Progress Pond

CUFI: We Pray for Opposition to Chuck Hagel

John Cornyn of Texas was one of three senators voting against nomination of John Kerry. His backers heven’t given up hope to block the nomination of Chuck Hagel, all in the interest of friend Israel. [Senate roll-call]

CUFI role in Hagel opposition shows conservatives’ resolve to stop confirmation

(Jewish Journal) – Chuck Hagel has made strides in his bid to secure Senate confirmation as defense secretary, winning the endorsement of leading Jewish Democratic senators and meeting with the leaders of major American Jewish groups.

But conservative pro-Israel opposition remains fierce, bolstered by the pivotal role being played by Christians United For Israel, the Texas-based group founded by Pastor John Hagee. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the first senator to come out against Hagel’s nomination, did so at Hagee’s behest, both men revealed on Monday.

CUFI’s affiliated Action Fund also has rallied hundreds of Christian pastors and leaders to Washington this week to lobby against the former Nebraska senator’s bid to succeed Leon Panetta.

The Vietnam War hero also has the support of liberal Jewish groups, including Americans for Peace Now, the Israel Policy Forum and J Street. On Wednesday, J Street was set to join Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), a veteran and a member of the Armed Services Committee, on a conference call backing Hagel.

Hagel also has met with leaders of centrist pro-Israel groups, several of which had expressed concerns about his candidacy, including the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The groups described the meeting as “an important opportunity for a serious and thorough discussion.”

Democrats control 55 of the Senate’s 100 seats and sources close to Hagel have said he is hoping that his longstanding friendships with some Senate Republicans will be enough to get the 60 votes necessary to avoid a filibuster.

Meanwhile, conservative Jewish groups have worked to keep up the pressure.

Last week, the Republican Jewish Coalition posted a web video featuring Democrats and Jewish organizational leaders expressing concern about Hagel. The Emergency Committee for Israel similarly ran a full-page ad in the New York Times on Jan. 15. The Zionist Organization of America is lobbying Senate offices.

Sheldon Adelson, one of the GOP’s most generous donors and an RJC board member, has called senators directly to make the case against Hagel.

“We’ve made a strategic decision to gin up as much support among our leaders to reach out to the folks,” said Matt Brooks, the RJC’s executive director.  

Clinton: Elections open new avenues for peace

(JPost) – Last week’s parliamentary elections in Israel open new avenues for Middle East peace and the US will pursue potential opportunities, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday.

“I actually think that this election opens doors, not nails them shut,” she told an assembly in Washington that was broadcast worldwide. “I know that President [Barack] Obama [and] my successor, soon-to-be secretary of state John Kerry, will pursue this, will look for every possible opening,” said Clinton.

She noted that the result of the January 22 vote had shown that “a significant percentage of the Israeli electorate had expressed the need to take a different path, both on the domestic scene and vis-à-vis the peace process in the Middle East. I know that President Obama (and) my successor, soon-to-be Secretary of State John Kerry, will pursue this, will look for every possible opening,” said Clinton.

During a recent phone call, Obama told Netanyahu he looks forward to working with the new government, and reiterated his commitment to the “deep and enduring bonds” between Israel and the United States. Obama also pledged to the prime minister to “work closely with Israel” on their “shared agenda for peace and security in the Middle East.”

Secretary Clinton’s Interview at Global Town Hall

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