “We did it!’.
They are madder than a mutha. they just didn’t believe that the country chose Obama.
how could ‘their America’ choose HIM?
I’ve seen that stated a few times. Not so much America, but as I live in VA…you can tell so many neo-confederates are just like, “How could the CAPITAL of the Confederacy choose that blah?”
Though they say, “I can’t believe my own state voted that way…”
Maybe old people are dying? J/k, I have no idea, but I hope it continues.
I was going to say there was probably a major epidemic of strokes taking place the night of the election and a few days thereafter. However, I think that would probably have been on the news somewhere.
So I will agree with the commenter below who is stating that the viewers have other priorities right now and when things get meaningful they will come back.
For most people, not the 1% I guess, or the major haters, real world issues begin to take over at some point.
I thought maybe there was something more exciting on the Speed Channel…
well that could be the reason. FN probably dreams of being the speed channel
I see Glenn Beck is calling for a party to celebrate the demise of the GOP. Limbaugh’s numbers have regained some after last May’s collapse.
Perhaps FOX watchers have just gone to the shooting range to try out all their new guns.
I’ve barely watched MSNBC since the election just because I’m sick of hearing about electoral politics. You can imagine how much sicker the teabaggers must be. I can’t imagine they’ve changed their nutso beliefs, but they probably do recognize that FN and friends failed to win the revolution. Maybe some even realize that they’ve been had, not by their ugly little gods but by FN’s promises.
So Fox has become to the teabaggers kind of what Harry Reid has become to liberals.
You just had to say his name, didn’t you? 🙂
This is the first day in a week that I hadn’t been furious at Harry Reid, and that was only because I hadn’t thought of him. Now, of course, I am furious once more.
Yes, to a teabagger, turning on the news these days is like getting repeatedly kicked in the nuts by reality. (Even the tiny bit of reality that bleeds through on Faux is too much.)
Fox is irrelevant even more than ever.
Just realized they’ve been bullshitted to all along?
No, that’s way too sophisticated for most people. The Fox audience wants to be bullshitted to, that’s why they’re there.
It’s that they lost. After all, nothing fails like failure.
Sure there are diehard cultists out there. Just not that many.
After all, you didn’t say Fox had NO viewers last month. Just that it was their worst month since August 2001. May they have many even worse.
And by the way, what was going on in August 2011? People were really getting fed up with Bush. Good thing 9/11 came along, eh?
I don’t really think anybody’s going to pull anything next month, though.
They’re too busy prepping for the end times.
I keep asking them what’s the expiration date for America. I can’t get an answer.
What do they mean?
They mean less Foxheads.
They mean less energy in the Foxholes.
They mean the end of the Republican Party as we have come to know it since the departure of Dwight Eisenhower.
They mean the tarpits for the remnants of that breed.
But…be careful when you rejoice.
There’s always another asshole just around the corner.
Watch, O holier-than-thou DemRats.
“sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof…”
AG, stop being such a sanctimonius prick about celebrations. Those of us (and you) who truly know the meaning of “Little Victories and Big Defeats” also know (or should know) that there is a time to celebrate.
So what if another mofo is coming? They are ALWAYS coming.
Nostradamus you ain’t
And when the celebrators are the problem? A willing part of the real problem?
What then?
Al Capone celebrated like a sonofabitch!!!
Not so much.
I’ll take Gandhi, thank you very much.
P.S. “They” are always coming?
What part of “they are us” did you miss?
Look inna mirror.
Anyone who supports massive militarily-enforced economic imperialism in order to sustain the gluttonous appetites of the entitlement-gorged American public is “the problem,” DF. People who support politicians who are responsible for continuing those policies are also part of the problem, even if those people are too media-brainwashed to truly understand the scope of their error.
And the blood-for-oil tide continues to rise.