When Michelle Obama showed up at the end of the Academy Awards to announce that Argo had won Best Picture, she really upset J-Rube. The thing I don’t really understand is why J-Rube considers watching the Academy Awards one of her “simple pleasures” when, as she says, it’s all “for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for [Michelle’s] husband’s election.” I mean, I am a liberal, and I can’t stand those people. Taken alone, I think some of them are outstanding individuals, but put them together for a self-congratulatory awards ceremony where everyone pretends to like each other while not-so-secretly lobbying and backstabbing, talking about “who” they are wearing, and otherwise taking ostentation and self-absorption into the stratosphere? Yeah, they make me want to puke.

So, why was J-Rube sitting at home watching these people she hates so much in the first place? Was she really basking in the glow of all that beauty and fame until the moment that Michelle Obama appeared? Doesn’t sound like it:

It was the average too-long, unfunny, over-produced Academy Awards TV show and then, after suffering through the 10-hour (well, it seemed like it) show, there was the first lady. In a ball gown. With military service personnel in dress uniform behind her.

Based on my Twitter feed, most liberals agreed with her that the Oscars were boring and unfunny and monumentally lame.

I guess she just wanted to take her mind off of Chuck Hagel’s impending confirmation as Secretary of Defense.