When Michelle Obama showed up at the end of the Academy Awards to announce that Argo had won Best Picture, she really upset J-Rube. The thing I don’t really understand is why J-Rube considers watching the Academy Awards one of her “simple pleasures” when, as she says, it’s all “for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for [Michelle’s] husband’s election.” I mean, I am a liberal, and I can’t stand those people. Taken alone, I think some of them are outstanding individuals, but put them together for a self-congratulatory awards ceremony where everyone pretends to like each other while not-so-secretly lobbying and backstabbing, talking about “who” they are wearing, and otherwise taking ostentation and self-absorption into the stratosphere? Yeah, they make me want to puke.
So, why was J-Rube sitting at home watching these people she hates so much in the first place? Was she really basking in the glow of all that beauty and fame until the moment that Michelle Obama appeared? Doesn’t sound like it:
It was the average too-long, unfunny, over-produced Academy Awards TV show and then, after suffering through the 10-hour (well, it seemed like it) show, there was the first lady. In a ball gown. With military service personnel in dress uniform behind her.
Based on my Twitter feed, most liberals agreed with her that the Oscars were boring and unfunny and monumentally lame.
I guess she just wanted to take her mind off of Chuck Hagel’s impending confirmation as Secretary of Defense.
The First Lady appearing on the Academy Awards, yet another sign that the Apocalypse is near.
The second I saw Michelle, I thought, “Oh, goody, the usual suspects will sputter in impotent rage.” When it’s stuff like this, far divorced from policy, I can fully enjoy the schaudenfreude I feel over the aneurysms they so evidently suffer in the middle of their hategasms.
But Lord, Jennifer is embarrasingly bad here, even by her own horrible standards. First, there’s the bad use of grammar throughout- when your language is worse than mine, that’s bad. Is her editor trying to make Rubin look bad by refusing to help her?
Besides the juicy tidbits picked out by BooMan, there’s these:
“Alas, none of the films nor her aides reminded her to mention the military,…”. Perhaps, J-Rube, that’s because the FLOTUS was making a generalized statement about all the nominees, almost none of which had a major storyline which tied to the military, and to do so would confuse the audience.
“She did have time to give a crumb to the gay community, applauding the movies that inspire us “no matter who we are or what we look like or who we love,” adding that “they are especially important for our young people.” This is so dense in its stupidity that I barely need comment, other than to point out that exactly ZERO of the Best Picture nominees had a gay-themed storyline, causing J-Rube’s huffing and puffing over her completely anodyne FLOTUS quotes to make her look quite exquisite in her foolishness.
“Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining…”. Oh, for the love of Judas, use your noggin, Jennifer, and deduce that the Oscar producers invited her. What, you think Michelle called Clooney and said, “Hey, grab me a piece of the Best Picture action?” Despicably stupid.
After despairing that the White House has no sense of restraint, she scales her own self-discipline to the rafters: “No one there would dare suggest nearly half the country didn’t vote for (Obama) and doesn’t much like him and might want to be left to their small daily pleasures.” No one would dare suggest that Rubin and the rest of her krazy kousins enjoy nothing, not even light entertainments, because of their overweening need to politicize absolutely everything.
Then, her totally obvious punchline: Stupid liberals ruined Best Picture by not-voting for my favorite torture porn- DAMN YOU HOLLYWOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
At least the 1st lady isn’t trying to replace the White House China.
That and polishing her diamonds.
So, this happened.
Wow she is a really bad dancer and not funny. Did she neglect to review that before posting?? And if she did review it…she is even nuttier than I thought.
Roflmao…epic fail.
why do Republicans not understand production values? should be their thing since costs $$$$$$$
BooMan, I clicked the link and came right back as soon as I realized who made the video and what it would be about. I really dislike Malkin, but when she does one of those things, it is so uncomfortably, confoundingly unfunny that it really does make me cringe for her.
Loved your takedown of J-Rube, though, dag-in-a-barrel as it was.
It the schmoozing and backstabbing were more explicit, it would be more entertaining.
“Game of Thrones at the Oscars”
My guess is that the reasoning in their little reptilian pea-brains goes something like this:
When they see da’ black….they must push back.
When they see only da’ white…it’s pure dee-light.
I thought FLOTUS was the best part of the Oscars.
I did not know the FLOTUS was there, I did not know who one either… till work today when other people mentioned it. I still don’t know the details, and I still haven’t seen any videos of it. This is because, unlike many conservatives it seems, am able to ignore and not think about things that I don’t give a flying fuck about or I dislike. And since I dislike “Hollywood”, and I really could give a rats ass about the awards, I simply choose not to pay attention to them. Because it’s stupid and a waste of time.
While I thought the military folks behind her was dumb (really, for oscars?) the lady knows how to work a country. Wish she wanted to go into politics for herself.
Military is her thing, so I suspect she just wanted to have them in background.
Also too, she was at the Governors Ball at the White House, so I also suspect the military guards just happened to be there?
That’s surely snark, ‘Military is her thing’.
Sorry, I meant that one of FLOTUS biggest “causes” are military families. What I meant to say was I suspect the Governors’ dinner
not at all. From the outset she reached out to military families. She’s done a great job foregrounding the issues of military families.
of course. how thrilled their kids must have been to see them at the Oscars
For those gluttons:
WARNING: Make sure you haven’t eaten in at least 2 hours, and that you have plenty of brain bleach available.
I kind of wish the first lady would stay out of this kind of trivial, ego-stinking crap. She’s not one of the kids, she’s a model for what dignity and, in the best sense, aristocracy are supposed to look like. This case in particular opens up charges of paying back Hollywood moneybags.
Did you happen to watch a video of Michelle Obama’s appearance or read what she said?
I felt like she was speaking up in support of the arts and what that does for all of us, especially children in this country.
I no longer subscribe to the “opens up charges” argument.
These people are going to throw out charges no matter what. There is no appeasing them, and their continual freak-outs have grown stale to everyone who isn’t already in the cult.
Who gives a shit? Do you think that FLOTUS was the first President, or spouse, to do something Oscar-related like that? Of course not!!
Entertainment industry is a big industry in the USA. Great that WH recognizes and supports it. the economic collapse wreaked havoc in the entertainment industry since movies are financed by loans. Think job creation. Interesting – I just saw A Good Day to Die Hard – end note told how many jobs created by that movie; many thousands
Seth MacFarlane was the worst and most unfunny host ever. Hope he doesn’t get asked to do that again. I love movies and I enjoy the Oscars. Thus, explaining why the program was so unfunny. My solution to this problem was to turn the sound down whenever he was on the screen. Those of us who have been watching movies all our lives are very aware that anything based on an historical event that comes from Hollywood is normally very loosely based on the event. Also, I am sure there were many other programs on other stations for those who hate the Oscars. For us on the west coast, they begin at 5:30 and were over by 9 p.m. All for the convenience of the east coast viewers.