Guns keep you safe? How about the inherent American culture of lethal violence of wars and daily witness of crime? It’s not the gun that kills but people who can’t handle the responsibility. Yeah! Former US Navy Seal sniper killed by Iraq veteran at shooting range in Texas. Advocate of more guns at schools to keep children safe. What a BS. Stamp out the gun lobby and the Jewish lobby in Washington DC and that may help make the world a safer and better place. Another headline that made my head turn: White House rebuffed Clinton-Petraeus plan to arm Syrian rebels.
Former U.S. Navy SEAL sniper with 160 kills shot to death in Texas
FORT WORTH, Texas (KHOU) – Chris Kyle, the former U.S. Navy SEAL sniper who was responsible for 160 kills during his career as U.S. Navy SEAL sniper, was shot and killed with another man at a gun range on Saturday. Kyle served four combat tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom and elsewhere, and won two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars for bravery.
Kyle, who wrote “American Sniper ” about his military service from 1999 to 2009 was found dead at the Rough Creek Lodge’s shooting range, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, quoting Erath County Sheriff Tommy Bryant. The second victim was not identified.
Rough Creek Lodge is located in Glen Rose, Texas, which is about 50 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Rough Creek Lodge referred calls to the Erath County Sheriff’s Office but Bryant was not immediately available for comment.
A suspect, identified as Eddie Ray Routh, was arrested, according to reports. [Some reports relate suspect may have been suffering from PTSD and Kyle was giving support – Oui]
Chris Kyle, Author of American Sniper, Killed at Erath County Gun Range
The Stephenville Empire-Tribune reports, law enforcement officials throughout the county were initially searching for a large four-door Ford pickup that is high off the ground and covered in Rhino liner, with a skull sticker in the back window. Eddie Ray Routh has since been arrested shortly before 9 p.m. in Lancaster. Eddie Ray Routh was arrested January 2012 for DWI with open container. He was released on $1,500 bond. Eddie Ray Routh, an Iraqi war veteran, is expected to be charged with capital murder.
Chris Kyle is a former Navy SEAL, who served four tours of duty in Iraq. He was given the nickname “The Devil of Ramadi” by insurgents. He leaves behind a wife and two children.
Kyle was shot point-blank while helping another soldier who is recovering from post traumatic stress syndrome, officials said.
…..They said Routh was believed to be highly trained with military experience. He was reportedly later captured in Lancaster, south of Dallas. The individual was believed to be highly trained with military experience, according to the Erath County Sheriff’s Office.
Officials said the second shooting victim was a neighbor of the suspect. All three men lived in Midlothian, Texas. Source: KHOU
In a 2012 interview with Time magazine he was asked what went through his mind when he aimed at a target.
In the wake of the slayings of 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Connecticut in December, Kyle was interviewed in January about rising calls for curbing gun violence in the United States. He told the website guns.com that he favored arming teachers who have been screened and trained and spoke against restrictions on gun owners.
Chris Kyle competed on NBC’s Star Earned Stripes show last summer.
Latest news: Texas man charged in fatal gun range shootings of author and ex-Navy SEAL Kyle and his friend Chad Littlefield
A state completely isolated by its own politics vs. the Palestinians, finds its primary defence in bullying any and all protesters of its policies in the illegal occupation and settlement expansion of the West Bank.
See my other diary today – The Lawless Old West – Navy Seal Sniper Chris Kyle Shot Dead.
All I have to say is…what goes around, comes around.
Bet on it.
Every day I more clearly hear that flock of chickens coming home to roost.
Bet on that as well.
Boasting about 160+ long-distance kills!!! Hell, the guy was a piker compared to your average drone controller. The drone guys ‘n gals can take out several families at the press of a button and then go take a break at the PX, freshen up with some nice, fresh, genetically modified California salad greens and chemically created commercial ranch dressing, then jump into their new KIA sportwagons (That’s right…KIA. Killed In Action. Great name, eh bubbas?) and drive back to the good ol’ family compound for a night of greasy buffalo wings, bad beer and equally genetically modified football playing.
Here they come, babies. These things about which you are hearing now? The almost daily violent gun events at public places, the suicides by cop, the batshit-nuts conservative pols? That’s just the avant garde of this flock of chickens. Wait’ll the main flock starts to darken your skies.
What goes around comes around.
It ain’t gonna take that long.
Israel is even now maneuvering the U.S. into a no-win position, daring Iran to retaliate in protection of its Syrian ally.
It’s already on.
A future King. A jolly and unconflicted killer? So nu?
If this doesn’t end LaPierre’s nonsense that a “good guy with a gun” is what stops a “bad guy with a gun” don’t know what will.
Have to wonder how long it will take the rightwing nutcases to claim that these two deaths were another liberal plot.
Nothing will end it. That’s his bread and butter (and steak and Jaegermeister).
Well, he can always continue to utter his nonsense in the wilderness, but that assumes he speaks from some deeply held beliefs. More likely he’ll tone down the crazy when the gun manufacturers threaten to turn off their money spigot in response to the public and media refusing to listen to more of LaPierre’s nonsense.
But not until (if it ever happens) then.
An odd and rather stupid NYT article:
Maybe if she’d worked tirelessly with the Assad regime to get some concessions, she could claim a second success. Not that she can claim any other successes for having worked with other brutal regimes. And arming the “rebels” in Libya isn’t working out too well either.
Will have to give Obama a couple of points for not listening to Clinton and Peteaus wrt Syria.
[Introduction of my new diary tomorrow – limit 2 per day – about this topic]
As I noticed in John Kerry’s nomination hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations commission, a slight opening into a renewed effort for a Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement. Ahead of the last Israeli elections for the 19th Knesset, Netanyahu appeared to slam the door shut on a two-state solution. The Israeli voter gave Netanyahu a vote of no confidence in a similar manner as Mitt Romney lost the election to Obama. With the proposed increased building of settlements in East Jerusalem designated as E1 bloc, a contiguous Palestinian state would be impossible.
As always thanks for all the links Oui. I’ve followed most and read or watched other interviews by Kyle. He seems to have a lot of contempt for various people and segments of the population. Refers to all northern’s as Yankees, hates Ca., thinks the general public are all ‘pussies’, of course he seems to hate Obama and believes he’s going to take all our guns away. Ageed with Alex Jones although said he was a little to emotional in that Piers Morgan interview.
Has no problems with people he killed as Iraqi’s are not human.
Motto for his security company is whatever your mom told you about violence isn’t true..sometimes violence is the answer.
Don’t think he cares for the government but he has a contract with the DOD.
Whether he is a ‘hero’ or not probably depends on your own personal viewpoint.