Poor, poor, K-Lo, she is going to be scarred for life after reading about how Dawn Pieke inseminated herself in her bedroom with a gay Australian man’s semen sample. She never stops whining about people not following her ideal of perfectly Pope-approved straight missionary not-for-pleasure-strictly-for-pollination-purposes sex within sacramental marriage (in a church, by a priest) between two people of opposite sexes resulting in a non-aborted baby raised by the two previously mentioned monogamous happy people who will never grow bored, stray, divorce, and fight over custody.
It’s none of your goddamn business, Kathryn. It’s a free country. Remember?
Her opening was the best. “I was just innocently minding my own business, reading the liberal fagrag, erm, excuse me…The Paper of Record…when I was accosted by TEH GAY. What is this world coming to?”
you’d almost expect her to be relieved that there was no actual sexy-time involved until you remember that the semen sample didn’t make itself.
She’d obviously prefer that the kid grow up in a
lovelesstraditional marriage.what a detestable piece of shit.
“Free country?”
And would you say that to a story about Mormon polygamy?
Though I think marrying an animal somewhat pointless, I could see giving Rick Santorum a stroke and moving toward toleration of plural marriages.
State-sponsored monogamy is just state-sponsorship of Christian marriage, anyway, and was clearly understood to be that when persecution drove the Mormons west and the US congress refused to grant Utah statehood without a ban on polygamy.
Not exactly in the spirit of First Amendment disestablishment or free exercise, either, is it?
they are not married. your comment is pertinent how?
So you’re free to be married monogamously or to not be married?
I get it, now.