
Good on you!!!

We Need a Real Debate on Drones

A giant step closer to WTFU-land. I knew you had it in you. That’s why I came to Booman Trib in the first place. You are possessed by an essential honesty that you must eventually obey no matter how uncomfortable the resulting position.

You write:

One reason I can’t argue in favor of the administration’s policy is that they won’t tell me what it is.


Nor will they tell you:

1-Their real policies regarding the “terrorists” that we laughingly refer to as the financial sector. Not really. Not “with enough specificity and supporting evidence to allow [you] to understand it,” Why are the many architects and other servants of the criminal U.S. financial system not only not in prison cells but actually making even more money than they were making before the collapse of essentially the entire U.S. financial system? Why are many of them in positions of power in the federal government? Watchdogs over their own criminal enterprises? Please.

2-The real activities of the U.S. secret police…national and international. Of course…that’s a no-brainer because the “they” to which you refer (the PermaGov frontmen in the federal government, including the president and the legislature) do not really know what the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and the rest of the acronym-ridden secret government are doing. They don’t even really know how much money that system has or how it is being spent. That’s why it’s “secret.”


Catch 22 came a little late this century, but it’s certainly well in place now.

They may have an inkling of how much money is annually being funneled into that system but none whatsoever about how many trillions of dollars the system has used in various investments (investments that are without a doubt privy to massive amounts of inside information), how much profit has been made from those investments or how that money is being and has been used.

3-You are not being told of the absolute stranglehold the corporate-owned Permanent Government has on the major U.S. media. The evidence is there right in front of you…it has never been more plain than it was in the ongoing presidential fix of 2012…but you are too hypnotized by the brilliant hustle of it all to see the woods for the trees.

How do i know this?

Because you also write:

I periodically voice these concerns and then I go back to railing against the Republicans, who are certainly worse in every area pertaining to civil liberties and foreign policy.

i refer you once again to my sig.

Always remember…the lesser of two evils is still an evil.

Read on.
This ongoing criminal conspiracy is not simply a “vast right-wing conspiracy” as Hillary Clinton stated regarding the efforts to take her husband’s presidency down. It is now more of a centrist conspiracy in which she is apparently quite wittingly taking part.

Your U.S. began to disappear in Dealy Plaza about 50 years ago, Booman. After a number of assassinations, the murder of millions in trumped-up “wars” and the total takeover of the media as a mind-shaping system it is now pretty much complete. It’s a permanent fix. First the Republicans are the”winners,” then the Democrats. As the Republicans get too punch drunk-looking to stand in…and we are pretty much at that point already…there will magically appear another set of opponents, opponents who will get their turn with the championship belt if they’ll make the deals necessary to get there. Rand Paul has already signaled his own willingness to toe the line…witness his father’s take on the recent shooting of our heroic Sniper-In-Chief and Rand Paul’s almost immediate contradiction of it for all you need to know on that idea…and the game will continue until it falls apart from sheer internal rot.

You’ve got the right idea, Booman. You just need to take it further. Imagine Rand Paul in the White House with the National Defense Authorization Act in place as the law of the land.

Or Chris Christie.

UH oh!!!


You asked for it, and now you’ve got it.

Congrats, and wake the fuck up some more!!!




P.S. You also write:

…it’s not just the legal justification that they won’t share, it’s the overarching philosophical vision. Where is this going? How does it end?

They won’t “share” the truth of the matter because that would pull back the curtain that is presently in place hiding the wizened little controller wizards from the rest of us “If-we-only-had-a-brain” inhabitants of U.S/Oz. In place of a brain they offer us Beyoncé in a seemingly endless S+M nightmare as halftime “entertainment.” No wonder the birth rate’s going down!!!

Where is this going?

As far as they can take it.

How does it end?

It will end the same way as does every massive criminal conspiracy, Booman.

It will collapse of its own dishonesty.

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. Martin Luther King Jr.

If there is a sure bet in this little corner of the universe, that’s it. The history of mankind on this little speck of planetary dust stands in complete agreement with that one idea.

It’s just a matter of time.

Bet on it.

How long?

That’s where the betting comes in.

We bet our lives and the lives of our loved ones every time that we support the actions of our criminal elite.

And it’s a lousy bet.


Maybe if enough of us wake the fuck up we can ameliorate some of the blowback that will inevitably come our way as a result of the last 60+ years or so of U.S. criminality.

Or…maybe not. I dunno.

But it’s worth the effort, even if only in a moral sense.

Honor above all.

This idea encapsulates the essential long-term survival mechanism.

Bet on that as well.

And now…station WTFU signing off once again.

Keep it up.
